Mayfield Primary School

Mayfield Primary School


‘LEARN from yesterday. LIVE for today. HOPE for tomorrow.’

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 17/06/2024

Children in 2SC celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day by learning facts about what happened on the day and creating a medal to thank those who bravely took part.

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 17/06/2024

Year 2SC had lots of fun making paper crowns today. Our English topic is instructions and we will use what we learned today to help us write a set of instructions.

Photos from Speech and Language UK's post 17/06/2024

Sky Access All Arts Week starts today! Children will have the opportunity to try out lots of new and exciting activities, including dance, drama, photography, music and storytelling. Watch this space as we share photos of our artists at work!


This Friday, everyone is welcome to our Summer Fair.


School is almost out for the summer, so take time out for an emotional health check ❤️.

Head into summer with a better understanding of your child's brain development and emotional wellbeing as you support them into their next new phase 🧠.

Online courses developed by clinical psychologists can help you understand your child, read their behaviour and help them look after their emotional health.

The Understanding your Child online course has been paid for by Oldham Council so you can access it for free using the code DAISY at

Short courses understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child or teenager are also included.


To everyone celebrating today.

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 16/06/2024

Oldham’s Parenting Support Team are currently working on a free digital library to help parents on their journey and give children the best start in life.

Stay tuned for exciting things to come from the online library, which will provide practical guidance and videos created by experts on topics including stages of pregnancy, labour and birth, child sleep, potty training, speech, language and communication, child behaviour and teenage mental health and development.

Make sure you have signed up for our Family Hubs newsletter here as well as WhatsApp and Instagram to keep up to date.

And visit for all the support and activities from our Family Hubs.


Our Early Help workers support families to ensure online safety of the children they work with, empowering parents to implement boundaries and have the right parental controls in place! Here are some tips parents and carers should know around internet safety! 📱💜

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 14/06/2024

When the Nursery class went to the farm, we watched the cows being milked. We learnt about how the milk could be used to make things like chocolate, cheese, and ice cream. Today we all enjoyed a delicious ice cream or Ice lolly! We talked about how ice cream was tastes. 😊


We will be at Beever Family Hub on Monday 17th June from 10am, we hope you can make it!

Look forward to seeing you.

Oldham Family Hubs

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 14/06/2024

We have had a lovely morning exploring and learning in our Forest School. We looked at the different leaves, found lots of bugs under stones and logs and made stick people from twigs we found. We get lots of opportunity to work cooperatively with our friends. 😃🌳🌿


Next week is Sky Arts Access All Arts Week! The theme is 'Connection'. Children will have the opportunity to take part in a range of fun and engaging activities including photography, dance, music and storytelling. We can't wait!

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 13/06/2024

At the farm Nursery had the chance to have a go on a tractor ride as well as a ride on a real donkey!

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 13/06/2024

At the farm the Nursery learnt about how to look after the animals and their babies. We all got a chance to tough and stroke some guinea pigs, rabbits, llamas, owls and chicks. We also watched the cows being milked and watched the farmers get the milk ready for bottling.

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 13/06/2024

Nursery were very busy at the farm and also got to feed lots of animals including Llamas, Alpacas, Donkeys, Horses and Goats.

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

So proud of these amazing Year 6 boys! 👏🏼
Micheal, Joseph and Leon represented Mayfield at yesterday’s Aiming for Targets Festival…coming back to school with first place! 🥇

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

Year 6 had a great time at the annual Crucial Crew event this morning! 🚓🏥🚃

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

Year 6 are looking fabulous in their new purple leavers hoodies! We are so proud of every single one of them. 💜💜💜

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

They have arrived! 💜💜💜
Our first ever PURPLE Year 6 Leavers hoodies are now at Mayfield and don’t our children look AMAZING?! Very proud! 💜

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

Summit up - free sessions with a HAF code!

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

Well done to Mayfield’s Golf team who picked up the bronze medal! They showed incredible patience, resilience and focus! ⛳️


Well done to our amazing Year 5's and Year 6's who were the winners of Yesterday's Aiming for Targets Festival!

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

A special tribute to Fire Marshall Miss Davys, for her concentration face. We think she might have been a bit unsure.

Photos from Mayfield Primary School's post 11/06/2024

Our Fire Marshalls had a ‘blast’ tonight, while practising using the fire extinguishers. 🔥

A big thank you to Heather for our very informative training.

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Videos (show all)

Summer Fair
Manchester Marathon
Deputy Headteacher
Community wardrobe
Job Opportunity: Deputy Headteacher  This is an exceptional opportunity for a skilled, experienced, committed and ambiti...
Comic relief
Red Nose Day
Dragons Den
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2




Mayfield Primary School, Mayfield Road, Derker
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