🚨 Admissions application deadline extension 🚨
Due to Storm Éowyn, a decision has been taken by the Department of Education to extend the Pre-School and Primary Admissions application deadline from Friday 24 January at 12noon to 4pm Monday 27 January 2025.
Pre-School and Primary One applications close tomorrow at 12pm. If you haven’t applied, please do so as soon as possible.
2 days left to apply for a place for September 2025.
3 days left to apply for a place for September 2025.
4 days left to apply for a place for September 2025.
5 days left to apply for a place for September 2025.
Miss Ganley organised a competition to create our school’s new ECO code. Well done to one of our Year 7 pupils for their winning entry. 🤩🤩
This new ECO code will guide the work of our ECO council.
Enjoy spending your prize - a £10 voucher for the fabulous Just Two Sweet
Thank you Miss Ganley 🙌🏼
Some of our Year 5 pupils entered the BBC’s 500 words writing competition.
We received some certificates in recognition of all their hard work and excellent writing.
Our Literacy coordinator, Mrs Thomas, presented the certificates in assembly this morning.
Well done everyone. 🤩✏️✍️🙌🏼
Well done to all our staff for completing training through Autism NI. We are on our way to becoming an Impact Award Education Champion.
Our Social Communication Class teachers, Mrs Knox & Mr Magill are our “Autism Champions” and will lead staff in achieving the award.
Well done everyone 🤩
Pre-School & Primary 1
Online Applications for September 2025 are now open via EA Connect
Some familiar faces made the front cover of the latest issue of Learning Together. 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you Integrated Education Fund
It’s available to read here:
Block Play is an area our Foundation Stage team has been developing this year. The children in Year 2 created their very own “Pizza shop” using their blocks and construction resources. Can’t wait to try some!
Will it be as tasty as mudrock_pizza ?
If you choose to send your child to our Year 1 what will their learning experience look like? Here’s some fabulous ‘Block Play’. After a visit to the new train station in Belfast, some of our Year 1 children were inspired to construct their own version, complete with main terminal, tunnels, bridges and track. Happy, engaged & learning.
Well done to our choir for their performance at Lurgan Library this month.
Thank you to Mrs Roderick for leading and preparing the choir so well and the children for their lovely singing.
There was a tremendous turnout to support us - big thank you to everyone who came along to cheer us on.
Thanks also to Katie, Beata and Mr C for helping supervise on the day.
Thank you so much to Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit all the boys & girls on Christmas Jumper Day last week 🎅🏼⭐️🎄
The children learned about Christmas Bells, other festive traditions and their history. Each child also received a selection box. Thank you Santa 🎅🏼