Davyhulme Primary School

Davyhulme Primary School


At Davyhulme Primary School we believe in helping every child achieve their very best in everything they do. It is not a discussion forum.

This page has been set up to help with our paperless project that our school has undertaken to try and cut the costs of ink and paper. This page is a one-way communication tool with parents to inform them of the learning taking place in their child’s class. This page is to be strictly used as a one way communication tool with parents. Any parents who use it to speak negatively about the s

Operating as usual

Football Fun Camp - Ashton on Mersey School - October 12/10/2023

If you’re still looking for activities this half term then Mr Quigley might be able to help you.

His half term Football Fun Camp is running from Monday 23rd - Friday 27th, at Ashton on Mersey School in Sale, and he’s offering a 25% discount to all Davyhulme Primary School families.

If you’d like to book onto the full week, for just £75, you can click the link below and use code DPS25 to receive £25 off.

Football Fun Camp - Ashton on Mersey School - October Football Fun Camp - Ashton on Mersey School - October from Football Fun Factory

Photos from Davyhulme Primary School's post 15/06/2023


A massive well done to everyone that took part in the Tag Rugby competition this afternoon, especially in this heat! They all played brilliantly as a team and after a very close all Davyhulme semi final, they never gave up in the final to win for the second year in a row!! 🏉 ☀️ 🏆


A massive well done to the Girls Football Team who won the Urmston and District Schools Girls’ Tournament! 👏🏻🏆

Photos from Davyhulme Primary School's post 26/04/2023

Please find attached flyers from Trafford Sunrise about upcoming workshops.


📣 Calling all girls aged 10 - 17 📣

Join us at on Saturday 12th November for a fantastic fun filled day of rugby skills and drills 🏉

If you’re already playing and want to develop your skills or you’re completely new to the sport this is the perfect day for you to join us 💪🏼

Refreshments will be served and the club is even open from 6am with breakfast butties and hot drinks for the Women’s World Club Final 🌎


Year 5 we’re creating interviews with Isaac Newton to share their learning linked to their science topic of Forces.


Some pupils this week were paying their respects to her majesty by creating their own digital portraits of Queen Elizabeth II


Hawk Owls have been creating some fantastic digital weather reports! Next step Greenscreen!


Hawk Owls have been learning lots of fun facts about Queen Elizabeth II as part of our Platinum Jubilee celebrations and sharing their learning by bringing a picture of her majesty to life!


As part of our platinum jubilee celebrations, Year 4 made animations of the Queen to share some fun facts about her majesty!


Year 4 have been improving their presentation skills to demonstrate their learning around food chains. Here are a couple of examples with more posted to Seesaw.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

“National Online Safety reacted to your message” ❤👍 Group chats are an easy way to stay in touch with friends and family – but how safe are they for children and young people? Our guide looks at the risks 📱

Download your FREE poster >> https://hubs.ly/Q018YTjc0


After watching Year 5's brilliant Easter show this week, Hawk Owls were retelling the Easter story in their own words using the app Shadow Puppets Edu. Here's one of their examples.


Thank you for all your support!


Year 4 have enjoyed sharing their knowledge about Roman Soldiers and their uniforms by creating these impressive videos.


This week, as part of their history topic of the Great Fire of London, Hawk Owls have been learning about Samuel Pepys and why he was so important. They shared what they had learnt by creating interviews with Mr Pepys. Here is one of their examples:

Photos from Davyhulme Primary School's post 22/10/2021

Please find attached information posters from Trafford Sunrise regarding upcoming parental workshops.


We had a great day welcoming Thomas the Gorilla 🦍 from Teach Rex. Learning about conservation and sustainability.


As part of their Music Through The Ages topic, Hawk Owls were learning some iconic dances from the past few decades! Here they are sharing some of their impressive moves…


Today, to show our appreciation for the England football team, we performed our own visual poems. We had a good discussion deconstructing the text before focusing on improving their oracy to bring the text to life. Thank you to Mark Forster aka for the poem that echo so many of our thoughts.

Photos from Davyhulme Primary School's post 08/07/2021

Please find attached information about parent workshops offered by Trafford Sunrise.


A Lesson in Resilience Courtesy of Gareth Southgate!

Today, our pupils were imagining a conversation between Gareth at the point where he missed the pen in 1996 and last night leading England to the final.

Thinking about how our failures aren’t what define us but the way we react and learn from them are.

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Videos (show all)

Year 5 we’re creating interviews with Isaac Newton to share their learning linked to their science topic of Forces.
Some pupils this week were paying their respects to her majesty by creating their own digital portraits of Queen Elizabe...
As part of our platinum jubilee celebrations, Year 4 made animations of the Queen to share some fun facts about her maje...
Year 4 have been improving their presentation skills to demonstrate their learning around food chains. Here are a couple...
After watching Year 5's brilliant Easter show this week, Hawk Owls were retelling the Easter story in their own words us...
Year 4 have enjoyed sharing their knowledge about Roman Soldiers and their uniforms by creating these impressive videos.
This week, as part of their history topic of the Great Fire of London, Hawk Owls have been learning about Samuel Pepys a...
We had a great day welcoming Thomas the Gorilla 🦍 from Teach Rex. Learning about conservation and sustainability.
As part of their Music Through The Ages topic, Hawk Owls were learning some iconic dances from the past few decades! Her...
Today, to show our appreciation for the England football team, we performed our own visual poems. We had a good discussi...
A Lesson in Resilience Courtesy of Gareth Southgate!Today, our pupils were imagining a conversation between Gareth at th...
Year 4 had an amazing day courtesy of Clever Cogz Events who brought their Egyptian escape room into school for the chil...




http://davyhulme.primaryblogger.co.uk/, http://www.twitter.com/davyhulmeps


Canterbury Road Davyhulme
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