The Woodland Nursery

The Woodland Nursery


Let your child experience learning in a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy way.

The Woodland Nursery offers Ofsted Outstanding outdoor nurseries in South East London for 2 - 5 year olds based on the Forest School approach. We believe the closer to nature children are, the happier they will be and therefore the more likely they are to learn. Free to explore nature's riches, a child’s senses are heightened which enhances their creative and imaginative play. Our award winning nu

Operating as usual

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 19/06/2024

* Weekly Activities - Natural Clay Coasters *

This week we made natural clay coasters using wildflowers and weeds such as dandelions, buttercups and daisies.

Link to our weekly blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 13/06/2024

* Weekly Activities - Space and Constellations *

We made our own constellations after watching a video and reading about space, the universe, our solar system and constellations.

Link to our space blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 05/06/2024

* Weekly Activities - Oshibana *

This week we did some flower pressing or 'Oshibana'... the art of using pressed flowers and other botanical materials to create an entire picture from these natural elements.

Link to our oshibana post:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 24/05/2024

* Weekly Activities - Web Weaving *

The children cut discs of wood from a thick log. They either drilled holes in their discs or hammered in small nails. They then wove wool around to make shapes of their choosing.

Link to our web weaving post:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 14/05/2024

* Weekly Activities - Making Perfume *

This week's activity was about using our 5 senses (touch, taste, hear, smell, sight). We used some herbs, flowers and leaves to make a perfume recipe. We crushed, mixed, sieved and poured the mixture into jars that we could take home.

Link to our 'smelly' blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 09/05/2024

* Weekly Activities - Wooden Mallet *

We made wooden mallets just like Little Rabbit Foo Foo uses in our book of the week...

Link to blog post:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 01/05/2024

* Weekly Activities - Land Art *

See what the children made from common things found scattered around the forest floor...

Link to blog post:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 13/03/2024

* Weekly Activities - Hedgehog Home Part 1 *

Hedgehogs are now classed as 'vulnerable to extinction' so we thought we would help by building them a home to give them shelter, protection and where they could look after their hoglets (baby hedgehogs).

Link to our blog:


* Weekly Activities - Percussion Sticks *

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy so we decided to make percussion sticks this week.

Link to our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 06/02/2024

* Weekly Activities - Bird Feeders *

To help out our feathered friends when food can be difficult for them to find at this time of year, we made 3 different types of bird feeders that the children could take home to hang up.

Link to our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 19/12/2023

* Weekly Activity - Christmas Wreaths *

Weekly Activities w/c 04/12/2023. Continuing with our Christmas theme, we made Christmas wreaths that the children could take home and hang up.

Link to our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 11/12/2023

* Weekly Activity - Candle Decorations *

As Christmas draws ever closer we chose to make a candle decoration that the children could take home. We specifically wanted to add a candle as the centrepiece as apart from making the decoration look very pretty, candles play a significant role in many religions, especially around Christmas.

Read our Christmassy blog to find out more:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 07/12/2023

* Weekly Activity - Leaf Baskets *

We got messy and sticky this week by making delicate leaf baskets that the children could (carefully!) take home.

Read our messy blog to find out more:



Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 21/11/2023

* Weekly Activity - Magic Wands *

This week we made our own individual wands and used them to make a group magic potion in a 'cauldron'. This was a lovely exercise that saw all the children working together to gather ingredients for the spell... iggety, ziggety, zaggety, ZOOM!

Read our magical blog to find out more:


* Weekly Activity - Painting Poppies *

We talked about bonfire night (weekend previous) and Remembrance day (weekend after) and made poppy necklaces that the children could take home. We also made a large poppy-inspired wreath that all the children hand a hand in making 😉

Take a look at our blog for more info:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 19/10/2023

* Weekly Activities - Wind Chimes/Decorations *

Now that the seasons are changing we wanted to embrace the autumn wind by making wind chimes and decorations that the children could take home to hang up and watch blow about.

Take a look at our blog for more info:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 12/10/2023

* Weekly Activities - Conker Crafts *

To make the most of the last conkers of the season, we set about doing some conker crafts with the children. Some wanted to make caterpillars, whilst others made spiders or wreaths.

Take a look at our blog for more info:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 03/10/2023

* Weekly Activity - Flags of the World *

To celebrate the diversity between different countries, cultures and traditions our activity this week was making flags from either the children's home country or associated country. We then read, looked at pictures and talked about the similarities and differences between each country.


Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 26/09/2023

* Weekly Activity - Sand Decorations *

Teaching, challenging and encouraging a child's creative side is an essential part of their developmental growth. We used various shapes, patterns and textures for this week's activity to get their creative minds thinking and exploring the different options... plus it was messy and fun!


Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 11/09/2023

* Weekly Activities - All About Me *

This week the children learnt about themselves and their friends. We made life size drawings and talked about likes and dislikes. We compared features and talked about what makes us the same and what makes us different from each other.

Some of the answers were very surprising!

Read about it on our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 07/07/2023

*** Weekly Activities ***

'Wild Things' Mud Faces

1. Mix up some mud
2. Use your hands & press a ball of mud onto a tree
3. Stick on some leaves, stones and twigs for the face
4. Messy fun accomplished!

Link to our muddy blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 23/06/2023


The Woodland Nursery has been selected from thousands of nominations to win a Pearson National Teaching Silver Award. The Woodland Nursery was presented with the Silver Award for 'Early Years Team of the Year' for their outstanding commitment to changing the lives of the children they work with every day.

They have also been shortlisted to win one of just 16 Gold Awards, which will be announced and celebrated at a gala ceremony in London on 25 November and televised on the BBC, with winners showcased on The One Show.

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 13/06/2023

*** Weekly Activities ***

Making a Bird's Nest

We used clay or wet mud to mould a bird's nest into shape and added twigs, leaves, wool and petals.

We went on a nature walk to try and spot some real nests high up in the trees and talked about which birds use open nests.

Link to our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 09/06/2023

*** Weekly Activities W/C 01/05 ***

Flower/Foliage Crowns and Mini Maypoles

Maypole dancing is a tradition on May Day. It is believed to have started in Roman Britain around 2,000 years ago, when soldiers celebrated the arrival of spring by dancing around decorated trees thanking their goddess Flora. These days dancers weave ribbons around a pole rather than a tree. So to celebrate and welcome the spring, we made some flower/foliage crowns and our very own mini maypoles to dance with.

Link to our blog:

Photos from The Woodland Nursery's post 02/06/2023

*** Weekly Activities ***


We used various techniques to make our wind chimes including threading. Like so many seemingly simple activities we do at Forest School, there is a huge amount of learning and development that is going on behind the scenes.

Threading for example has the following benefits:- Fine Motor Control; Bilateral Coordination; Colour Recognition; Visual Perception; Hand-Eye Coordination; Early Maths Skills; Concentration and Perseverance; Creativity and Language.

Amazing huh?

Link to our blog:

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Videos (show all)

Today is the start of Family Safety Week so we thought it was a good time to share this video from Think! about crossing...
Today is the First Day of Spring AND the International Day of Happiness.Coincidence?
Let your child experience learning in a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy way through our Forest School Nurse...
Here are some games to try for improving dexterity in toddlers and preschoolers:❤️ Playdough✂️ Scissor cutting🧩 Jigsaw p...
We know what makes us special, but when we asked our parents it was wonderful to hear what they thought about our award-...
Firstly, it helps little ones realise that you are still there even if they can't see you.Secondly, it makes children fe...
Today is Pop Music Chart Day so just for a bit of fun we would love you to share what was the first 'record' you ever bo...
We wish all our followers a very happy Christmas.
What was the first record you ever purchased?Tell us in the comments for a bit of Friday fun!
If you're still not 100% sure what a Forest School is then this video might be just what you need. Produced by the Fores...
We are really looking forward to our Christmas gathering at the Blackheath site on Friday 16th December from 10:30am to ...
Happy December!The month to...🎄 Put the Christmas decorations up.🐦 Leave food out for the birds as the ground gets harde...




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