Urgent message…..School open as normal today. All lights and heating back on.
Ovingham Middle School
We are a 3 form entry middle school.
Ovingham Middle School strives to provide a stimulating and inspiring education that is open, challenging and accessible to all.
Operating as usual
Please check your emails for an urgent message about problems with heating and lighting in school.
School email is currently down. Phone lines are working fine if you need to contact us.
Find out about all the latest news in our newsflash:
The top house pointers from last half term enjoyed their afternoon tea on Thursday afternoon. A well deserved treat for all of their hard work
The newly appointed anti-bullying ambassadors had their first meeting yesterday afternoon. My goodness they had a lot of ideas! Watch this space for more information on what they are planning to do!
This is why we ❤️ history lessons at OMS. Milo being mummified by Olivia and Mrs Watson……he had just had his brain removed😧🫣
Thank you very much to everyone for all of their support this term - it has been amazing! From everyone at OMS we wish you all a very merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the new year for another fantastic term!
What a fantastic way to end the term! A whole school assembly celebrating all of the achievements so far this year (and there were many!) and being presented with an award from Cliff Thornton from Tynedale Sport for outstanding contribution to sport. Well done, everyone!
On Thursday morning and afternoon the church was full to the brim for the key stage 2 and 3 carol services. Thank you very much to the church for allowing us to celebrate with them and a huge well done to the choir, instrumentalists and readers who all did an amazing job.
Read all about the latest news in our Newsflash:
A great afternoon out at the panto! Pupils were amazingly behaved and certainly made their voices heard-loads of fun!!
Huge thanks to parents who came and helped out, and of course to all the brilliant staff team who work tirelessly to make sure your children are safe and happy! Well done also to Toby and Nicole in year 8 who got up on stage and chatted with Muddles!!!
On buses and train heading back to Ovingham now. Still aiming for an arrival time of 5.30pm
For parents picking up from school after the panto, It’s looking like we will be back to school for 5.30pm, depending upon on the traffic on the journey home. Pupils will then need to come into school to collect their bags and phones. We appreciate your patience and will try and keep you updated with any further changes to our arrival time. Oh yes we will!!!!😂😂
Fantastic night at the OMS Christmas movie evening tonight. Thank you very much to our amazing house captains and prefects for organising!
A lot of fun was had at the Year 6 Christmas Generation Game this morning! Thank you so much to the parents that joined us - they were such good sports!
All pupils in school today took part in the annual Santa Fun Run, well done to everyone who took part we will announce the class winners in assembly on Friday.
Santa run today! Don't forget a spare pair of shoes!
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