The Study of Collecting: Past, Present And Future
10 September 2024, 2-4pm
A roundtable discussion to explore not only traditional themes and methodologies but also new ones that have developed in the humanities, social sciences, museum studies, heritage and art market in recent years.
The Study of Collecting: Past, Present And Future
A roundtable discussion to explore not only traditional themes and methodologies but also new ones that have developed in the humanities, social sciences, museum studies, heritage and art market in recent years.
UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies announces its Visiting Research Fellows 2024-25
UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies announces its Visiting Research Fellows 2024-25
The UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies is delighted to announce that their first cohort of Visiting Research Fellows will arrive at UCL in the Autumn Term 2024.
HYBRID: Writing Displacements
10 July 2024, 12-3pm
Gathering poets and scholars, the space seeks to open and to build displacement-to-displacement conversations and solidarities, thinking across histories and geographies, movements, times and places.
HYBRID: Writing Displacements
Gathering poets and scholars, the space seeks to open and to build displacement-to-displacement conversations and solidarities, thinking across histories and geographies, movements, times and places.
ONLINE: An Archive of Jamaican Fibre Plants
16 July 2024, 3:30pm–4:45pm
Sloane Lab and HDSM Darmstadt are pleased to welcome Lucille Junkere, research-based textile artist and Sloane Lab Community Fellow.
ONLINE: An Archive of Jamaican Fibre Plants
Sloane Lab and HDSM Darmstadt are pleased to welcome Lucille Junkere, research-based textile artist and Sloane Lab Community Fellow.
The Anthropology of Play: Encounters and Emergences
11 –12 July 2024
This conference, inaugurating the newly-established AnthroPlay network, seeks to return us to the heart of the anthropological approach: ethnographically driven engagements with play and playfulness. While conceptual thinking on play is attractive due to its broad interdisciplinary nature, we seek to centre anthropological methods, theories, and approaches to its study.
The Anthropology of Play: Encounters and Emergences
What can an anthropological approach bring to our understandings of play?
Remembering Dionysus: Nonnus’ Monster
27 June 2024, 3pm-7pm
A roundtable discussion with Tim Whitmarsh (University of Cambridge)
Remembering Dionysus: Nonnus’ Monster
A roundtable discussion with Tim Whitmarsh (University of Cambridge)
Emergence of Stateness in Urban Development
27 June 2024, 10:00 am–3:30 pm
The workshop aims to encourage the analysis and contrast of urban governance structures in Africa and East Europe, and explore how states and institutions influence urban development processes.
Emergence of Stateness in Urban Development
Please join us for a one-day workshop focusing on two seemingly ‘incompatible’ geographical locations—Africa and Eastern Europe. The workshop aims to encourage the analysis and contrast of urban governance structures in these regions and explore how states and institutions influence urban deve...
Speculative Worlds Summer Lab 2024 ‘Exploring Sensorial Landscapes and Walking Practice’
19-29 June 2024
The 'Summer Lab' series brings together postgraduate and early-career researchers, practice-based researchers, and artists to collaborate on world-building and making over two days to imagine alternative pasts and potential futures.
Speculative Worlds Summer Lab 2024 ‘Exploring Sensorial Landscapes and Walking Practice’
The 'Summer Lab' series brings together postgraduate and early-career researchers, practice-based researchers, and artists to collaborate on world-building and making over two days to imagine alternative pasts and potential futures.
Polluting Infrastructures and Environmental, Reproductive, and Racial Injustice in North London
17 June 3-4pm
'Methodologies for Living with Toxicity: Polluting Infrastructures and Environmental, Reproductive, and Racial Injustice in North London' - Breathing In: Air and Atmospheres Seminar with Dr Gala Rexer, UCL/University of Warwick.
Polluting Infrastructures and Environmental, Reproductive, and Racial Injustice in North London
'Methodologies for Living with Toxicity: Polluting Infrastructures and Environmental, Reproductive, and Racial Injustice in North London' - Breathing In: Air and Atmospheres Seminar with Dr Gala Rexer, UCL/University of Warwick. This seminar series is run jointly by the IAS and WiSER at Wits, and ta...
Relational Repair: Black Life Beyond Injury
6 June 5-7pm
This talk explores the totalizing violence of anti-blackness, asserting that anti-black violence should be understood as violence against Black relations.
The UCL Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism and Racialisation is delighted to welcome Prof Jovan Lewis to give this public lecture.
Relational Repair: Black Life Beyond Injury
The UCL Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism and Racialisation is delighted to welcome Prof Jovan Lewis to give this public lecture.
IAS Book Launch: Into the Continent
20 May 2024, 6-8pm
Multifaceted and multi-voiced, Emily McGiffin’s poems explore the ongoing violence, destruction, and loss wrought by colonialism and capitalist extraction across time and geographic space, from Turtle Island to South Africa.
IAS Book Launch: Into the Continent
Join us for the launch of Emily McGiffin's new book of poetry, Into the Continent.
The Feminist Philosopher, the Nomad, The Posthuman
Summer School course
A Week With Rosi Braidotti (former IAS Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow)
The Feminist Philosopher, the Nomad, The Posthuman | Utrecht Summer School
A Week With Rosi Braidotti
The libidinal lives of statues
14 May 2024, 5:00 pm–7:30 pm
In this talk Dr Rahul Rao (University of St Andrews) asks what it is about statues that has spooked people in the past enough to arouse in them the impulse to destroy.
The libidinal lives of statues
In this talk Dr Rahul Rao (University of St Andrews) asks what it is about statues that has spooked people in the past enough to arouse in them the impulse to destroy.
Call for Visiting Research Fellows at the UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies (CCS)
They welcome applications from post-doctoral, mid-career and senior scholars. Apply by 2nd June 2024.
Call for Visiting Research Fellows at the UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies (CCS)
We welcome applications from post-doctoral, mid-career and senior scholars. Apply by 2nd June 2024.
Sounds of Place: Listening Geographically to Nordic and British Art Song
3 May 2024, 1-2:15pm
How does music interpret place? Don't miss this conversation-recital exploring the sounds of Nordic and British art songs in different sites and settings
Sounds of Place: Listening Geographically to Nordic and British Art Song
How does music interpret place? Don't miss this conversation-recital exploring the sounds of Nordic and British art songs in different sites and settings
Annual Tagore Lecture 'Mexican Apocalypses: 2023 | 1521 | 14,000 BC'
29 April 2024, 6pm-8pm
Robert Folger, director of the Käte Hamburger International Centre for Apocalyptic and Postapocalyptic Studies, will use Mexican art work from different time periods to tease out the particular temporality of Apocalypse in which the present folds back onto the past.
Annual Tagore Lecture 'Mexican Apocalypses: 2023 | 1521 | 14,000 BC'
Robert Folger, director of the Käte Hamburger International Centre for Apocalyptic and Postapocalyptic Studies, will deliver the 2024 Rabindranath Tagore Lecture
'What happens in the deep, washes in the shallows': the global afterlives of Lachlan Macquarie
14 May 2024, 5pm-7:30pm
While we work out what to do with bad memorials, what affective and political possibilities for solidarity and resistance are opened up when we tarry with the bad feelings that they produce?
'What happens in the deep, washes in the shallows': the global afterlives of Lachlan Macquarie
While we work out what to do with bad memorials, what affective and political possibilities for solidarity and resistance are opened up when we tarry with the bad feelings that they produce?
Discussion: Nostalgia - A History of a Dangerous Emotion
27 April 2024, 9:30 am–5:00 pm
Consider the origins of nostalgia as a psychopathological disorder through to how it is used and misused in contemporary life – in areas from politics to advertising – and how we best respond.
Discussion: Nostalgia - A History of a Dangerous Emotion
Join the UCL European Institute, the IAS and Grand Challenges, for an interdisciplinary discussion of nostalgia, drawing on a new book by Agnes Arnold-Forster.
creativecritical.net presents: The Forms of Criticism
27 April 2024, 9:30am-5pm
Can criticism be creative? And if so, should critics be writing in other forms as well as the article and monograph, the default forms of criticism in contemporary academia? Join us for a symposium.
creativecritical.net presents: The Forms of Criticism
Can criticism be creative? And if so, should critics be writing in other forms as well as the article and monograph, the default forms of criticism in contemporary academia? Join us for a symposium.
IAS Book Launch: Home after Fascism & German-Jewish Life / Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust
25 April 2024, 5:15pm-7pm
This joint book launch brings together authors Anna Koch and Helen Finch in celebration of their books.
IAS Book Launch: Home after Fascism & German-Jewish Life Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust
This joint book launch brings together authors Anna Koch and Helen Finch in celebration of their books 'Home after Fascism' and 'German-Jewish Life Writing in the Aftermath of the Holocaust'
Homes in Crisis Capitalism: Gender, Work and Revolution
24 May 2024, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm, UCL
Marnie Holborow's book explores work and care provided in the home, and identifies their effects on gender inequality and discrimination.
Homes in Crisis Capitalism: Gender, Work and Revolution
Marnie Holborow's book explores work and care provided in the home, and identifies their effects on gender inequality and discrimination.
The Institute of Advanced Studies and the German Historical Institute London are appointing a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, for six months from 1 October 2024.
Apply by 15th May 2024
IAS-German Historical Institute London Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2024-25
The Institute of Advanced Studies and the German Historical Institute London intend to appoint a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, tenable for a period of six months from 1 October 2024.
💰IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund💰 supports UCL-based early-career researchers, including research students, from Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences.
Up to £1,500 per application. Apply by 8th April.
IAS Octagon Fund open for applications
The Octagon Small Grants Fund supports UCL-based early-career researchers, including research students, from Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences.
Critical and creative engagement with historical data
Sloane Lab and HDSM Darmstadt Seminar Series 2024
This seminar invites international speakers whose work is situated at the intersections of collections as data, cataloguing histories and critical archival studies, heritage infrastructures, critical digital heritage, and information science.
Critical and creative engagement with historical data
Sloane Lab and HDSM Darmstadt Seminar Series 2024
CfP: ‘South Asia’ + ‘Middle East’ + ‘Early Modern’ = ?
In-person workshop at Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, London on 21 June 2024, 10am–6pm.
Deadline for submissions, 30th April 2024
CfP: ‘South Asia’ + ‘Middle East’ + ‘Early Modern’ = ?
In-person workshop at Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, London on 21 June 2024, 10am–6pm. Deadline for submissions, 30th April 2024
💰IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund💰 supports UCL-based early-career researchers, including research students, from Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences.
Up to £1,500 per application. Deadline for 2024 applications: 8 April.
IAS Octagon Fund open for applications
The Octagon Small Grants Fund supports UCL-based early-career researchers, including research students, from Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences.
The Institute of Advanced Studies is seeking to appoint two one-year Postdoctoral Fellows to work on interdisciplinary projects relevant to the theme Languages of the Future on an appointment of 12 months to begin on 1 October 2024. Apply by 14 April 2024.
JOB OPPORTUNITY: IAS Quirk Postdoctoral Fellowships: Languages of the Future
The Institute of Advanced Studies is seeking to appoint two one-year Postdoctoral Fellows to work on interdisciplinary projects relevant to the theme Languages of the Future on an appointment of 12 months to begin on 1 October 2024. Apply by 14 April 2024.
Book launch: Art and Emancipation
15 March 2024, 5:30pm-7:30pm
A discussion at the Marxism in Culture seminar between John Roberts and Kim Charnley about 'Art and Emancipation' recently published in the Historical Materialism series.
Book launch: Art and Emancipation
A discussion at the Marxism in Culture seminar between John Roberts and Kim Charnley about 'Art and Emancipation' recently published in the Historical Materialism series.
CfP: ‘South Asia’ + ‘Middle East’ + ‘Early Modern’ = ?
Deadline: 30th April 2024
IAS, UCL, London, 21 June 2024
This workshop seeks to showcase new work in the field of early modern South Asian and Middle Eastern studies, while broadly examining what it means to use a period label derived from Europe’s historical experience and historiography, together with geographic categories originating in the Cold War West.
CfP: ‘South Asia’ + ‘Middle East’ + ‘Early Modern’ = ?
Workshop at Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL, London on 21 June 2024, 10am–6pm. Deadline for submissions, 30th April 2024
The Institute of Advanced Studies is seeking to appoint two one-year Postdoctoral Fellows to work on interdisciplinary projects relevant to the theme 'Languages of the Future' on an appointment of 12 months to begin on 1 October 2024.
⚠️Apply by 14 April 2024 ⚠️
JOB OPPORTUNITY: IAS Quirk Postdoctoral Fellowships: Languages of the Future
The Institute of Advanced Studies is seeking to appoint two one-year Postdoctoral Fellows to work on interdisciplinary projects relevant to the theme Languages of the Future on an appointment of 12 months to begin on 1 October 2024. Apply by 14 April 2024.