Primrose Hill Primary School

Primrose Hill Primary School


Welcome to the page for Primrose Hill Primary School. Click on the like button if you want to keep up to date with everything that's going on!

Operating as usual

Photos from Primrose Hill Primary School's post 06/01/2023

Information sent to all Salford schools today. Please do take time to read this. Thank you 😊

Timeline photos 21/07/2022

Did your child bring home a Star Award trophy today? We are so proud of our children; they are amazing!

Timeline photos 21/07/2022

Farewell Class of 2022. We will miss you all. Thank you for being superstars! We look forward to hearing how you are doing on the next part of your adventure! Stay strong. Be kind. Never give up 😊

Timeline photos 06/07/2022

Please get in touch directly with Mr Ashton if this is something you think you’d be interested in. We are sorry that this offer is quite limited, but we hope it will help some of you in a small way.

Timeline photos 30/06/2022

Some paintings created by Year 5 Jackdaws; they were inspired by the dragons of Chinese mythology.

Timeline photos 28/06/2022

Year 3 Ospreys starting their jungle-themed art work. They will be adding brusho to their watercolour paper drawings for the final effect!

Timeline photos 28/06/2022

Year 4, 5 and 6 are getting ready for their assembly on and the UK

Timeline photos 09/06/2022

How many of you have noticed the little piece of the old St Clement’s (Egerton) Primary School sitting in our Nursery fence? This is the school logo which used to be on the front of the blue jumpers the children would wear each day. This piece of fence used to face out on Robert Hall Street. Do you remember it?

Timeline photos 09/06/2022

In school we have a positivi-TREE! Children are invited to write on leaves things which bring them joy and happiness or share with others ideas of what may help them feel better.
What makes YOU feel good?

Timeline photos 02/03/2022

Please do not worry if you’ve not managed to sort out a costume for your child to wear on World Book Day.
Your child is the STAR OF THEIR OWN STORY!
We are happy for them to shine in their own clothes or in their school uniform. We will still make sure everyone has a fun day 😊

Photos from Primrose Hill Primary School's post 01/03/2022

Please be aware that the deadline for applications for the Household Support Fund (which was launched to help vulnerable households access essentials over the winter months as the country continues its recovery from the pandemic), is 31st March 2022. We have attached a flyer explaining this more fully. THIS IS WELL-WORTH LOOKING AT. Please do contact them if you feel that they could be of help.

Additionally, from 1st April 2022, if you are really struggling please consider contacting Salford Assistant. This is a Salford City Council scheme that can offer short term support to people who are in a crisis, emergency or major disaster situation. You can find their details here ,

As always, if you need any help, advice, items or support PLEASE CONTACT SCHOOL DIRECTLY & LET US KNOW. WE WILL ALWAYS DO OUR BEST TO HELP.

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

We have got some art and craft mega hampers to give away to help keep children busy over the half term! Please check out our school page for full details!

Timeline photos 10/01/2022

Taking a scenic walk down the pathway between our school and St Joseph’s. So many lovely things to see and enjoy…

Timeline photos 21/12/2021

A special message to all of our family and friends. Please pop on over to our class dojo page to see a higher resolution version of this if you have difficulty reading it. Merry Christmas from Mr Ashton 😊

Timeline photos 13/12/2021

Message from Mr Ashton…

Photos from Primrose Hill Primary School's post 08/12/2021

New stocks of jumpers and coats are now available in our free school uniform shop! All washed and ready to go to their new homes. Please come and help yourself; the shop is open every day.

Timeline photos 08/12/2021

Last call for letters to Santa! Please post your letters in our special post box as soon as possible if your child would like a personal response from the man himself!

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Videos (show all)

Have you followed our radio station yet? No! Then make sure you go to Primrose Hill Radio and give it a follow.
RS Logo
#NationalNumeracyDay is in full swing in Year 1. We took a virtual visit to the sweet shop and had a look at what we cou...
The children loved playing with the hula hoops today on our newly laid imitation lawn. I wonder who was the best?
Over the next couple of weeks, many of our children will be awarded vouchers to spend in our special online shop! This i...
World premiere! Primrose Park The Movie! We hope you enjoy it!
The children made some stop motion films in school today using animals they had created out of Lego! You can see more on...
Another superb lighting the legend display! So nice to see so many families and friends here tonight 😊
It’s about to begin! Yeah!




Phoebe Street

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8am - 4:30pm
Friday 8am - 4:30pm