UNIQ Study Hub

You can Study Abroad too! It's easier than u think. University Admissions to UK, PL, USA, IRL & more

Operating as usual


Dear Students, Applicants, Graduates and Friends

🎄As the festive season fills the air with joy and warmth, we want to take a moment to celebrate you—our incredible community.

🎄 Whether you're embarking on your educational journey, navigating the challenges of academia, or achieving remarkable milestones in your career, we are truly proud to be a part of your story.

🎁 May this Christmas bring you peace, happiness, and cherished moments with loved ones. As the New Year approaches, we wish you boundless opportunities, unwavering determination, and success in all your endeavours.

🎁 Thank you for letting us be a part of your growth. Here’s to a bright and inspiring 2025 together!

🎉 Warmest wishes & Wesołych Świąt
Karolina Chmara & UNIQ Study Hub


I’m delighted to invite you to a special episode premiering on 6th December to celebrate St. Nicholas Day on my YouTube channel! 🎅

🍄 Joining me will be my guest, 18-year-old amateur mycologist and creator of the "Grzybomoc" (eng. MushroomPower) project, Dorian Zisenbach, as we delve into some truly fascinating topics:

🎁 What’s the connection between Saint Nicholas and mushrooms?
🎁 Do truffles really have sxx ?
🎁 How do mushrooms influence our brain and overall health?
🎁 What's better: lion’s mane or cordyceps?
🎁What’s the value of the global mushroom market?

We’ll answer these and so much more as we uncover the wonders of the fungal world. Don’t miss this extraordinary episode!

🎅 Premiere: 6th December
🍄 YouTube Link: In a comment section below.

See you!
~ Karolina

Photos from UNIQ Study Hub's post 04/12/2024

📊 UK Student Visa Trends: Q3 2024 📊

The latest UK visa issuance data for July–September 2024 highlights notable shifts in international student mobility:
Overall Decline: Student visa issuances dropped by 13% in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023, and by 16% year-to-date (Jan-Sept).

Key Highlights by Country/Region:
🔹 China: Maintains its position as the top source of international students, with a 5% decline in visa issuances. The decrease stems from economic challenges and competition from destinations like Australia and Hong Kong.
🔹 India: Visa issuances fell by a significant 27%, with 28,000 fewer visas issued compared to Jan-Sept 2023. However, numbers remain nearly 3x pre-COVID levels.
🔹 Nigeria: A 62% drop in visa issuances makes it the steepest decline among top markets. Economic challenges and changes to dependent visa policies are contributing factors.
🔹 Nepal: Continues its upward trend with a +37% increase, showcasing strong demand for overseas education.
🔹 Pakistan: A modest +5% growth, overtaking Nigeria as the UK’s third-largest student source.

Other Regional Trends:
📉 South Asia: Bangladesh (-45%) and Sri Lanka (-41%) saw steep declines, aligning with trends in dependent visa restrictions.
📉 East Asia: Malaysia (-10%), Hong Kong (-14%), and Thailand (-9%) continued their downward trends.
📉 Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana (-47%) contrasted with 📈 Kenya (+12%), showing mixed patterns.
MENA Region: 📈 Kuwait (+5%) leads, while 📉 Saudi Arabia (-16%) and 📉 Iran (-44%) face declines.
EU Growth: EU student numbers grew 5%, with Germany leading the way.
Non-EU Europe: 📈 Turkey (+11%) outperformed, while 📉 Russia continued to decline (-4%).

💡 Takeaway:
While visa issuances have decreased, the total number of students remains well above pre-COVID levels, thanks to pathways like the Graduate Route visa introduced in 2021.


Fajna sprawa. Otóż najwyższy freak lotnictwa jakiego znam postanowił wreszcie przemówić. I tak oto powstał wywiad który będzie miał swoją premierę już za dzisń piątek 22/11/24 o godzinie 18:00 czasu UK.

👨‍✈️ Pogadamy krótko o technikum i stopniu Awionika, a potem przejdziemy do studiów inżynieryjnych i dodatku jakim są Pilot Studies.

✈️ Skąd wziąć na to kasę? Przecież te wszystkie licencje w Polsce kosztują do 500 000zł (w Anglii podobnie)!

✈️ Rozwiejemy wszystkie wątpliwości. Poznajcie mojego gościa, freaka, technika Awionika i przyszłego pilota samolotów pasażerskich.

🇵🇱 Interview will be handled in Polish language. English version is coming soon.


🪔 Happy Diwali celebrations! Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

🪔 Rooted in ancient traditions, Diwali marks the return of the hero prince Rama to his kingdom after a long journey to rescue his wife from a demon king. To honor his triumph, people lit oil lamps, or diyas, to guide his way back and symbolize hope and joy.

🪔 In the UK, Visit Leicester hosts one of the biggest Diwali celebrations outside of India, attracting thousands of people each year. The streets are lit with colorful displays, and a grand Diwali light switch-on kicks off two weeks of festivities, including cultural performances, music, and a firework show that lights up the night sky. London, Birmingham, and Manchester also join in, with vibrant displays and community gatherings that bring the magic of Diwali to life for everyone.


Ready to Meet a 16-Year-Old Founder? 🚀

Join us on November 3rd at 6 PM (UK time) for an inspiring interview with Weronika, the powerhouse behind the tech startup, BrainAce! At just 16, Weronika turned her passion for technology into a reality, diving into the competitive Polish startup scene alongside 5,000+ other companies.

🔍 Curious about her journey? We'll discuss everything from:

📈 Managing a startup as a teen
💪 Overcoming challenges as a young founder
🌟 Finding inspiration, mentors, and a supportive team

Don’t miss Weronika’s advice on finding growth opportunities for young entrepreneurs, even without immediate support. Catch this premiere on YouTube—set a reminder and get ready to be inspired!

Photos from UNIQ Study Hub's post 25/10/2024

[ PL, UA, RO version below ⬇️⬇️⬇️]

A few words about November intake at some of our partner universities. A valuable experience for students looking to maximize their preparation before starting degree-level studies.
This intake includes a 2-month English language course that is automatically integrated into the program at no extra cost, compared to the standalone Pre-Sessional English Program, which ranges from £1,590 to £4,990.

🇬🇧 Highlights of the English Language Program:
- Develop essential language and academic skills for university success.
- Small class sizes with one-on-one tutorial options to personalize support.
- Engaging, live English lessons with experienced UK tutors for active practice.
- Ongoing support from a dedicated tutor outside class to track progress.
- Build digital literacy and research capabilities, helping you confidently navigate academic expectations.

⭐️ Upon completing the English program, students seamlessly progress to the Foundation Year (International Year Zero) in January, focusing on foundational courses and subjects tied to their degree. This year includes in-depth academic English, covering vital skills like paraphrasing, public speaking, presentation skills, essay, and report writing, ensuring that students are well-prepared for university-level requirements.

⭐️ In October, students advance to their first year, adopting the standard academic year structure, from October to May, followed by a generous four-month summer break.

🇬🇧 Ready to Begin Your Journey?

If you’re interested in the November intake, now is the time to get started! Reach out to our admissions team for more information or to start your application process. This unique pathway is designed to build a strong academic foundation, ensuring your success from day one. Apply now using the link in the comment below.

- [POLISH] 🇵🇱
- Wersja Polska.

Kilka słów o rekrutacji listopadowej na naszych partnerskich uczelniach. To wyjątkowa okazja dla studentów, którzy chcą jak najlepiej przygotować się przed rozpoczęciem studiów licencjackich.

Rekrutacja listopadowa obejmuje 2-miesięczny kurs języka angielskiego, który jest automatycznie włączony do programu bez dodatkowych kosztów, w porównaniu do samodzielnego programu Pre-Sessional English Program, który kosztuje od £1,590 do £4,990. Króciutko - uczysz się i oszczędzasz.

🇬🇧 Najważniejsze cechy programu języka angielskiego:

- Rozwój kluczowych umiejętności językowych i akademickich, niezbędnych do osiągnięcia sukcesu na uczelni.
- Małe grupy zajęciowe z możliwością indywidualnych konsultacji, dostosowanych do potrzeb ucznia.
- Interaktywne, prowadzone na żywo lekcje języka angielskiego z doświadczonymi tutorami z Wielkiej Brytanii, zapewniające aktywną praktykę.
- Stałe wsparcie dedykowanego nauczyciela poza zajęciami, aby śledzić postępy ucznia.
- Rozwój umiejętności cyfrowych i badawczych, co pozwoli pewnie poruszać się w akademickim środowisku.

⭐️ Po ukończeniu programu języka angielskiego, studenci automatycznie przechodzą na Foundation Year (International Year Zero) w styczniu, który skupia się na przedmiotach podstawowych powiązanych z kierunkiem studiów.
Rok ten obejmuje również zaawansowane zajęcia z języka akademickiego, takie jak parafrazowanie, wystąpienia publiczne, umiejętności prezentacyjne, pisanie esejów i raportów – wszystko to, by jak najlepiej przygotować studentów do wymagań studiów licencjackich.

⭐️ W październiku studenci rozpoczynają pierwszy rok studiów, przyjmując standardowy rok akademicki od października do maja,
z około czteromiesięczną przerwą wakacyjną.

🇬🇧 Gotowy, by rozpocząć swoją podróż?
Jeśli interesuje Cię rekrutacja listopadowa, to idealny moment na działanie! Skontaktuj się z naszym zespołem rekrutacyjnym, aby uzyskać więcej informacji lub rozpocząć proces aplikacyjny. Ta unikalna ścieżka została zaprojektowana tak, aby zbudować solidne podstawy akademickie i zapewnić sukces od pierwszego dnia. Aplikuj teraz, korzystając z linku w komentarzu poniżej.

- Українська мова. 🇺🇦

(Якщо ви знайшли помилку в тексті, будь ласка, напишіть мені в коментарях. На жаль, я поки що не вмію писати українською)

Кілька слів про набір на листопад в деяких наших партнерських університетах. Цей досвід є цінним для студентів, які прагнуть максимально підготуватися до початку навчання на рівні бакалаврату.

Цей набір включає 2-місячний курс англійської мови, який автоматично інтегрований у програму без додаткових витрат, порівняно з окремим курсом Pre-Sessional English Program, вартість якого становить від £1,590 до £4,990.

🇬🇧 Основні особливості програми англійської мови:

- Розвиток основних мовних та академічних навичок, необхідних для успішного навчання в університеті.
- Невеликі групи з можливістю індивідуальних занять для персоналізованої підтримки.
- Інтерактивні, живі уроки англійської мови з досвідченими викладачами з Великобританії для активної практики.
- Постійна підтримка від особистого наставника поза заняттями для відстеження прогресу.
- Формування цифрової грамотності та дослідницьких навичок, що допоможуть вам впевнено орієнтуватися в академічних вимогах.

⭐️ Після завершення програми англійської мови студенти автоматично переходять на Підготовчий рік (International Year Zero) у січні, де вони вивчають базові курси, пов’язані зі спеціальністю. Цей рік включає поглиблене вивчення академічної англійської мови, зокрема навички парафразування, публічних виступів, проведення презентацій, написання есе та звітів, що забезпечує якісну підготовку до університетських вимог.

⭐️ У жовтні студенти переходять на перший курс, який дотримується стандартної академічної структури з жовтня по травень, з чотиримісячною літньою перервою.

🇬🇧 Готові розпочати свою подорож?
Якщо вас цікавить набір на листопад, саме зараз час діяти! Зв'яжіться з нашою приймальною комісією, щоб дізнатися більше або розпочати процес подачі заявки. Цей унікальний шлях розроблено для формування міцної академічної основи, яка забезпечить ваш успіх з першого дня навчання. Подайте заявку за посиланням у коментарі нижче.

- Română 🇷🇴

(Dacă găsiți o greșeală în text, vă rog să-mi scrieți în comentarii. Din păcate încă nu știu să scriu în limba română)

Câteva cuvinte despre sesiunea de admitere din noiembrie la unele dintre universitățile partenere. O experiență valoroasă pentru studenții care doresc să își maximizeze pregătirea înainte de a începe studiile de nivel universitar.

Această sesiune include un curs de limba engleză de 2 luni, integrat automat în program fără costuri suplimentare, spre deosebire de Programul de Limba Engleză Pre-Semestrial, care costă între £1,590 și £4,990.

🇬🇧 Aspecte esențiale ale Programului de Limba Engleză:

- Dezvoltarea abilităților lingvistice și academice esențiale pentru succesul universitar.
- Clase de mici dimensiuni cu opțiuni de tutorat individual pentru a personaliza sprijinul oferit.
- Lecții interactive, live, de limba engleză, cu tutori experimentați din Marea Britanie pentru o practică activă.
- Suport continuu din partea unui tutore dedicat, disponibil și în afara cursurilor pentru monitorizarea progresului.
- Dezvoltarea competențelor digitale și a capacităților de cercetare, pentru a naviga cu încredere cerințele academice.

⭐️ După finalizarea programului de engleză, studenții avansează cu ușurință către Anul Fundamental (International Year Zero) în ianuarie, concentrându-se pe cursuri fundamentale și discipline legate de domeniul lor de studiu. Acest an include cursuri aprofundate de engleză academică, acoperind abilități esențiale precum parafrazarea, vorbirea în public, prezentările, scrierea de eseuri și rapoarte, asigurând o pregătire solidă pentru cerințele universitare.

⭐️ În octombrie, studenții avansează în primul an de studiu, adoptând structura standard a anului academic, din octombrie până în mai, urmată de o pauză de vară generoasă de patru luni.

🇬🇧 Ești pregătit să-ți începi călătoria?

Dacă ești interesat de admiterea din noiembrie, acum este momentul să începi! Contactează echipa noastră de admitere pentru mai multe informații sau pentru a începe procesul de aplicare. Această cale unică este proiectată să construiască o bază academică solidă, asigurând succesul încă din prima zi. Aplică acum folosind linkul din comentariul de mai jos.


🎓 Ready to Study Abroad? UNIQ Study Hub Can Make It Happen! 🌍

At UNIQ Study Hub, we’re dedicated to making your dreams of studying abroad a reality! Whether you’re aiming for top universities in the UK, USA, Canada, or Poland, we’ve got you covered from start to finish.

Our services include:
✅ Admission counseling
✅ Visa advice (OISC Licensed)
✅ Accommodation assistance
✅ Student finance help

Founded by students, for students—our mission is to guide you through every step of your study journey. 🌟

Check out our website today and let’s design your future together! 🌟

🔗 https://uniq-consulting.co.uk/


🌍 Ready to Take the Leap and Study Abroad? Visit Our Website Today! 🎓✈️

Your dream of studying in the world’s top destinations is closer than you think! Whether you're aiming for the bustling campuses of Australia, the diverse opportunities in the UAE, the academic excellence of Canada, the innovation in the USA, or the historic universities of the UK—we can help you get there! 🌟

Head to our website now for everything you need: ✅ Admission support
✅ Visa assistance
✅ Expert counseling

Don’t wait—your study abroad adventure starts here! 🌍🚀

🔗 https://uniq-consulting.co.uk/
📲 DM us for any questions!


☀️ Lazy Sunday Vibes: Books or Podcasts? 📚🎧

It’s that kind of Sunday where all you want to do is relax and unwind... but the big question is: Books or Podcasts? 🤔

📚 Books: Perfect for getting lost in a whole new world, diving into deep stories, or learning something new—page by page. Whether it’s a cozy mystery or an inspiring self-help book, books are the ultimate escape!

🎧 Podcasts: The perfect lazy companion. Listen while you sip your coffee, stretch on the couch, or even take a walk. You can get entertained, educated, or even find a little motivation—all without turning a single page!

So, what’s your pick this Sunday? Team Books or Team Podcasts? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️


🌍 Dreaming of Studying Abroad? We’ve Got You Covered! 🎓✈️

Looking to study in some of the world’s top destinations? We can help you get started! 🌟 Whether it’s the vibrant cities of Australia, the cultural diversity of the UAE, the vast opportunities in Canada, the prestigious universities of the USA, or the rich academic history of the UK—we are here to guide you every step of the way! 🗺️

✅ Expert counseling ✅ Admission assistance ✅ Visa support

Your dream study destination is just a step away! 🚀 Let’s make it happen together. DM us for more details or visit our website today! 📞



🎓 Unlock Your Academic Potential with Our Educational Consulting Services! 📚
At UNIQ Study Hub, we are dedicated to guiding students toward their academic and career goals with personalized, expert advice. Here's what we offer:
🔍 College Application Assistance: Get help with everything from choosing the right schools to crafting standout essays.
📋 Career Path Planning: Unsure about your future? We offer personalized guidance to align your education with your career goals.
📝 Scholarship & Financial Aid Guidance: Maximize your opportunities with expert advice on how to secure scholarships and funding.
🌎 International Study Counseling: Interested in studying abroad? We’ll help you navigate the application process and find the best-fit programs.
Let’s work together to achieve your academic dreams! 🌟
Contact us today for a consultation. 📞


I get some queries related to availability to apply for October/November intake. Just wanted to let you know that I can still submit your applications to universities and other educational institutions. However - you have to be residing in UK.

If you need a student visa then your nearest intake will be January.

How to start?
Send your documents including diplomas and cv, and I’ll take care of the rest. Me and my team will:

- Assess your documents ✅
- Help select the right institution based on your results and preferences 🎓
- Handle the entire admissions process from start to finish ✍️

But that’s not all—I’ll support you after you get accepted.
From student finance to course enrolment and any further needs you may have, we’ll be there every step of the way. That’s why our students keep coming back to me throughout their studies for the next 3 years!

🚨 Important: We are currently accepting students residing in the UK for the October/November 2024 intake.
If you require a visa, the nearest available intake is in January.

Ready to take the next step? Let us handle your future!

👉 Contact us today and apply through clearing with confidence!

Contact me through : https://uniq-consulting.co.uk/apply-now/
or leave the comment below.


💡 Chris Grosser’s Inspiring Words to Live By 💼
This quote is a powerful reminder that success doesn’t come to those who wait. It’s about taking initiative, seizing the moment, and creating your own path. 🔑
Chris Grosser, a photographer and entrepreneur, captured the essence of proactive thinking with this iconic quote. It resonates not only in business but also in everyday life-showing us that the key to achieving greatness lies in our ability to take control and make things happen.
Are you creating your opportunities today? 🚀


📊 The Long-Term Financial Benefits of Earning a Degree 🎓
Recent studies continue to show that higher education remains one of the most reliable paths to long-term financial stability. 📈

According to the latest data:
✅Degree holders earn, on average, 75% more over their lifetime compared to those with just a high school diploma. 💼
✅Unemployment rates among college graduates are significantly lower, even during economic downturns. 🔒
✅Higher education also provides a wider range of career opportunities, giving graduates access to roles with better benefits, growth potential, and job security. 🔑
✅While the initial cost of pursuing a degree can feel daunting, the long-term returns both financially and professionally—continue to prove that education is a solid investment. 💰
✅As industries evolve and the demand for specialized knowledge increases, having a degree can be the key to higher earning potential and career advancement. 🌟


Netflix Binge or Weekend Adventure? 🤔🎬🏞️

When the weekend rolls around, what's your vibe?

💻 Netflix Binge: Curling up in bed, snacks in hand, and diving into that series you just can’t stop watching. Perfect for those cozy, lazy weekends! 😴🍿


🌄 Weekend Adventure: Hitting the trails, discovering new spots, and making memories with friends! For those who need a break from screens and crave a bit of fresh air and excitement! 🚴‍♂️🌿

Which one’s calling your name this weekend? Drop your choice below! 👇


Years, months, days, hours...
How long do you want to wait?
Thinking about advancing your career or changing your path? Studying in the UK could be the next step to a brighter future. We specialize in guiding students through the university admissions process, ensuring you find the right course, financial support, and opportunities to transform your life.
✅ Expert Guidance
✅ Scholarship Opportunities
✅ Tailored Programs for Adult Learners
Don’t wait—your future is in your hands! Let’s make it happen.
🎓 Ready to take the leap? Drop us a message today to start your journey!


🎓 Selecting the right educational agent is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and successful journey to studying abroad. A good agent can provide invaluable support, from helping you understand your options to guiding you through the application process. However, not all agents are created equal. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right educational agent:

✅ Verify Their Credentials: Ensure that the agent has completed relevant training programs, such as the British Council Education Agent Training Programme. Agents who have undergone such training are more likely to be knowledgeable and up-to-date with the latest in the education sector. You can verify their credentials by checking the British Council's database of trained agents.

✅ Adherence to Ethical Standards: A reputable educational agent should comply with the National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents. This code outlines the behaviors and values expected from agents, ensuring that they act in your best interests and provide unbiased advice.

✅ Transparency About Fees and Commissions: Ask the agent if they are paid a commission by the institutions they promote and whether they charge any additional fees. A trustworthy agent will be upfront about any costs and should provide a clear breakdown of what these fees cover.

Don’t leave your future to chance—choose a partner you can trust. Contact us today to begin your study abroad journey with confidence ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Karolina Chmara

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in London?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Stop the Motion.

A creative brain and thousands thoughts per second.
On the beginning there was nothing.
An unknown city, little 2x1.50m room, desk and notepad.
There was a dream. Hundreds of pictures drawn on the walls.
A truly creative mind.

The hunger of knowledge never stopped.
The times are changing.
We are changing every day.
So we are giving you the opportunity.
To freeze the Motion with us.
Let us to fulfill our works with your emotions.

And when I'm running with the camera just right behind you.
.Watch my back
Because I am watching yours.
Yours Emotions.

Video/Photo/Motion Graphy
Logo/Graphic Design
Facebook Fanpage Management
Wedding Planners

Welcome, to my world.

Videos (show all)

Dear Students, Applicants, Graduates and Friends🎄As the festive season fills the air with joy and warmth, we want to tak...
🚨 Reminder: Don't Forget to Save Your Spot for Our Webinar! 🚨Time is running out, and you don't want to miss this opport...
Adult Learning / Blended Study in the UK
Edukacja dla Dorosłych w UK ->
Study Computer Science in London
🎉 ✨ Dear Students, Parents, and University Partners, ✨🎉As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, UNIQ STUDY HUB...
💫 Dear Students and University Partners! Wishing you joy and warmth during this festive season! May you have a joyful Ch...



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Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 4pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm
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Sunday 10am - 2pm