Our last full day at Condover Hall! We’re having such a great time! Remember to follow us on Twitter/ X for more updates and a couple of videos!
Didsbury CE Primary is a one-form entry school which has been situated in the heart of Didsbury for over 400 years!
Our last full day at Condover Hall! We’re having such a great time! Remember to follow us on Twitter/ X for more updates and a couple of videos!
Another amazing day at Condover Hall full of lots of great activities! Follow us on Twitter/ X () for regular activity updates!
What another great day at Condover! They even had visitors, thank you Mr Good and Miss Rippon!
Year 6 have arrived at Condover Hall. They have loved their first activities and are now getting ready for mini olympics!
Happy Mothering Sunday From all of Year 6!
Here’s a sample of the cards we made.
¡Vamos a España! Members of Didsbury CE are on their way for an 8 day language course in Santander. The purpose of this trip is to help improve the teaching and learning of Spanish at our school. Thanks to Clarogb and ErasmusPlus for making this possible. 🇪🇸
To kick start mental health week at school this week, the children had the opportunity to take part in some 'stretch and relax' sessions with Mrs Hooson. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and were very relaxed at the end of the session. Please see the pictures attached for your children to practice again at home.
Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year. They enjoyed listening to the story of the Great Race and found out it was the year of the rabbit. They found China on the globe. What a big country it is!
Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year with a dragon dance. Reception children had their own dragon dance. Some children played their percussion instruments while the dragon danced.
Reception enjoyed doing lots of activities to celebrate Chinese New Year. They painted a dragon using red and yellow to make orange, made a collage of a dragon and made a New Year card for their family. Some children enjoyed writing numbers in Mandarin.
Kung Hei Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year everyone!
Do we have any great headteachers amongst us? Or know someone who is? Apply to work at our fantastic school here- https://www.tes.com/jobs/vacancy/headteacher-manchester-1760210
This week Year 2 have enjoyed starting their new computing unit, 'Creating Images.'
Their lesson was kickstarted with an interactive tour of the Tate Modern to learn all about Impressionism and significant artists such as Monet, Cassatt and Degas who painted in Paris in the 1860s. They then began to look at techniques used by these artists before trying it out themselves using a painting programme- bright colours, strong brush strokes and stippling.
The children in nursery had a fantastic enrichment day as part of their transport topic. Two parents gave up their time to talk about their jobs working for airlines. After hearing lots of facts about airports and flying, the children had boarding cards and took a flight to Disneyland (their chosen destination). Whilst onboard, the children demonstrated the safety procedures and had a snack before returning on ‘Nursery Airways’ to school. The children made captains hats and paper aeroplanes. They had so much fun!
Reception love to play outside in all types of weather. Here they are bracing the cold to enjoy some parachute games.
The children had a fantastic afternoon watching a production of Aladdin. There was lots of dancing and the traditional ‘boo’ at the pantomime villain. What a great way to finish the term! Happy Christmas everyone! 🎄🎅
The choir sang for a two Christmas lunch events for the elderly of the Parish. The children from year 5 and 6 were accompanied by Mrs Thompson, who said they sang beautifully and talked articulately with the attendees afterwards. Well done to all of those children who have given up their lunchtimes to rehearse. They were so good they have been invited back in the spring!
The children in nursery have been having so much fun exploring winter in the nursery playground. They have been freezing water and using the equipment in the mud kitchen to break it up and watch it thaw in the sunshine. They have also been using the equipment for mark making, creating patterns and to complete some writing in the frost on the Astro turf. They really liked the beautiful sparkly leaves. So much fun has been had!
The children within EYFS and Key Stage 1 have worked really hard to present a beautiful traditional Nativity for parents. The photos show some of the children in their costumes. They had so much fun talking and learning about the roles they were playing in 'The Nativity' in their classroom and learning through continuous provision. They have also been learning about the birth of Jesus in their RE. Children, your voices and smiles were wonderful!
Last week Year 3 were learning how to play the recorder! They were very excited to have their own instrument and practised playing an E note! They found it quite tricky to begin with and there was lots of noise but after a while they were able to play it! They also learnt how to read a crotchet note and a quaver note before creating their own rhythms to clap back to. As the half term progresses they are looking forward to playing their recorders to their own crotchet and quaver rhythms!
Year 4 in art this term have been looking at artists from the Tudor period. One of the artists they have recently looked at is Giuseppe Arcimboldo. As a starting activity the children used various pencil grades to draw still life sketches of fruit and vegetables. Some stunning pieces of work were produced. Then on the following lesson, using pictures of fruit and vegetables, the children produced their own faces inspired by his work. Next week, using their still life sketching skills, they are going to draw their own fruit and vegetable faces.
In PSHE, Year 6 have been learning about the history behind bonfire night and how to remain safe whilst celebrating the 5th of November.
PTA book sale
Don’t forget our second hand book sale is Friday, 21st October at 3pm in the nursery playground.
We would be grateful for any children’s book donations to include in the sale. There will be boxes in the playground on Tuesday and Thursday this week, or books can be left by the office entrance.
Many thanks to local company, Little Pigs who are generously sponsoring this event!
Last week, Year 2 visited St James' Church in Didsbury as part of their RE topic, Places of worship.' They were led by former headteacher, Mrs Good, who explained some of the history of the church (parts of it dating back to 1275!). They heard all about the parts of the church and why they are significant to Christians. The real highlight was ringing the church bell!
Year 1 have been writing persuasive letters to King Charles to ask him to award Eliot (from the book Eliot Midnight Superhero) a medal. They also designed a medal that Eliot could be awarded.
The children in nursery have been exploring their indoor and outdoor learning areas. They have been working together, sharing, taking turns and forming new friendships. What a fantastic start to their learning!
Year 3 are learning all about the Amazon Rainforest in their geography lessons. So far, they have used the ipads to research facts about the Amazon Rainforest, looked at atlases to find where it can be located as well as completing map work, learning key vocabulary such as equator and tropics. This week the class learnt the difference between climate and weather and enjoyed presenting their own weather reports for the Amazon Rainforest!
Year 6’s last full day at Condover has been a jam-packed one with swimming, abseiling, gladiator wall and survivor.
⚠️Parents: we hope you are ready to have your ears talked off tomorrow evening as the children have LOVED their time away and have so much to tell you about!
Day 3 has flown by! Year 6 have enjoyed lots of different activities with the whole class ending the day together kayaking on the lake.
Day 2 has involved lots of high ropes and rocks! Many children showed lots of courage and overcame their fears. We’re now getting ready for the campfire and talent show. Look out Condover: the talent has arrived! ⭐️ 🎤
Reception are learning ‘All about me’. They have enjoyed making faces and pictures of their family in the transient art and playdough area and also practising their cutting skills to make a shape body.
Last week, Year 4 were learning about James and the Giant Peach. They have been studying the characters in more detail and have planned their character descriptions.
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North Manchester Primary School :)
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St Hugh's Church of England Primary School is an aided one-form entry primary school serving Holts.
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‘LEARN from yesterday. LIVE for today. HOPE for tomorrow.’
A certified Trauma Informed School in the Gorton area of Manchester. Following the motto Aspire, Aim High, Achieve
St Andrews is a very happy school where all are welcome. We pride ourselves on valuing every child.
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