New for September
Dance for children with additional needs.
Each week learn a fun routine
Ages 11-16
Monday 4.00-4.45pm
With Miss Mia
Contact [email protected] for further information
Whittingham Dance offers dance and performing arts classes of the highest quality for children and adults held at our purpose built studios in Stafford Park.
We also provide brilliant holiday workshops for children aged between 5-12 years.
Operating as usual
New for September
Dance for children with additional needs.
Each week learn a fun routine
Ages 11-16
Monday 4.00-4.45pm
With Miss Mia
Contact [email protected] for further information
Autumn Term 1 Timetable
Only a few changes 😅
Missing you all and looking forward to seeing everyone back, just where are the weeks going. Hope you’re all enjoying them so far.
Thank you to all those that have contacted us regarding trials for the new term. We have a lot of you booked on and can’t wait to welcome you.
Invoices will be making their way to you soon, please wait until 25th August for any queries ask these won’t be answered until then.
Lots to announce next term it’s going to be exciting 💙
Excited to reveal something new from September at Whittingham Dance.
We are now offering classes for home educated children on Tuesday afternoons.
The demand for these classes has already been through the roof, so we are taking the plunge and adding more to our timetable..
For a timetable and price list please contact us on [email protected]
Our workshops have been going so well to start off the summer!
We are now taking a well deserved week off..
Still some places up for grabs on Disney Week 12th-16th Aug.
Miss Louise is back on 19th-23rd Aug you do not want to miss this week. We are so lucky to have her back 💙
Shocked and saddened to hear about what happened in Southport. How anybody could do this to innocent children enjoying their holidays doing something they love is just unbelievable.
Thoughts go to the families who must be utterly devastated, teachers who tried to save them and the beautiful babies that have lost their lives ♥️
Well done everyone ♥️
Just a few of our classes receiving their medals and certificates after a wonderful year. Well done to everyone you have worked so hard. Have a lovely summer break, see you all very soon.
Thank you to all parents for your continued support. We hope you have loved seeing your child’s class this week if you were able to..
We also have our workshops available throughout the holidays if you miss us too much and want to join in the fun!
Love Miss Emma and Team
Some more pics of our fabulous awards night..
Please send any through that you have 💙
Thank you to everyone that came to the awards evening. It was so lovely to see you all having such a wonderful time. You all looked beautiful. Congratulations to our award winners. We missed you Miss Jamie and Damian 💙
Thank you to everyone that helped bring this event together x
When you wake up to this!!
Hi Emma. I just wanted to reach out and thank you for providing such a wonderful, thriving and encouraging environment for my daughter.
This has been her first term and I was so thrilled to see her yesterday get up and do what she did! Her confidence blew me away! Thank you to you and your wonderful team for giving these young ladies all the encouragement and support. She’s enjoyed every moment of it. ☺️
Ava came over shy today at parents watching week. As soon as she got home this is what she did for her mum and dad! Supserstar Ava sasspot 💙
Happiest of Birthdays to our tumble coach Reece. We hope you have a fab day 💙from all at WD
I can’t recommend Dionne enough she is absolutely brilliant x
I offer both 30-minute and 1-hour sports massage sessions, during which I can also provide suitable exercises and stretches to target your issues. These sessions aim to improve flexibility, expedite muscle recovery, and prevent injuries
Sorry I don’t have everyone’s picture, but I am so proud of every single pupil that entered Telford Dance Festival.
This one is a tricky one because I can only watch little snippets but let me tell you I am amazed at your performances, amazing progress and love watching your friendships and constant support and encouragement of each other. Please don’t ever change.
To all the teachers for their wonderful choreography and care for you all.
Parents for their endless support and commitment.
On a personal note to anyone that has helped my girl it means so much to me especially at the moment. Forever grateful.
Keep smashing it WD love you all lots 💙
Exciting Summer Workshops 💙
We have a jam packed summer of FUN ready for you!
Places can be booked by emailing the details on the poster.
Half day £20 3-4 years
Single day £30
3 days £75
Full week £125
Thursday vibes with my Intros
Happiest of birthdays to the chief dressmaker of WD. You are a wonderful person inside and out making sure we are always ready for any event.
Hope you’ve had a wonderful day. Love from us all 💙
Emails have been sent to all parents with an invitation to the awards 💙
Hoping you can join us..
💯 💙
A letter to our Dance Mums/Dads/Guardians…
When you send your little people to dance class; you’re investing in their future! ✨
You’re trusting in the school and the people behind it.
Those people invest their time and energy and skills into ensuring your little people get the best possible experience.
It’s about so much more than dance itself.
No we don’t just show up to dance class with our music ready to go, and no, we aren’t “money grabbers”.
We’re passionate beyond belief and we have to be to stick it out because it isn’t always easy!
We put ourselves under pressure to be the best for you and there are times when that pressure feels too much.
We have high standards and we want nothing but the best for you and your littles.
Because we know that dance plays a HUGE part in childhood.
Your kids will be making memories that will last a lifetime.
They will find friendships that will remain strong into adulthood.
They’re learning to be resilient.
Dance improves their confidence.
They are learning the importance of commitment and showing up - because if we don’t show up, we let others down but we let ourselves down too.
Quite often, your dance teachers are the hidden heroes of society.
Bold claim I know, but hear me out…
My dance teacher was a massive role model to me growing up.
She was a source of inspiration.
I looked up to her.
Attending dance class made me believe that I could do anything I put my mind to.
It made me realise that I wanted to make a positive impact on others.
It helped me escape reality for a little while and as a teenager especially, I often needed that space.
It made me see what I was capable of and it brought me out of my shy little shell.
I’m forever thankful to my parents for all they probably had to sacrifice to afford to send my sisters and I to dance classes.
God we know it isn’t a cheap hobby, but it’s our livelihoods and we value how valuable we are. We value ourselves and we want your kids to value themselves too.
Our venues can’t pay for themselves, nor can the team we employ or the regular training we provide and the endless insurances and licenses we have to pay.
We would love to be able to pay our bills with fresh air but we can’t.
Please know that you’re giving your kids an amazing head start by instilling so many more life skills into them than you can probably imagine.
For us to give our best, we have to be our best.
So by investing in your local dance school, you aren’t actually investing in the school itself; you’re investing in your child’s future and that looks pretty bright!! 🌈✨
Thank you sincerely,
Dance Business Owner x
We are back to classes tonight for the last term of the academic year!
Lots to look forward to
Telford Festival
Parent watching weeks
Plus lots to reveal 👀
We have the following slots available in private singing lessons
Tuesday 4.15-4.45pm and 5.45-6.15pm
Please drop us an email to enquire regarding these.
Thank you 💙
Well done to all pupils who took their ISTD Modern and Tap exams on Sunday, very proud of you.
Everyone looked immaculate and I know that you will have danced your hearts out.
Thanks to and Miss Sazan for prepping their classes beautifully x
Throwback to Chance2Dance where we performed at the Birmingham Hippodrome a few weeks ago.
The whole day was absolutely amazing, so proud of everyone. Thanks must go to Miss Jamie and Miss Rachael, our chaperones Kirsty and Caroline and of course our wonderful parents for signing their children up to these events.
One for the memory box for sure. We all had a ball and I was bursting with pride for you all.
It was such a big stage to fill and you did it tremendously 💙💙💙💙💙💙
So very proud of everyone that took their ISTD Modern and Tap exams today. You really were beautiful and to have the fabulous Miss James from college examine my pupils after so many years was just the best feeling. We reminisced and relived so many wonderful memories, forever grateful and very lucky. You all did so well. I’m very proud 💙
Another birthday at WD 🎉
The wonderful Miss Mia is 18 today 🎁🎈🎂🥳🎉😘
We hope all your dreams come true, happy birthday from us all, enjoy your very special day 💙
Happy birthday to Miss Naomi we hope you have a very special day just like you from us all at WD 💙🎉🥰😘
Welcome back to Summer Term 1
Hoping you all had a fabulous Easter.
Lots happening this jam packed term with ISTD modern and tap exams, chance2dance, lots of preparation for Telford Dance Festival plus lots more!
Available now are our personalised Oodies modelled by our students all wearing children’s size. Colours are light or dark grey.
Child £35
Adult £40
Just one of the amazing performances from our showcase last night 💙🥰
Musical Theatre Showcases!
You honestly blew me away tonight. Super well done to you all. From our Minis and Juniors to our Middles.
The improvement in all of you is amazing.
Huge thanks to your teachers and Miss Naomi and Miss Rachael your hard work does not go unnoticed with these classes.
Far too emotional that I forgot to thank you in person x
(Pic of Middles)
Well done to everyone again amazing work 💙
Monday | 9:15am - 10:45am |
Tuesday | 3:45pm - 8pm |
Wednesday | 3:45pm - 8pm |
Thursday | 3:45pm - 8:45pm |
Friday | 9:15am - 2:45pm |
Saturday | 9:15am - 1pm |
24/7 hour access to library space. Staffed hours are Mon - Thu 08:00 - 18:00; Fri 08:00 - 17:00
Cruise Control is a Driving School that operates in the Telford area. I am a patient and friendly Instructor with 22 years experience.
Further Education college in Telford, Shropshire offering a wide range of courses
For People Who Live In Lawley, Lawley Village, Lawley Bank or Went/Go to lawley primary school :] we are to cool
Hi, if you go to HLC (the quappiest school EVER!) JOIN!
Boxing gym with top class training and equipment. Open to all abilities.
Hi, my name is Rebecca Cooper, I am fully qualified approved driving instructor (ADI)
TSE was established 30 years ago and provides English Language and Host families in Shropshire for Spanish students aged from 11 to 18 years. Host families receive payment for accommodating and Students attend local schools.We urgently need Host families.
Primary school teacher based in Telford available for private and group tuition in Maths and English