In the near future, we are honored to host the inaugural public celebration of the revered Sayyid Shaykh Ahmad ibn Idris al-Fasi, a spiritual beacon for many, including Shaykh Uthman al-Mirgani, Shaykh Ibrahim ar-Rashid, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali as- Senussi, M***i Abdul Rahman bin Salaiman al-Ahdal, Shaykh Abdur Rahman bin Mahmoud, and subsequent luminaries such as Imam Yusuf al-Nahbani and Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari. This gathering will warmly welcome esteemed guest Shaykhs and distinguished reciters, marking a momentous occasion in our spiritual community. We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to join us in this significant event.
Sunday 11th February @ 2.30PM
Muslim Academy Sale
Hayfield Street, Sale, M33 7XW (Parking available at Sainsbury-M33 7SA)
This upcoming Sunday, we will gather to honor the memory of Habib Ahmad Mashhur Bin Taha al Haddad—a moment to reflect on the profound impact he has had on our lives. In this spirit, I extend a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters, elders and youngsters, teachers and students, and all those who hold a deep affection for Habib Ahmad Mashhur al Haddad.
A Story about the Student of Imam Abu Hanifa | Shaykh Ahmad Saad
When Abu Yūsuf wanted to seek knowledge, he faced an obstacle which only Imām Abu Hanifah was capable of removing for him. Why did he do it?What has Allah en...
Glimpse from the ongoing course; the Well Travelled Path which focuses on the Risālah of Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawāni.
Who Was The Junior Imam Malik? | Shaykh Ahmed
The Maliki School is one of the most widespread school of thoughts in the Muslim Ummah currently. However, among the most important texts which students of k...
Please join for our special Friday night mawlid gathering (September 9th) at the Mawlid. We will be having a night of poetry and remembrance of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) with a short reminder by the honourable guest shuyūkh.. Spread the word! Hope to see you all there!
Habib Aidarus bin Hashim Al-Alawi
M***i Sohail Ahmad Siddiqui(TBC)
Allama Abdul Sattar Siraj
and other
Friday 9th September @ 7.30PM
Minhaj College Manchester
30 Brindley Rd, Old Trafford, Stretford, Manchester
M16 9HQ
Quran | Qasidas | Speech | Dhikr
Light snacks and tea will be served
السلام عليكم
عيد مبارك ،،،
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
Reports have reached from Turkey that Shaykh Mahmud Efendi رحمه الله has returned to His Creator.
May Allah reward him for his service to this Ummah, illuminate his grave and grant him the highest ranks in Jannah.
Imam al Kaafi of Tunis authored a sharh on ibn Ashir in which he defends the mashoor position of sadl.
Eid Mubarak to everyone
It is said that the picture is from Biskra, Algeria, Eid prayer in 1912, wearing traditional Algerian attire and the prayer beads hanging on their necks. Beautiful sight.
Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari
His coming to Egypt to join the Azhar was by a sign from shaykh Abd al-‘Aali, may Allah be pleased with him. And he tells us about that, saying: “Before I came to the Azhar, someone from town brought a volume of al-Nawawi’s commentary on Sahih Muslim, so I borrowed it from him and began to study it. So I saw (in a vision) sayyidi Abd al-‘Aali al-Idrisi, may Allah be pleased with him, sitting on a chair, and with him his sustenance for travel, and I heard someone saying: ‘The sayyid wants to travel to Egypt, to the Azhar,’ so I came and greeted him, and kissed his hand, so he said to me sharply: ‘Knowledge is taken from the chests of men, not from books!’ and he repeated it, so I woke up from my sleep and was inspired by my Lord to travel to the Azhar. And when I reached it I found the hadith scholar shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim as-Samaluti, teaching al-Nawawi’s commentary on Sahih Muslim, so I sat down to listen to him, and heard him teaching the hadith: “There is no hijra after the Opening of Mecca, but only Jihad and intention. When you are called upon to go, then go forth!”
The Countenance of the Beloved appeared, shining before dawn.
His Light encompassed my heart, so I prostrated out of brokenness.
He said, ‘Rise, and ask of me, And you will have whatever you desire!’
I replied, ‘You. You are sufficient for me, I can’t be patient with distance from You!’
Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib radiAllahu anhu
Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari (may Allah be pleased with him), though he was the Imam of the Noble Azhar Mosque, did not always lead the Friday Prayers. Very often the great Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) would lead the Prayers and give the Friday Khutba, and then Shaykh Salih would start his famous Friday Lesson after the Prayers, as he usually did. Shaykh al-Ghazali had a rationalistic approach to the religion, and on one Friday, he dedicated his khutba to this one topic: that scholars should no longer mention the chains of transmission of the hadith that they are quoting in their lessons or books. He argued that most people today did not know most of the names in the chains of transmission, let alone have the mental ability to analyze the chain. Therefore, he argued, a scholar should simply say the hadith, and in which hadith collection it could be found, and whether he believed it to be authentic or not.
After the prayers, Shaykh Salih al-Ja’fari stood up on his chair to begin his Friday Lesson as usual. He would start every lesson with certain verses of the Qur’an and the following, “[I teach you] Through a connected chain to the scholars of the noble Azhar and others, in Qur’anic recitations, Hadith, and Qur’anic exegesis, may Allah most high be pleased with them and benefit us and you by them and by their knowledge. Amen.”
This time, however, Shaykh Salih began reciting one of his chains of transmission, scholar by scholar, all the way until Imam al-Bukhari, and from him, all the way until the Follower who narrated it, and then the Companion, and then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Among those attending the lesson was Shaykh Muhammad Ismail al-Nimr, a Shaykh from the Bayyumi Tariqa, who founded a branch and organization within that Tariqa called The Lovers of the Muhammadan Purity (Ahbab al-Safaa’ al-Muhammadi).This Shaykh was a man of spiritual unveiling, and this is what he said:
When the Shaykh began reciting his chain of transmission, every time he mentioned a scholar, the soul of this scholar would appear next to him! Scholar by scholar, came to join him, and each one shone with more light than the one mentioned before him, as the Shaykh was getting closer and closer to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ! Finally the Shaykh reached the level of the Followers of the Followers, and then the Followers, and then the Companion,and each of them appeared with an even more powerful light than the one before. Finally he mentioned the Messenger of Allah ﷺ , and suddenly the Messenger of Allah appeared with such a great force of light that I thought I was going to melt!
Our classes are returning! The first series of which we will be covering Mukhtasar al-Akhdari by 'abd Ar-Rahman Al-Akhdari every Friday 7.30PM. The location and start date will be announced soon. Watch this space.
Please message us on Facebook if you are interested in attending or have any other questions.
Ibn al-Qasim narrated that he heard Malik saying: “(Prohibited) hoarding is that of anything sale-able in the market like food, oil, linen, all commodities, wool and anything that harms the market” [Al-Mudawwanah]
Via Shaykh Ahmed Saad
Apologies for the lack of updates. We're currently working on future programmes. If anyone is interested we will soon be launching Maliki Fiqh classes in Manchester. Please message us on Facebook if you are interested in attending.
Thank you for your patience.
Imam Malik: Sage of the City of Light
Four great legal theorists dominate the history of Islamic Sacred Law. In this lecture, we meet Imam Malik ibn Anas (d.795), celebrated as the 'Imam of the C...
Closing hizb of the khtam for Shaykh Abdalqadir as Sufi r.a.
Inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioun
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of Ustadh Usama Canon.
He sadly passed away on the anniversary of the day he reverted to Islam.
May Allah envelopes him in His mercy and grant him success in the grave and thereafter. May Allah raise him with our Master Sayeduna Muhammad ﷺ in the highest station of jannah. May Allah grant all his loved ones with patience and ease in such difficult time.
A small fragment of a long opening adress by Shaykh Dr Abdalqadir as-Sufi al-Murabit(R.A) before an english speaking audience in Norwich introducing a panel of 'ulama from the maliki school, Shaykh Muhammad ash-Shadhili an-Nayfar, Shaykh Muhammad ash-Shaybani, Shaykh Muhammad al-Makki an-Nasiri.
Shaykh Dr Abdalqadir's opening adress at maliki fiqh conference in 1982
A small fragment of a long opening adress by Shaykh Dr Abdalqadir as-Sufi al-Murabit before an english speaking audience in Norwich introducing a panel of 'u...
Khatm for Shaykh Abdal Qadir as-Sufi
اناللہ وانا الیہ راجعون
Sheikh Dr Abdalqadir as-Sufi, of the Darqawi-Shadhili-Qadiri Tariqa, passed away peacefully in his sleep during the early hours of this morning (Sunday, 01 August, 2021).
His spiritual inheritance comes from Sheikh Muhammad ibn al-Habib of Meknes and Sheikh Muhammad al-Fayturi of Benghazi.
Shaykh Abdalqadir had been responsible for the most far-reaching and successful Islamic dawa of the modern era, founding mosques in England, Spain and South Africa. As a result, communities of his students can be found across the world.
His writing encompasses well over 20 books, as well as many essays and articles, covering various topics. Perhaps most notable has been his call for the proper implementation of zakat, a return to just forms of trade, the revival of Imam Malik’s legal school and his emphasis on correct and coherent community and family dynamics.
The Shaykh had initiated the translation and publication of translations of the Qur’an into various languages, as well as numerous classical works of Islam, including the Muwatta of Imam Malik and Ash-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad.
Al Fatiha for his blessed soul