Yesterday students from Year 9 and 10 had the opportunity to attend the University of Oxford. Students got to explore Keble College, the city centre and the Bodleian Library which features rare and historical documents such as the Magna Carta. A great day and a real privilege to see students having a great day.
Hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas break so far. Just wanted to highlight some apprenticeship opportunities that have gone live for our Year 13 students:
Lloyd's Bank have two positions in Birmingham -- one in Financial Services and the other in Data Analysis. Closes on Jan 16th so need to be quick: https://tinyurl.com/y29xs38f
RTX have a manufacturing engineering apprenticeship in Wolverhampton available here: https://tinyurl.com/yzu7aytu
Please look at entry requirements for both. There will be more opportunities over the coming days and weeks -- a few go live on the 27th of this month. Top tip: create a LinkedIn profile and follow relevant companies as most are advertising through LinkedIn.
Enjoy your time off but keep your eyes peeled as the perfect opportunity may pop up over the festive period! Merry Christmas and good luck!
It is my last day as Headteacher of Q3 Academy Tipton today 😞
THANK YOU for being the most wonderful students, staff and community I’ve ever worked with.
Here are some of my favourite memories.
We hope you enjoyed our Christmas Jumper Day. Whose outfit was the best? Ms Featherstone loved Mr Maddock’s festive suit.
Yesterday Year 13 Sport students visited the University of Wolverhampton's Walsall campus for an awareness day of careers in sport.
Students got hands on with biomechanics and exercise therapy sessions, as well as planning PE activities for each other to take part in.
A great day full of inspirational people.
WE ARE OPEN but with a later start time. Arrive for 10:30an and go to Tutor, not line up.
Wrap up warm.
We’ve tried to clear the school site to make it safe but can’t. School shut today. Forecast says it will clear and we’ll be open on Wednesday.
Monday and Tuesday saw 4Schools visit our Year 7 students who were challenged with creating their own digital content while working to stringent budgets.
Students then flaunted their public speaking skills by presenting their ideas and justifying their spend.
Great creativity, excellent teamwork and some fantastic enthusiasm were all on display.
Well done, Year 7!
See you all back as normal on Monday! Make sure you have money on your lunch card and all your equipment ready.
Happy Diwali to all in our community that are celebration. 🪔
Calling all spooky Year 7 students! Next week we are hosting a special Halloween disco just for you!
Entry is just £1 and you can buy snacks on the night.
Make sure you return your permission slip! See your tutor or Mr Cavell if you missed one.
For Year 11 students and parents/carers:
Here are all of the local college and sixth form open events planned in for the upcoming year. For some of these events, you will need to book places so please see the websites listed.
Fantastic A Level Politics trip to watch this evening.
They have arrived in Weston-Super-Mare! And it’s NOT raining! 🌞