Bel Canto Vocal Studio

Bel Canto Vocal Studio


Dr. Ken Querns-Langley, VHP
Elite Voice Training: Singing Lessons Bel Canto Technique Our music school started in 2003 in Marylebone London.

Ken Querns Langley founded the studio because he felt there was a lack of legitimate Bel Canto training available. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced artist, Our Vocal Instructors offer world class vocal tuition & music classes for everyone! You'll work on exciting solo music and ensemble projects as well as receive expert advice and tips on style and technique from our acclaimed voice teachers & vocal coaches.

Operating as usual


Angelina Jolie on discovering the healing power of singing, after her portrayal of legendary operatic soprano Maria Callas in ‘Maria’. ❤️


Så er vi alle landet i 2025. I Opera Nprdsjælland har vi fejret dette med de første fælles sceneprøver for kor og solister. Det er så dejligt at være samlet.
Vi fejrer også nytår med at præsentere vores Violetta.
I der har kendt, og fulgt foreningen i mange år kender hende godt, og I der skal se os for første gang kan godt glæde jer.
Det er os en stor glæde at offentliggøre at det er Simone Victor - Soprano der spiller Violetta.

Simone Victor har primært studeret privat i udlandet, overvejende hos Bel Canto Vocal Studio i London, og studerer i dag hos den internationalt anerkendte sanglærer, Neil Semer.
I 2017 debuterede hun som Santuzza i Mascagni's "Cavalleria Rusticana" hos Opera Nordsjælland, og har sidenhen sunget hovedpartier som Gilda i Verdi's "Rigoletto", Titelrollen i Bellini's "Beatrice di Tenda", Adina i Donizetti's "L'elisir d'amore", Cio-Cio-san i Puccini's "Madama Butterfly", samt Geraldine i Barber's "A hand of bridge".
Udover at synge roller har Simone også hyppigt optrådt som solist ved koncertbegivenheder bl.a. på London Bel Canto Festival hvor hun modtog stor anerkendelse fra The Guardian for sin optræden i Cadogan Hall, på Aalborgs Opera Festival hvor hendes koncert blev transmitteret på P2 Klassisk, samt på Herning Opera Festival og Copenhagen Opera Festival hvor hun blev udråbt som det nye "Supertalent" af Politiken og P2.

I 2025 vil hun udover at synge Violetta hos os, også være aktuel i titelrollen i Puccini's Suor Angelica hos Opera på Elværket.


Congratulations to my amazing alma mater on receiving highest honours!

The Royal College of Music is once again the top performing conservatoire and is one of the top 10 universities in London in the 2024/25 People & Planet University League table.

This achievement reflects the College’s unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and the dedication of all our staff, students and wider community.

Find out more:

The Academy | National Opera Studio 16/12/2024

The Academy | National Opera Studio The inaugural National Opera Studio Academy – running from February to June 2025 – aims to identify and support singers who show considerable vocal promise but may have encountered barriers. As part of this opportunity, six to twelve Academy Singers will receive intensive training from NOS staff...

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Agincourt Road

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 9pm