Little People's Montessori very first Stay and Play session. Run by Charlotte, a qualified and highly experienced Montessori directress. She will be on hand to support and answer any questions you may have regarding Montessori philosophy and the materials.
Advanced booking is essential as Charlotte will prepare for the amount of families attending and will also link activities with the children's interests. This week we have an ice age enthusiast attending! Email us at [email protected] for further information.
We have some availability for a September start. We take children from 2 years old and accept all funding options too!
A wonderful testimonial we received today ❤️
We chose LPM for our son, who as a ‘covid baby’ was shy and not used to large groups. Our decision was clearly the right one as he has been excited and happy to go to nursery every day for the past three years. As well as providing him with amazing educational and developmental opportunities, it has also felt as though we are sending him off to one big, happy, family every day. From seeing his handwriting develop in the ‘sign in’ book, to being bandaged up after he has done a first aid course, from weekly forest school to the cultural celebrations, the varied curriculum and dedication of the teachers has constantly impressed us. We are very sad to be moving onto big school, but he has been well equipped for the move and we will be back to visit.
When the student becomes the guide 🥰🥰 Our work here is complete 😀
Come and join us for some fun and a chat!
Just love sitting in our garden when the sun is out! It's so beautiful and tranquil (after hours 😅)
Montessori Stay & Play
Thursdays 10:30am to 12:30pm during the summer holidays. Suitable for 18months to 6 years. Message us to reserve your space!
We are very excited to announce we will be running a Montessori Stay and Play over the summer holidays. Booking is essential- 18months - 6 years
Message for more details 😀
A wonderful start to the Summer term! I returned from maternity leave this week, and it made me realise just how much I miss being in our incredible environment, with these amazing children. The children were so happy to see their friends, and were straight back to the activities.
We spent a lovely hour at Bookish Play this morning. A really lovely activity session, well thought out and a nice bit of calm to start the weekend.
Our Cultural shelf 🥰 I love all aspects of Montessori philosophy and the materials but my absolute favourite is the cultural materials and activities - with a particular soft spot for the Mapping Game. The children also loved using our little St George's Day inspired tray ❤️
10 years of us! I'll miss you 😢😢
Come and join in with some fun on Sundorne Road 😀 lots of great things to play with or bring your own bike, skates, games etc. Open to all children, and a great opportunity for parents to have a chat!
We are so excited to have Relax Kids back at Montessori from next term! Relax Kids is such a beautiful concept, allowing children to learn concrete skills of how to be present and mindful in such a busy world. Over the years as technology has become a more prominent feature in children's lives, children have become restless. So used to having instant gratification by simply touching a screen, they are less patient; finding hard to follow processes and understand the joy of working towards an outcome. Relax Kids helps them to slow down, and focus on just being, in a fun way.
Calling all past and present families of LPM. Please join us to bid farewell to Renata on Saturday 16th March at St Richards Hall at 2:30pm
Our Little People have been working hard again this week! Some have been developing their hand muscles in preparation for writing through working with transferring activities. Our children have loved learning about the Comtinents through song and work with the puzzle map of the world. It is so lovely to capture some of the lovely relationships the children are either making or strengthening too. Learning how to work together to achieve a common aim, and negotiate ideas and thoughts is such an important skill that will be used again and again as the children progress through school and life.
Another busy week at Little People’s Montessori! We have some spaces available for a September start and offer the 2, 3 and 4 year old funding. Please contact us via [email protected] to make an appointment to experience our environment.
We are having issues with the mobile phone please use our landline while we get this fixed - 02088533988
Meet Our Team... Charlotte
Charlotte is the owner and founder of Little People's Montessori. Little People's Montessori has happily served the families of Charlton and beyond for 10 years.
Charlotte qualified as a Montessori directress in 2006 and subsequently worked in a variety of Montessori settings until she was able to realise her life long dream of opening her own Montessori. Charlotte's experience of Montessori began when she attended Toad Hall Montessori as a three year old, and after returning for work experience when she was 15 decided this was definitely what she was supposed to do with her life.
She is dedicated to the Montessori philosophy and passionate about creating an environment where children could come to learn, grow and play, at their own pace, guided and supported by the best adults. A lot has changed over the last ten years, but her love for her little people and their families is still as strong as ever. Charlotte now has three of her own Little People and it was the best feeling when her two older ones were old enough to join Montessori and benefit directly from the environment. The third one isn't quite old enough yet! It has been a pleasure to work with so many amazing families over the last ten years and she looks forward to next ten years!
A fantastic start to the new term. Lots of new starters who are already embracing their new environment, and lots of fully established little people ready to take the next step in their learning and further develop their friendships.
My aim this year is to share more on here about us, and other information that will interest you.
So tell me, what you would you like to know more about?
We had a very exciting visitor this morning! The children were thrilled and even baby H got in on the action.
Oh my goodness! Christmas rush, we have two showarounds per day every day until we break up for Christmas. The limited space we have is flying out - if you are planning on registering your child please do it as quick as possible to avoid disappointment. 🎄🎄
I found one of our lovely 'Thank You' cards tucked away in one of our boxes today. We are most definitely not a "normal nursery" 🥰🥰
🎃 🎃 Pumpkin time! Our children love scooping out the pumpkins, feeling the texture of the insides (some, not all!) and cleaning the seeds ready to use for pouring, counting and crafts!
Fabulous end to for this half term. Baby Pumpkin Week 🎃 H loved the lights!! Thanks Shelley x
Looking forward to Horn Fair later today! Lots of local businesses and charities to support. My little one is performing with for the second year in a row. Hopefully I'll see some of you there!
Little People's Montessori is looking for a kind, caring and patient person to work as a one to one with one of our children. The role is temporary and the hours are from 11 - 3:30 two days per week Wednesday and Thursday.
Ideally the successful candidate would start on 1st November. Experience in childcare is desirable but not essential. If you are interested and to find out more details about the role please send your CV to [email protected]
New 6-week postnatal support group run by the lovely Keri Hartwright starting in November - see details in the poster below.