PL: "Andronikus Synekdocha" 1 z 50 najważniejszych wydarzeń podczas 2023
EN:"Andronicus Synecdoche" is one of the 50 most important events during 2023.
PL: Spektakl “Andronikus Synekdocha” został wytypowany jako jeden 50 najważniejszych wydarzeń artystycznych Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Fringe w Edynburgu.
EN: The performance "Andronikus Synekdoha" has been selected as one of the 50 most important artistic events at the International Fringe Festival in Edinburgh.
EN: This project is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund.
PL: Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego RP z Funduszu Promocji Kultury.
This year Teatr Pieśń Kozła / Song of the Goat Theatre is going to perform 22 times at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023
This project is co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund.
Warsztaty dla SPP Models, w ramach kursu Beauty Management prowadzone przez Grzegorz Bral zainicjowane w SPP przez Roman Ziaja
Warsztaty SPP Models - Grzegorz Bral (Song Of The Goat Theatre & Fundacja Bral)
Grzegorz Bral – reżyser teatralny o światowej renomie (znany m.in jako lider Song of the Goat Theatre i Fundacji Bral) poprowadził kolejne warsztaty dla mode...
We kindly invite you all to join the next BSA & Onda LAB workshop -Last weekend of February 2023
February 24-25-26 the BRAL SCHOOL ITALY open in Livorno! | Onda Lab
Applications for participation are open for the Italian branch of the school!
Grazie Ondalab! Alessandra 😍
Soon in London
Song of the Goat Intensive Weekend - Fourth Monkey
Song of the Goat Weekend Intensive Course Details Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 October 10:00 – 17:00 each day BOOK TICKETS Course Description This workshop is based on Self-Less Language, which evolved from the Bral Acting Method, and the coordination, the unique acting technique by Song of The Goat Thea...
2 weeks intensive master classes with Grzegorz Bral in March 16-27.2020 in Wroclaw
Workshops will consist of a series of "coordination" exercises. Each workshop will be based on the same core principles, however, they will vary according to the level and experience of each group. Bral Acting Method is based on the understanding that all our acting tools, such as voice, gesture, rhythm, imagination, and energy, are interconnected.
More info 👉 [email protected]
one day workshop with the Choir ;
1-2 June, next workshop led by Grzegorz Bral 👇
Contemplating the use of our voice through series of different, yet simple physical and vocal excercises.
Sometimes people say "an organic use of the voice" or "natural voice" or "freeing your voice".
I believe that one of the greatest tools for our voice is ... Imagination (Grzegorz Bral)
Intensive workshops with Grzegorz Bral, Bral School of Acting director and Song of the Goat theatre director, consists a series of coordinating excercises. Each workshop is based on the same core principles, however they vary according to the level and experience of each group.
ACTING COORDINATION METHOD is the unique practice of acting training, invented and gradually developed by Grzegorz Bral, with other practitioners from Song of The Goat Theatre. Acting Coordination Method is based on the understanding that all of our acting tools, such as voice, gesture, rhythm, imagination and energy, are interconnected.
In the centre of the Coordination Method is performer himself, seen as a source of the act of creaction, and a complex instrument, in which all acting tools are interdependent.
Coordination Method is concentrated on searching the organic interlinking and integration of voice, movement and imagination, within an individual performer as well as on the researching and developing the path of coexistence between a partner and the group as an ensemble.
Voice Coordination Workshop with Grzegorz Bral. This workshop will give a chance to explore the voice in relations with movement, rhythm, imagination and spatial awarness.
Term: 1 - 2 June in London. More info 👇 www.bralschool.com
Please contact us 👉 [email protected]
http://www.bralschool.com/open-workshops #113-voice-coordination-workshop--june--2019
Two-days workshop with Grzegorz Bral
2-3 February 2019 in London
Photo by Andrzej Zając
Last places for Acting Coordination Technique Workshops led by Grzegorz Bral in Bral School of Acting.
2 terms 👉 23-24 February / 16-17 March.
Feel free to contact us 👉 [email protected]