Today, Ms Frederick organised Diversity Day for Parkside. The aim was for the children to discuss our similarities & differences, and to understand what diversity, inclusion, equality and discrimination mean. The whole school met in assembly to discuss the plans for the day. The children took part in activities like colouring in posters, making a whole class collage and debating some true or false questions. At the end of the day the children had another small assembly to discuss how the day went and what we learnt.
Spoiler alert 🚨 ‼️ 🔔 if you haven’t seen the show please leave the surprise until Friday. Absolutely spectacular and, as a team, we couldn't stop watching. We are mega proud of the Year 6 children and the Year 6 team. We are super-impressed and our hearts are full of emotion. We loved the show so much and hope you all did too.
Another great sports assembly this morning. Mr Smith and Ms Pearce gave out lots of medals and certificates for Path to Paris, Sports Week achievements and KS1 got medals for Quad Kids. Leaders got certificates for their part in the Value Games, Year 6 got Bronze medals for the Waltham Forest Tennis competition and last, but by no means least, Ms Pearce showed all the children the award the school received for taking part in the London Mini Marathon in School 2024. Lots of achievements to celebrate. London Borough of Waltham Forest Youth Sport Trust Your School Games Team GB TCS London Marathon
Russell & Lulla class have been working with Blair class this morning, building wonderful creations out of our Kapla blocks. The children have all worked really well together combining their skills and imagination.
What a smashing concert this morning from our iRock bands. A great way to start the day with some live music. You can really see how much the children progress through the year groups. We are so impressed that the children have the confidence to perform in front of so many people.
During our closing ceremony yesterday, the teachers and leaders congratulated all the children for taking part and having fun in our School Games Day. The children were issued stickers for having self-belief, determination, teamwork, passion, honesty and respect. The leaders got certificates for all their efforts with the children and for making sure they all had a fun-packed day. Your School Games Youth Sport Trust
Our School Games Day has been a big hit with the children and the weather has been so kind to us. The children have taken part in a large variety of games including mini athletics, target ball, balloon bounce, bench ball, target games, bowling and so much more. The sports leaders have been wonderful. Your School Games Youth Sport Trust
Parents/Carers please see the attached Summer Family Sessions which are FREE and available across the borough. London Borough of Waltham Forest
'That's a wrap' from Parkside's 2024 Musicality. 6 great performances, lots of organising from the teachers, lots of practice from the children, lots going on behind the scenes, We hope everyone that came had a wonderful time.
Lewis class are really enjoying this morning's activity. They have been asked to design a theme park. Working collaboratively, they are working out how much each item will cost and what they can afford. They have been given a £4 million budget. The next step is to work out the size of the park, how to fit everything they have bought into it and the best way to lay it all out.
Day two of our spectacular Musicality performances. Hats off to the children for doing such amazing singing. We hope everyone is loving it as much as we are. As well as photos of the children we have a few behind the scenes photos of our team having fun.
Wall class have been designing and making their own ice cream cone today. Thinking about what flavour ice cream they like and what toppings they would pick. They are also writing, making shapes with elastic bands on the pin boards, building and writing words in the sand. The children have had a busy morning.
Today's photos from the first two of our musicality performances. You can really tell we are such a musical school. Between them, the children sung 15 songs and remembered all the words. The whole school coming together with a theme of friendship and loyalty. We are bursting with pride. '
Reception had a lovely time on Thursday during their seasonal walk. This was part of their topic of understanding the world. The children investigated all of the seasons doing the same walk. The children have noticed so many differences. They really enjoyed running around in the sun.
Britto class have created a newspaper report about Apollo 11 and its journey to the moon, how many astronauts where on the Apollo 11, and what happened to the rocket when it got near to the moon. They have written their report using the 5 W's (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) and telling everyone about Neil Armstrong being the first man to step foot on the moon!
Clader, class have tried a range of foods. Then, writing down what each one felt like, tasted like, smelt like, and how they looked. After, they discussed which ones would be good in a healthy wrap.
In Maths, today Rizzi class used focus and accuracy with drawing and measuring lines, converting centimetres and millimetres. Then, answered several measurement problem-solving questions.
Who enjoyed the Year 4 trumpet showcase? We really did and loved the surprise performance from Ms Den Bak! The children have loved learning the trumpet and they really enjoyed performing for their Parents/Carers.
Our last photos from the Year 5 residential. The children behaved beautifully. More importantly, they have had the best time. I am sure you will all hear about it tonight.
Last Day of the Year 5 residential part 1
First photos from this morning. The Year 5 children are having a super time.
The first day of the Year 5 residential. I have just spoken to Mrs Milan who said the children are all happy, enjoyed the first day and are all in their tents settling down for the night. .
The Year 5 children arrived safely for their residential! Meanwhile, the rest of the Year 5 children at Parkside had a special visit from Mrs Houghton, who has been teaching them some knot-tying skills. They also went outside and made some tree sculptures. I think you will all agree they are brilliant.
Year 6 had a blast at Lea Valley White Water Rafting Centre on Friday. The children took part in several different activities. They have had a wonderful week.
Year 1 saw lots of changes on their science investigation walk compared to when they started in the winter. They have now compared all four seasons and noted down changes to the environment and how things change and grow.
Two days of water fun for Year 6 now, as their Activity Week comes to an end. The children had a mega water fight yesterday afternoon. The playground was full of laughter and maybe a little water!