New Acropolis UK

New Acropolis UK


London based educational charity offering talks and classes on major Eastern & Western philosophical traditions, emphasising practical application.

Operating as usual


Plato like the other philosophers of antiquity suggested that a part of the human being is immortal… What does this mean? How can we think about this prospect for ourselves and make sense of it?

Investigating wisdom traditions from both Eastern & Western perspectives can give us the necessary philosophical framework to think about life’s deepest questions. Questions to do with who we are, what the direction of our lives is and how to live well.

Our upcoming 18-week course Philosophies of East & West will introduce you to the major concepts of Eastern and Western Philosophy focusing on their practical application for daily living.

For information and to apply please visit or see our linkinbio.

Topics: Timeless and Universal Philosophy | India & the Bhagavad Gita | Tibet | Buddhism | China & the teachings of Confucius | Egypt | Greece - Plato & Aristotle | Rome and the Stoics | The Neoplatonic School | Philosophy of History | The Human Being and the Universe | The Hermetic Tradition.

The first evening is £10 to attend, and this cost will be deducted from the full course amount if we are able to offer you a place. This evening introduces the course and gives the opportunity to see if this is what you are looking for. There will be two full classes and a break in the middle with an opportunity for refreshments.  

Photos from New Acropolis UK's post 27/11/2024

To mark UNESCO’s World Philosophy Day this year, we held a panel discussion on the theme of ‘Unity through diversity’. Asking: Living in a very diverse city, how can we get closer to this sense of unity?⁠

Together with speakers from different London communities, we explored universal philosophical principles and practical actions to help us achieve greater cohesion in London and make this city a better place to live for everyone.⁠

Photos from New Acropolis UK's post 16/06/2024

Day of Arts 2024: Free Talks & Workshops - Sat, 22nd June 10:00am-6:00pm. £ donations welcome.⁠

This year, for the first time, we will join UNESCO’s initiative known as “World Art Day”. This day is usually celebrated on April 15, but due to the proximity of Mother Earth Day (which we also take part in), we have decided to celebrate it on a date close to the International Day of Music, which takes place on 21 June.⁠

The Day of Arts is a celebration of the arts as a universal language of expression that can transcend borders and bring people together. Our guiding theme is “Unity through Diversity” and you are warmly invited to celebrate the elevating, inspiring and transformative power of the arts with us. ⁠

10.30am Doors (and cafeteria) open⁠
11-11.30am Talk: The Importance of Art and Culture ⁠
11.30-2.30pm Workshop: Drop-in Drawing Session⁠
12.00-1.00pm Talk: Capturing the Moment in Poetry⁠
1.15-2.15pm Workshop: The Drama Hour⁠
2.30-3.30pm Talk: Rediscovering the Mythological Dimension in Art ⁠
3.30-4.30pm Workshop: Body Percussion and Singing⁠
4.45-6.00pm Workshop: Contemplating Art for Inner Understanding ⁠


Day of Arts 2024: Free Talks & Workshops - Sat, 22nd June 10:30am-6:00pm. £ donations welcome.⁠

This year, for the first time, we will join UNESCO's initiative known as "World Art Day". This day is usually celebrated on April 15, but due to the proximity of Mother Earth Day (which we also take part in), we have decided to celebrate it on a date close to the International Day of Music, which takes place on 21 June.⁠

The Day of Arts is a celebration of the arts as a universal language of expression that can transcend borders and bring people together. Our guiding theme is "Unity through Diversity" and you are warmly invited to celebrate the elevating, inspiring and transformative power of the arts with us. ⁠

10.30am Doors (and cafeteria) open⁠
11-11.30am Talk: The Importance of Art and Culture ⁠
11.30-2.30pm Workshop: Drop-in Drawing Session⁠
12.00-1.00pm Talk: Capturing the Moment in Poetry⁠
1.15-2.15pm Workshop: The Drama Hour⁠
2.30-3.30pm Talk: Rediscovering the Mythological Dimension in Art ⁠
3.30-4.30pm Workshop: Body Percussion and Singing⁠
4.45-6.00pm Workshop: Contemplating Art for Inner Understanding ⁠

For tickets please visit:

Image Credit: Andrea Mantegna courtesy of the Royal Collection Trust



On this day 26 April 1974 our School of Philosophy in the Classical Tradition was founded here in London.

Our aim to revive the timeless value of philosophy as a means of individual and collective renewal is as important today as ever. To face the challenges of our times we propose living values such as unity, tolerance and action. Rooted in a belief in human dignity and the potential in everyone, we work to keep alive the spiritual intuition in the human being.

“Once more we see the clear importance of Philosophy understood as Love of Wisdom as a permanent action in search of profound and true values” - Delia Steinberg Guzman

Photos from New Acropolis UK's post 22/04/2024

To celebrate Earth Day this year, members of New Acropolis Uk organised a volunteering action in Hackney Wick, East London, in partnership with Hackney Council to clear up a neglected inner city woodland area.
🌍🌱 🧚

In a few hours we collected around 800kg of rubbish and we hope that the occasion of International Earth Day will help people to connect more consciously with the environment. Through many small efforts as individuals and communities we can improve our surroundings making a difference to each other and to nature in the places where we live and work.


An inspiring morning yesterday at our seminar looking at the question of why we suffer and what life’s difficulties can teach us about being human. 🤔

We explored classical ideas from Buddhism and Plato, also the power of metaphor and at more contemporary thinkers such as McGilchrist and Jung.



*LAST CHANCE* Seminar: Why do we suffer? Understanding what life’s difficulties can teach us about being human. Sat 13 April, 11am-1pm. London, N1. 🎫 £20 (£15 cons)⁠
The phrase ‘Life is Suffering’ was famously expounded by the Buddha in the first Noble Truth of Buddhist teaching. This stark and profound piece of wisdom presents a great challenge, both to comprehend and accept but also to live with. ⁠

How shall we proceed with our hopes and dreams in the light of our seemingly inevitable suffering? Life in this sense can be quite perplexing and at some point everyone has probably thought ‘why me?’. However, by looking more closely at the nature of our suffering and what it points towards we might find avenues for inner reflection and self-discovery which open up new spiritual possibilities. ⁠

This seminar will consider how we can transform suffering and challenges to develop wisdom and spiritual understanding. We will explore Buddhist teachings and look at some practical advice for life’s challenges. We will also look at examples from mythology to help connect with archetypal images of moving beyond difficulties and limitations. ⁠

The workshop will begin at 11am and finish by 1pm. Tea and biscuits will be provided on the house.

See link

Photos from New Acropolis UK's post 07/03/2024

*SOLD OUT* Philosophies of East & West 18-week Course | London, N1.

On Tuesday we held the free introductory evening for our 18 week course which explores some of the major concepts in philosophy from both Eastern and Western traditions.

Our next introductory evenings will take place in Autumn this year. If you would like to be notified of future dates please send us a message with your name and email address to be added to the course mailing list.


*OPENING TUESDAY 5TH MARCH* 18-week Course: Philosophies of East & West Tue 5 March, 7pm. London N1.⁠ Free Introduction.

This course will introduce you to the major concepts of Eastern and Western Philosophy focusing on their practical application for daily living. ⁠

Philosophy means love of wisdom (philo-sophia) and is an active attitude of awareness towards life. In this sense, we are all born philosophers, with an innate need to ask questions and with the intuition that there are answers to be found. Every civilisation has passed on to us its experience and understanding of life. However, most of us have had little opportunity to learn about the vast heritage of ideas that have inspired and guided humanity throughout history.⁠

Topics: Timeless and Universal Philosophy | India & the Bhagavad Gita | Tibet | Buddhism | China & the teachings of Confucius | Egypt | Greece - Plato & Aristotle | Rome and the Stoics | The Neoplatonic School | Philosophy of History | The Human Being and the Universe | The Hermetic Tradition. ⁠

The first evening is free to attend and gives the opportunity to see if the course is what you are looking for. There will be two full classes with a break in the middle and a chance for refreshments. Full course fees are £260 (£180 concessions) and enrolment can be made in advance or after the free introductory evening.⁠

For further information and to register for a Free Introductory Evening place please visit or see our linkinbio.


18-week Course: Philosophies of East & West Tue 5 March, 7pm. London N1.⁠

This course will introduce you to the major concepts of Eastern and Western Philosophy focusing on their practical application for daily living. ⁠

Philosophy means love of wisdom (philo-sophia) and is an active attitude of awareness towards life. In this sense, we are all born philosophers, with an innate need to ask questions and with the intuition that there are answers to be found. Every civilisation has passed on to us its experience and understanding of life. However, most of us have had little opportunity to learn about the vast heritage of ideas that have inspired and guided humanity throughout history.⁠

Topics: Timeless and Universal Philosophy | India & the Bhagavad Gita | Tibet | Buddhism | China & the teachings of Confucius | Egypt | Greece - Plato & Aristotle | Rome and the Stoics | The Neoplatonic School | Philosophy of History | The Human Being and the Universe | The Hermetic Tradition. ⁠

The first evening is free to attend and gives the opportunity to see if the course is what you are looking for. There will be two full classes with a break in the middle and a chance for refreshments. Full course fees are £260 (£180 concessions) and enrolment can be made in advance or after the free introductory evening.⁠

For further information and to register for a Free Introductory Evening place please visit or see our linkinbio.


**Saturday** Workshop: Mind Best Friend or Worst Enemy? Sat 27 Jan, 11am. Tickets £30 (£20 concessions), London N1.

Our mind has a bigger impact on our life than we usually realize. It not only colours our experiences of life but might, to a certain extent, even be the cause of some of them. Understanding our mind better allows us to take responsibility for our lives and to become creators of our own destiny. This workshop will explore how the mind works and will suggest ways of learning to master the mind and unfold its potential. As the Buddha said: “An undisciplined mind does greater harm than all your enemies.”
We will also explore mind-related topics such as consciousness, imagination and meditation, and enjoy some practical exercises.

Book here via eventbrite -

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Videos (show all)

18-week Course: Philosophies of East & West Thurs 27 February or Tues 4 March, 7pm. London N1.This course will introduce...
Talk: An Introduction to the Alchemical Journey, Mon 27 Jan, 7pm. London, N1. £10 (£6 concs)Two-hour talk on the spiritu...
Workshop: Philosophical Friendship - Keys To Inner Life & Reaching The Other. Sat 30 Nov, 11am. London, N1. £30 (£20 con...
Talk: Theory of the Imprisoned Soul. Wed 2 Oct, 7pm. Islington N1. Tickets £7 (£5cons).How have Eastern and Western phil...
18-week Course: Philosophies of East & West Wed 9 October or Tues 15 October, 7pm. London N1.This course will introduce ...
Day of Arts 2024: Free Talks & Workshops - Sat, 22nd June 10:00am-6:00pm. £ donations welcome.⁠⁠The Day of Arts is a cel...
Earth Day 2024!! #volunteering #newacropolis #london 🌍🌱🌳🧚🐉🙏🏻✨To celebrate @unesco Earth Day this year, members of New Ac...
Issue 60 of our New Acropolis Magazine is out! A bi-monthly collection of reflective and concise articles on esoterica, ...



18 Compton Terrace

Opening Hours

Monday 6pm - 9:30pm
Tuesday 6pm - 9:30pm
Wednesday 6pm - 9:30pm
Thursday 6pm - 9:30pm
Friday 6pm - 9:30pm