The children can wear green or a hint of green with their own clothes tomorrow for mental health awareness week 💚
St Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Newton Heath
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from St Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Newton Heath, Elementary School, Mabel Street, Manchester.
Operating as usual

The Bread and Butter Thing are now now holding a food service in Newton Heath on Saturdays from 12-12:30pm. They offer good value, quality food parcels for a much smaller cost than in the supermarkets.
You can follow the link to find out how to register, or you can text 07860063304 with your name, post code and Newton Heath. This is a service that has been running for a long time, supporting many families. There are also services in Moston and Oldham if they are nearer to where you live. 😊
Happy New Year to all of our families. School returns for all year groups from 8:45am tomorrow ☺️

Just a few photos from yesterday! We’ve had a busy week with Christmas performances, Secret Santa between classes, Father Christmas visits and parties. We also celebrated yesterday with rewards for fantastic attendance and prizes for our ‘Santa’s Sleigh’ competition. Well done to all of our winners!
A special thank you to Anna (from Anna’s Dance) for organising all of the gifts and for supporting us during a very busy time, and to PCSO Chadwick for helping Santa to visit the children 😊
Wishing all of our families a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 🎄

Just a reminder that it’s party clothes for years 3 and 4 tomorrow. If you aren’t receiving School Spider messages, please let the school office know, as we use this to keep you up to date ☺️
Attendance prizes continue for the next three weeks. All children who are in school, on time, could win a prize on Friday. Friday is also Christmas dinner day-children can wear their Christmas jumpers with their school uniform on this day (6th)🎄

Thank you so much to everyone who made a bauble for the tree-it looks beautiful! School council picked out some of their favourite baubles, but it was a tough job. We’ll have more competitions in the run up to Christmas 🎄 And lots of attendance awards for those in school on time every day ☺️

The book fair will be available in the school hall from 3:15pm tonight. It will also be available tomorrow and Wednesday after school. Payments can be made with cash and through an online link ☺️
Don’t forget that tomorrow is spots and socks for Children in Need. Children can come in non-uniform for a small donation 😊
Don’t forget that today is teacher training. Children return tomorrow at 8:45am. We hope you’ve had a lovely break ☺️

An AMAZING creation picture from one of our fantastic reception children 😍
Creation Art Work
To celebrate our focus on creation this half term, I have asked the children to produce a piece of art to celebrate nature and/or the Earth. This can be painted, sketched or any other approach your child prefers. All pieces of art will be displayed in the main school playground on Friday 18th October.
I can't wait to see them all!
For anyone that didn’t collect a letter last week, Anna has very kindly offered to do some autumn discos in the coming week. We apologise for the late notice, but we weren’t sure if we’d be able to squeeze them in with half term being earlier than usual.
Years 3,4,5 and 6 can come in their own clothes tomorrow (Monday 14th) and Reception, year 1 and year 2 can wear their own clothes on Tuesday (15th). Please ensure clothes, including shoes, are appropriate for school.
The discos are during school hours, are free of charge, and it will be collection at usual time.
Thank you 🍂 ☺️

Harvest raffle hampers ready for this afternoon ☺️
Don’t forget our free harvest supper tomorrow from 2:30pm in the school hall. All welcome ☺️

Zip wire, abseiling and sensory trail so far on day 2 😍

Evening entertainment 😁
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Mabel Street