Club 0-5

Club 0-5


Club 0-5 is a vibrant and exciting nursery and Out of School Club in Telford, Shropshire.

We have a fully qualified Forest School Practitioner and our Pre School class has a weekly Forest School session at our certified Forest School site. We provide weekly Diddi Dance classes for all children featuring a wide range of music and dance styles. We have our own fully equipped sensory room and have an RHS award winning growing area in our garden.

Operating as usual

Photos from Club 0-5's post 04/02/2025

This week the children in preschool have been taking part in different activities to help celebrate different days.
On Monday the children took part in National cheese day, Tuesday we helped celebrate Penguin day, Wednesday Squirrel day, Thursday was national Bubble wrap day and Friday it was national handwriting day.

On Monday we tasted different cheeses and spoke about the ones we like and disliked.
Tuesday we looked at how we could make a penguin using different shapes, the children had great fun choosing there own shapes.
Wednesday we used a toothbrush to paint our squirrel and then we added a nice bushy tail, we talked about the different coloured squirrel you might see out in the environment.
Thursday we had great fun painting with bubble wrap, Using rollers wrapped up in bubble wrap in play dough and we even did some bubble wrap dancing which was lots of fun.
We finished our week with looking at the different letters within our names and also we did finger exercises to help strengthen our fingers to make us excellent writers when we are a little older.

Photos from Club 0-5's post 04/02/2025

This is our last week of looking at fairytales so to finish of this theme we thought we would jack and the bean stalk as well as celebrating lego day and Chinese new year. The children have been busy carefully balancing the blocks on top of one another to create a small tower counting, dancing along to the Chinese music copying the simple actions. Using their hands to explore the bake beans using the spoons to scoop and transfer into the pots repeating key words. For our snack one of the days we have some yummy Chinese food and we decorate using different coloured material using our small muscle gaining good control over the glue to our pretty lanterns.

Photos from Club 0-5's post 17/01/2025

This week in babies and Woddlers we looked at the Fairytale 3 little pig. The children go creative using the different resources to create their own representation of a wolf while listening to wolf sounds, painting a fire using yellow red and orange paint identifying the colours used. Moving the pigs around the mud and balancing the blocks carefully in top of one another to create different types of houses for the pigs to live in.

Photos from Club 0-5's post 17/01/2025

We hope you have had a lovely break with all your family celebrating Christmas and new year. This month in the baby and woddler room we will be looking at Fairytales so this week we looked closely at the Gingerbread man as well as celebrating Epiphany day. The children have been busy turning the pages in the books looking at the pictures, rolling the pink balls back and forth to one another. Using different tools with good control to manipulate the ginger play dough and using their hand to explore the textured star repeating key words. In the home corner they have been making dinner for the babies using the different size pots and pan and real life vegetables.


Club 0-5 would like wish everyone a very happy New Year😃

Photos from Club 0-5's post 30/10/2024

Thank you to everyone who came and joined us for our stay and play at Club 0-5 Nursery today.

We had lots of fun and it was lovely to hear lots of giggles.

We look forward to our next event which will be around December time.

Photos from Club 0-5's post 29/10/2024

This week has been a very busy week, we have been very busy helping to celebrate world Apple Day, World Artist day and also lots of Autumn fun activities.
The children have enjoyed looking at different artists such as Van Gogh and Picasso and then using different one handed tools and equipment to make there own master pieces.

The children have also had a great fun taking part in Pumpkin bowling and also using a small hammer to knock in golf Tees in to a pumpkins.

Could we also kindly remind you that on Wednesday 30th October Toddlers and Preschool will be having a Messy Halloween stay and play from 2.30pm until 4pm, We look forward to you joining us.


Candles and lit pumpkins create a fantastic spooky atmosphere but can be dangerous. So, keep them well out of the path of trick or treaters and away from any Halloween decorations that might catch light. And, in all the excitement, don’t forget to put them out when you’re done.

You could even use LED candles, glow sticks or torches to light up your pumpkins instead. Just make sure any button battery compartments are secure to prevent children from gaining access.

We’d love to see your pumpkin creations. Please share them with us.

For more top tips on how to this Halloween visit:


It’s scary to think about but if your child’s clothes catch on fire their instinct will be to run. And that won’t help!

So, this firework season it’s important to teach children what to do. Remember, STOP, DROP, and ROLL:

STOP what you are doing.
DROP to the ground and cover your face with your hands.
ROLL over and over to put out the flames.

You can encourage children to practice putting out pretend flames by making it into a fun game in the garden.

For more firework safety tips visit:

Photos from Club 0-5's post 18/10/2024

We are changing to our Winter Menu from Monday 21st October, however there will be a slight change to Monday's menu as it is National Apple day, we will have an yummy Apple Crumble for our pudding!


Today we are sharing advice on the ABC of safer sleep from the lullaby trust.

Photos from Club 0-5's post 11/10/2024

October has come around so in the baby room we decided to look at the topic Opposite but this week we looked closely at Happy and sad. The babies have also been celebrating World mental health day. The children have been busy looking at their own reflection in the mirror copying the facial expressions, practicing their scooping motion to scoop and transfer the edible happy and sad face into different size pots. Copying the actions to if your happy and you know it and turning the pages in the emotion books identify the different emotions. Getting creative by using the different tools and coloured paint to create a poster about world mental health.


We thought it would be helpful to share some leaflets from the Lullaby Trust, this link will take you to information on infections in Babies.


At Club 0-5 and Childrensworld we celebrated Nursery Practitioner Day and World Mental health week with little goody bags for all our staff 😁

Photos from Club 0-5's post 02/10/2024

We will be celebrating World Farm Animal Day in October with our next visit from Stella and the Farm on Wheels on Tuesday 15th October🦆🐏🐑

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Wynn House, Halesfield 20

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 6pm
Thursday 7:30am - 6pm
Friday 7:30am - 6pm