Diamond Equine Training

Diamond Equine Training


BS UKCC Coach & International Showjumper Antrobus, Cheshire

Operating as usual


Not something I do very often but on Saturday I took my friend’s horse Dolly to her first ever dressage test picking up a very respectable 69.3% taking 2nd place. So incredibly proud of her 🥹❤️


Clinic dates to get you going in 2025 😀

Booking via or


Freelance groom required for Monday 6th January

3-4 hours work

12 horses, general yard duties and horse on/off the walker

4 to muck out

Please pm or message me if you have availability 07738009420

Based in Antrobus CW9



I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and get to spend it with your family and horses.

Faye xXx

Photos from Diamond Equine Training's post 22/12/2024

A very cold a windy pole clinic yesterday at Black Brow Equestrian for the liveries. Huge thank you to Andrea for organising us all 😀 Big thank you to everyone everyone that braved the weather ☺️ Have a very merry Christmas 🎄

Photos from Diamond Equine Training's post 08/12/2024

Toby and Jasper enjoying a ride this afternoon ☺️ Toby Is loving his new Bardette saddle


𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜 𝐓𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐢𝐩

Most horses and ponies are coming in for the winter now but for the sake of their physical and mental health they should get some daily turnout or exercise when conditions permit.

When choosing what hard feed to provide over winter you firstly need to consider the condition of your horse and as many details as possible about the hay or haylage you are going to feed.

If your horse needs more condition in the form of muscle or topline; or is going to be working consistently then you need the look at the ‘PROTEIN’ declaration on the white label or feed sack itself.

Protein will provide the building blocks for muscle development when a horse is exercised in the correct outline. Protein also aids good bone development and re-modelling. Also, protein forms the bulk of over 4,000 enzymes and all the hormones that ‘run’ the horses metabolism. Therefore good quality protein, high in essential amino acids*, is literally essential for a healthy horse. Good sources to look for at the top of the list of INGREDIENTS in the COMPOSITION on the white label are Soya, followed by Linseed.

It is cost-effective to base your horse’s feed on a Top-Specification conditioning Feed Balancer such as those in the photo.

Remember to consider the amount of protein you feed, not just the percentage. For example 500g of a 25% TopSpec Feed Balancer will provide 125g of protein/horse/day. Equally 1kg of a 12.5% working horse cube will provide 125g of protein but it will provide approximately twice the number of calories (which can be used for maintenance and providing energy for work or fat); in addition, the quality of the protein will be much poorer (lower in essential amino acids) so it will be much less beneficial.

Other factors and scenarios will be examined over the coming weeks.

*‘Essential’ amino acids have to be provided in the horse’s diet as he cannot manufacture them himself. They are very important. ‘Non-essential’ amino acids can be manufactured by the horse and make up a high proportion of poor quality protein sources.

To chat about your horse to an experienced equine nutritionist, please call our Multiple-Award-Winning Helpline or email us...
🇬🇧 01845 565030
🇮🇪 (062) 85401
📧 [email protected]

Photos from Diamond Equine Training's post 06/12/2024

I manage to get a lovely hack in yesterday morning on Dolly before all the rain came ☔️


and Flora giving us a great example of how a horse works over trot poles. A very simple exercise that’t good for helping the horse engage their core and encourage suppleness over the back ☺️



🩵Head to the Voltaire Design website or message .voltaire direct for 20% off all accessories this week only!🩵

Photos from Amy Morris Equine Dentistry's post 16/11/2024

Super jumping clinic today at a new venue for me . Thank you to everyone that came and a big thank thank you to the owner Laura for having me ☺️

I will get next months date out tomorrow.


‘He was full of life’: firefighters urge public to think after veteran horse terrified by fireworks had to be put down

Read more via link below


Picking that’s perfect finish on your saddle 😍



Updated dates until the end of the year 🎄🍾

Booking via except for the 9th clinic which you can contact to book ☺️

Photos from Diamond Equine Training's post 03/11/2024

Fab pole clinic today as always, thank to everyone that attended ☺️ hope you all enjoyed todays set up 🍾

Next pole clinic is on the 1st December for a Christmas special Christmas 🎄


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