Parkside Community Primary School

Parkside Community Primary School


Welcome to our page. We will be updating it regularly with information on what is happening here at school.

Operating as usual

Liam's page 2024 24/07/2024

Mr Wanless will once again be braving the Serpentine in September to raise money for charity. If anyone would like to sponsor him and help him reach his £250 target, then please click the link below and we will all wish him well. Good luck, he will appreciate all the support he can get.

Liam's page 2024 About us Swim Serpentine is London’s hugely popular festival of open water swimming where swimmers can take on a variety of distances in Hyde Park’s famous Serpentine lake, ranging from half a mile to


Dear Year 6,

It is with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to Parkside's class of 2024. They have been such a great class to teach: responsive, thoughtful, diligent, interested, funny - everything a teacher could want! I will miss them so much. I hope that you take with you into Year 7 a quiet confidence in your ability to think, write and speak your thoughts and ideas. My hope is that books, with stories and new knowledge, will always be important in your lives as places for escape, places to learn, and places of safety. I know that each and everyone of you will go on to do great things - please do stay in touch and share your achievements.
All my love, Mrs Parmar x

I feel very lucky to have been able get to know you all this year. You have all worked so hard, but I hope you have had lots of fun too. You have been brilliant to teach - full of humour and personality. There is never a dull moment in year 6 and you have kept me on my toes!I had a great time at PGL with most of you – it was great to see you give all of the activities a go and conquer your fears. I have also been proud of your amazing performances this year: our WW2 assembly and of course our year 6 show: “Old School Daze!’ I have never had a class who loves to sing and perform as much you! You should all be very proud of your hard work and the progress you have made this year. I have every confidence that you will achieve your hopes and dreams in the future.
Keep working hard! Mrs Knowles

It will be very difficult to say goodbye to our wonderful year 6. I’ve been fortunate to work with you for more than a year and I have watched you develop into an enthusiastic,charming group of young people who are full of vitality. I want to congratulate you on your production- it was an absolute joy to watch. I wish all of you the best of luck in your new schools and want to thank you for making my job so enjoyable.
Love Mrs Lunniss

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 17/07/2024

Congratulations to Amira, Ela, Georgey and Barney who were presented ‘Service Above Self’ certificates during Monday's Assembly from The Rotary Club. As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary's main objective is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.


We are so proud! For the second year running we have achieved the prestigious Gold Sports Award! Watford& Hertsmere School Sport Partnership

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 12/07/2024

Year 3 and 6 had a lovely morning to see ‘Inside out 2’ courtesy of the Rotary Club. Children really enjoyed the movie which talks alot about emotions and how we feel on the inside. Year 6 were very grateful for their donation of snacks also provided by the Rotary Club. The year 6 children then spend the afternoon at Meadow park enjoying their last few days of Primary life.

A massive thank you to the Rotary Club and Parkside staff for making today happen.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 12/07/2024

The School councillors and Mr Wanless met the Mayor, Cllr Alpha Bird Collins, this morning. The children prepared questions to ask and they were very respectful and interested in what the Mayor does for our community. It was a lovely morning and the children have leant more about the role of a Mayor.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 12/07/2024

The lovely people at Argos in East Barnet gifted Parkside Parents/Carers x100 Food Bags. We are very thankful for your kindness.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 10/07/2024

A massive well done to year 6 who have worked extremely hard to perfect their performance of Old School Daze. They have now completed all 3 performances to pupils and parents/carers. We are very proud of you!

Thank you to Mrs Parmar, Mrs Knowles and Mrs Lunniss for creating props, helping to learn roles and signing/dancing.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 10/07/2024

Today Year 5 had the pleasure of visiting Elstree Screen Arts Academy.

We looked at their exhibition of Year 13 students' final art projects and they were amazing and so inspirational! We were asked to choose our favourite piece of artwork and explain why. This was the tricky part!

After that, we split ourselves into two teams and completed different workshops. For one workshop, the children were asked to create a slow motion animation. The children chose two characters and created them using play-dough. We then created a short story about them using a series of photographs. Watch this space for our completed animations!

The second group were asked to create a piece of artwork focused on a colour or image and make a piece of art on a canvas. These will then be put together to make an amazing piece of art that we can display in the school.

Thank you ESA for an amazing experience, the children loved it!

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 08/07/2024

Well done to the Parkside Boys for participating in a school tournament today. Well done to Harley who received player of the tournament for his fantastic performance! ⚽️

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 05/07/2024

Year 5 have been channelling their inner Thespians and performed the Witches’ Spell from the Shakespeare play, Macbeth. They have read the poem several times together as a class and ensured that we understood the language.

They have watched actors performing the poem and used this as inspiration to perform their own recitals of the poem. They used all the success criteria and performed the poem to their peers.

Check out our Parkside instagram for Year 5 Ash reading the poems.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 05/07/2024

Today Year 5 had our final session as part of our Mini Police programme. We had the pleasure of experiencing what the inside of a police car was like and heard the really loud siren! We explored the huge amount of equipment that was kept in the boot too!

After that, we tried on lots of police uniforms and for some of us, it was a little on the large size!
Finally, we found out how fast we could sprint by using the speed-o-meter. We were exhausted afterwards!


Warm up in the rain followed by Football and Frisbee in the sun. ☀️

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 05/07/2024

A massive congratulations to Year 5 children who were chosen to represent Watford& Hertsmere School Sport Partnership in an Ultimate Frisbee competition today. Miss Bowers is incredibly proud of you all for your behaviour and teamwork throughout the day. Parkside Year 5 team came in 3rd place out of 7 receiving a bronze medal.

The children were very proud and enjoyed the day. They joined in with skills games in the beginning and the coach from the frisbee club chose a captain. Well done to Louie, who was chosen by the coach to be Parkside’s captain. Your enthusiasm for the game was amazing and your leadership skill alongside communication skills helped to lead the team. Overall performance from Parkside was noticed by other teams and you all should be so proud of yourselves.

Fantastic performance, well done! 🏆🥏

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 05/07/2024

Well done to the Year 3 girls who were chosen to play in a Year 3 Football Festival at Oaklands college today. Thank you to School games for having us participate as Watford& Hertsmere School Sport Partnership. The day consisted of opening ceremony, guest speakers and a cultural village of Activities. The Inspire and engage Festival is aimed at Year 3 Girls to encourage them to participate and have fun whilst trying a new activity. Mr Honour was very impressed with the girls for keeping up the high energy and with this the girls received a Passion Baton for their amazing day. Well done girls keep up the hard work!

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 05/07/2024

School Games 2024
Thank you to Watford& Hertsmere School Sport Partnership for having Parkside represent in the School Games 2024. 🏆

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 04/07/2024

2024 Pearson National Teaching Awards
Congratulations to Mr Wanless who was nominated for ‘Teacher of the Year in a Primary School!’

In Monday's assembly, Mr Soyka and Mrs Herbaut surprised Mr Wanless by presenting him with a certificate and a personal letter from ‘The Teaching Awards’ President, Michael Morpurgo in celebration of ‘National Thank a Teacher Day’. Mr Morpurgo congratulated and thanked Mr Wanless. Quoting ‘Your devotion to the children, to colleagues to the school you work in has been extraordinary.’

Mr Wanless has been recognised for the value of his hard work and dedication to Parkside Community Primary School.

The Teaching Awards Trust and supported by BBC Education, this year's campaign celebrates every member of the education community, recognising their vital role in shaping children's lives and contributing to their learning environment.

Thank you for all that you do, From The Parkside Team! 🏆

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 03/07/2024

Parkside had a special guest speaker today in assembly.

We were lucky enough to be visited by Mya Mannix who is a trainee Pilot. Mya had come in today to speak to the Parkside pupils about future careers for and give younger children a wider range of different careers, courses for life, and inspiring them to reach for the best in their future. Children loved the Q and A session this morning.

After assembly Year 4 and Year 6 got more time to spend with Mya and created worksheets inspiring the children to think of their future goals, skills and qualifications to start to persue to achieve their goals

Thank you Mya ✈️


Year 2 have been making their fire engines in DT 🚒

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 03/07/2024

Today, our PE ambassadors along with Miss Bowers went to visit the residents of the Mead to lead some fantastic physical/sporting activities which the residents all seem to really enjoy.

Our community is very important to all of us at Parkside, and as I told the children today, the way they communicated, smiled and engaged means so much to the residents. So well done children, you are true role models for the school and a great credit to Miss Bowers and myself as part of the PE team.

Thank you to all the team at The Mead for a wonderful morning, the children met some amazing people and it was great to see different generations of our community building new relationships.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 03/07/2024

Our Reception children had a wonderful trip to the farm today. Well done children on engaging so well and being so caring with the animals.

Photos from The Mead's post 03/07/2024
Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 01/07/2024

Year 6 had a fantastic leaver’s party at Jump In Trampoline Park followed by fun at Meadow park! The children’s behaviour was impeccable and they were amazing ambassadors for the school.

Thank you to the Year 6 staff for arranging this lovely day out. Keep being amazing Year 6 🤩

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 28/06/2024

Fantastic effort by Parkside this afternoon. Shout out to Barney who received Player of the Match voted by St Bernadettes players. Amazing to see so many Parents and Carers attend our away game to support Parkside.

Thank you St Bernadettes Catholic Primary School for hosting, the children enjoyed the refreshments and biscuits at the end of the match on this lovely sunny afternoon. ⚽️

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 28/06/2024

Well done to Ahmed, Sarah, Kenzie, Selena, Riley, Christabel, Ela, Skyla, Luca, Annabelle, Arianna and Elisa who all showed us their amazing work in Art, DT, Maths and English. Keep up the good work!

Special mention to Miss Bowers too, as over the weekend she won players’ player of the year for her Football club. A great role model for all of our children at Parkside.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 27/06/2024

Today, our Year 1 and 2 children went to spark their creativity at Young V&A – the museum where children, young people and families can imagine, play and design.

Thank you to all the staff and parent volunteers for supporting the children during today’s trip.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 27/06/2024

This week in year 5 we have been very busy with Mini Police. The children performed an assembly to the KS2 children all about what they had learnt during our Mini Police sessions. Very well done to the children, who create their own powerpoint slides, scripts and props. A massive thank you to PCSO Julie Day for running the session and teaching the children.

PCSO Julie Day also brought with her PC Shaun Hill who talked to the children about his role and showed the children all of the equipment that he uses in his job. The children enjoy trying and examining the equipment. An honourable mention to Mrs Samways who dress up with the children.

Photos from Parkside Community Primary School's post 24/06/2024

Well done to Year 1 who took part in an athletics festival this afternoon at Hertswood Academy. The children enjoyed a circuit of activities led by Hertswood Academy sports leader who were very helpful and clear on all the stations.

Thank you to all involved.

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Welcome to Parkside Community Primary School

We have over 300 children attending our school and pride ourselves in knowing all of our students and their families well. We firmly believe that each child is exceptional and each has their own unique set of talents. We are a hard working team who aim to nurture those talents. We believe that children learn best when they are in an environment which encourages self expression, investigation, creativity and independence. We aim to provide the greatest possible education to enable your child to achieve their very best at school within a safe and caring environment.

At Parkside School we actively promote the values, virtues and ethics that underpin the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We also believe that learning is a life long process that should be enjoyed. We have redesigned our curriculum to reflect this; it actively encourages our children to practice and retain the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed not only during their time at school but in the world of work.

We are proud of our excellent relationships with parents, the most important people in a child’s life, working together to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children in the school. We hope that we will have a long and happy association with you. We are very proud of our school and hope that you will come to feel the same way too.

Mr Charles Soyka

Videos (show all)

School Games Mark
School Games 2024!
Parkside’s Beacon
iRock - Parkside Band 🥁🎸🎹🎤
iRock warm up - Believer
5 Cedar does Samba!
Year 6 Yoga
Seasons of the year performed by year 1.
Year 6 Assembly The Rise of Hitler and WW2.
Heat footage
Year 3/4 Carol Concert



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