Astrological Association

Charity founded in 1958 and dedicated to educating the public on astrology. Please support astrology

Operating as usual

Celebrating the Autumn Equinox - The Astrological Association 21/09/2021


THIS WEEK - Thursday 23 September 2021 19:15-21:00 BST (UK time).

Join the AA board and Editors will be hosting the event and generating discussion on what is going on in the world.

Just click here to register

Celebrating the Autumn Equinox - The Astrological Association CELEBRATING THE AUTUMN EQUINOX



The AA is delighted to be hosting a FREE evening webinar on 23 September at 19:15 – 21:00 BST (UK time). This is a panel discussion, and anybody is welcome to come along, but please register in advance at

We will also be holding the AA’s Annual General Meeting (same Zoom link) at 18:30. Anyone wishing to come along is welcome, but only AA members can vote on any issues at the AGM.

Conference 2021 - The Astrological Association 24/08/2021

The Astrological Association is delighted to announce that bookings for our annual Conference are now open - and this year we have two options - you can attend in person and meet up with other astrologers in a fantastic setting, a very welcome opportunity after over a year of isolation, or you can attend online.

Not only that, but if you book before 15 September, you get £100 off the price of the Conference (online or in-person), and for residential attendees, you get an extra £100 off accommodation!

Book now to reserve your place, and check out our website for full details.

Conference 2021 - The Astrological Association Astrological Association's 53rd annual Conference 2021. Bringing astrologers together from all over the world with lectures on all topics and from diverse branches of astrology.


Happy New Year! Or should I say "Happy New Era?"

2020 is now behind us - and many of us will be very glad to see the back of it. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected so many lives worldwide and continues to do so as we begin 2021. The pandemic has also seen a huge increase in real-life events moving online, and the astrological community has risen to this challenge brilliantly.

The Astrological Association hosted a very successful online Conference as we were unable to meet in person, and many other astrology organisations and groups have moved online and are enjoying the benefits of being able to link up with far more people than ever before. Local groups in particular have really stepped up to the plate, and are continuing to hold meetings, promote astrology, and get us all interacting - thank you for all the hard work you do!

With this in mind, the AA is hosting a FREE online webinar on Wednesday 13 January 2021 from 18:00 to 21:00 UK time. To register - it's free, and you don't have to be an AA member to join in - visit our website at

Wishing astrologers everywhere a very happy and healthy 2021!


Harmonics Day, Online - Saturday 14th November

Nick Campion will be talking on Harmonics Day This talk will examine the notion of harmony and the political cosmology of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Kepler was the last major European scholar who combined the study of astronomy with the practise of astrology. Kepler believed that if astrology were to be completely reformed on a scientific basis, using only planetary cycles, then government could be properly managed in order to preserve harmony and stability, and avoid conflict. He was working directly from Pythagorean principles, seeing the entire Universe, and therefore human society, as governed by geometrical principles, and his plan was to construct the perfect government for the good of all. Does Kepler’s work make sense in the present day?

Dr Nicholas Campion is Associate Professor in Cosmology and Culture, Principal Lecturer in the Institute of Education and Humanities and Director of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, the only academic centre in the world to consider humanity’s relationship with the sky. He is Programme Director of the University’s MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. His books include the two-volume History of Western Astrology (London: Bloomsbury 2008/9)

£20 for the whole day with a great line-up of speakers (fee covers access to recordings for 28 days).
Book here

Event Day - The Astrological Association 16/10/2020

The AA is hosting an online event to celebrate the Urania Trust's 50th birthday - a great line-up of speakers, and it's only £20 for the day. You'll have access to the video recordings for 28 days after the event, too - book now on our website.

ONLINE EVENT – book here:

Celebrating the Urania Trust’s 50th Birthday and the life and works of Charles Harvey

Saturday 14th November 2020

10.30 – 17.30
An introduction from Urania Trust Chair Jonathan Powell and the Astrological Association’s President Roy Gillett

Speakers include: Dr Crystal Addey, Tim Addey, Dr Nick Campion, David Cochrane, David Hamblin, Mike Harding, Babs Kirby, Christeen Skinner, Sue Tompkins

This is a heavily subsidised day where we hope the community will be able to come together and celebrate the excellent work of Charles Harvey and Harmonics.

Fee £20.00 Includes access to the video recordings for 28 days

Event Day - The Astrological Association Astrological Association Events.


Well, AA Conference is over for another year, and it would be lovely to hear what people thought of our first fully online Conference! Normally we'd be sharing photos at this point, but that will have to wait till next year! Maybe you could share a comment here, or pop over to the Astrological Association group and share your thoughts. What was your favourite talk? Did you hang out in the 'coffee shop' and meet new people?
Remember you still have another few weeks to catch up online on the dedicated Conference website with any talks you didn't get to see live! 😁



Astrological Association Conference 2020 Online!
Serving The Future, 52nd Annual Conference
26-28 June 2020

Only 2 more sleeps!

Speakers include: Bill Meridian, Christian König, Wendy Stacey, Lynn Bell, Wade Caves, Benjamin D***s, Amanda Bradbury, Maria Blaquier, Tim Burness, Rod Chang, Frances Clynes, Jadranka Coic, Jodey Collorick, Mark Cullen, Kieron Devlin, Gill Dorren, Anna Estaroth, Crystal Eves, Kim Farnell, David Hamblin, Stephanie Johnson, Ryuji Kagami, Jupiter Lai, Jane Lewis, Susan Lionti, Ray Liu, Omari Martin, João Medeiros, Martin Sebastian Moritz, Fernanda Paiva, Giulio Rocco Pellegrini, Izabela Podlaska-Konkel, Robyn Ray, Christina Rodenbeck, Gali Sat Puran Livneh, Anne Schneider, Henry Seltzer, Jan Seward, Richard Smoot, Tom Stedall, Cathy Stronach, Aswin Balaji Subramanyan, Richard Swatton, Mark Urban-Lurain, Lara van Zuydam, Leigh Westin.


The morning after the Solstice, we have a Solar Eclipse at 0°21' , at 7.41am BST here in the UK (6.41am UT)

The eclipse forms a tight quincunx with Saturn at 0°40' Aquarius


The moved into at 10.43pm BST here in the UK (9.43pm UT). Happy Solstice all!! 🌞


stations early tomorrow morning, at 5.58am BST (4.58am UT) at 14°45' .



We have a great line-up speakers at our online conference, 26-28 June - and we have a special offer running until 18 June. Book your place by then, and enter DISCOUNT50 at the checkout, and you'll get £50 off the price of the full conference shown on our booking page at

Speakers include: Bill Meridian, Christian König, Wendy Stacey, Lynn Bell, Wade Caves, Benjamin D***s, Amanda Bradbury, Maria Blaquier, Tim Burness, Rod Chang, Frances Clynes, Jadranka Coic, Jodey Collorick, Mark Cullen, Kieron Devlin, Gill Dorren, Anna Estaroth, Crystal Eves, Kim Farnell, David Hamblin, Stephanie Johnson, Ryuji Kagami, Jupiter Lai, Jane Lewis, Susan Lionti, Ray Liu, Omari Martin, João Medeiros, Martin Sebastian Moritz, Fernanda Paiva, Giulio Rocco Pellegrini, Izabela Podlaska-Konkel, Robyn Ray, Christina Rodenbeck, Gali Sat Puran Livneh, Anne Schneider, Henry Seltzer, Jan Seward, Richard Smoot, Tom Stedall, Cathy Stronach, Aswin Balaji Subramanyan, Richard Swatton, Mark Urban-Lurain, Lara van Zuydam, Leigh Westin.


We have a great line-up speakers at our online conference, 26-28 June - and we have a special offer running until 18 June. Book your place by then, and enter DISCOUNT50 at the checkout, and you'll get £50 off the price of the full conference shown on our booking page at…/confe…/current.php.

Speakers include: Bill Meridian, Christian König, Wendy Stacey, Lynn Bell, Wade Caves, Benjamin D***s, Amanda Bradbury, Maria Blaquier, Tim Burness, Rod Chang, Frances Clynes, Jadranka Coic, Jodey Collorick, Mark Cullen, Kieron Devlin, Gill Dorren, Anna Estaroth, Crystal Eves, Kim Farnell, David Hamblin, Stephanie Johnson, Ryuji Kagami, Jupiter Lai, Jane Lewis, Susan Lionti, Ray Liu, Omari Martin, João Medeiros, Martin Sebastian Moritz, Fernanda Paiva, Giulio Rocco Pellegrini, Izabela Podlaska-Konkel, Robyn Ray, Christina Rodenbeck, Gali Sat Puran Livneh, Anne Schneider, Henry Seltzer, Jan Seward, Richard Smoot, Tom Stedall, Cathy Stronach, Aswin Balaji Subramanyan, Richard Swatton, Mark Urban-Lurain, Lara van Zuydam, Leigh Westin.


We have a great line-up speakers at our online conference, 26-28 June - and we have a special offer running until 18 June. Book your place by then, and enter DISCOUNT50 at the checkout, and you'll get £50 off the price of the full conference shown on our booking page at

Speakers include: Bill Meridian, Christian König, Wendy Stacey, Lynn Bell, Wade Caves, Benjamin D***s, Amanda Bradbury, Maria Blaquier, Tim Burness, Rod Chang, Frances Clynes, Jadranka Coic, Jodey Collorick, Mark Cullen, Kieron Devlin, Gill Dorren, Anna Estaroth, Crystal Eves, Kim Farnell, David Hamblin, Stephanie Johnson, Ryuji Kagami, Jupiter Lai, Jane Lewis, Susan Lionti, Ray Liu, Omari Martin, João Medeiros, Martin Sebastian Moritz, Fernanda Paiva, Giulio Rocco Pellegrini, Izabela Podlaska-Konkel, Robyn Ray, Christina Rodenbeck, Gali Sat Puran Livneh, Anne Schneider, Henry Seltzer, Jan Seward, Richard Smoot, Tom Stedall, Cathy Stronach, Aswin Balaji Subramanyan, Richard Swatton, Mark Urban-Lurain, Lara van Zuydam, Leigh Westin.

Astrological Association of Great Britain The Astrological Association of Great Britain


The 52nd Annual Conference of the Astrological Association (Online): Serving The Future
Let's make the most of learning astrology right now - when the world needs it most.
26th - 28th June 2020
Book now to make the most of the heavily discounted rates being offered for bookings made before 31st May.

£239 for full 3 day conference (including Friday workshops) and access to all conference webinars for 21 days.

A rich and diverse programme with 45 great international speakers!

Lynn Bell
Wade Caves
Dr Benjamin D***s
Christian König
Rod Chang
Bill Meridian
Maria Blaquier
Tim Burness
Jadranka Ćoić
Mark Cullen
Kieron Devlin
Gill Dorren
Anna Estaroth
Crystal Eves
Kim Farnell
David Hamblin
Stephanie Johnson
Ryuji Kagami
Jupiter Lai
Jane Lewis
Susan Lionti
Ray Liu
Omari Martin
João Medeiros
Martin Sebastian Moritz
Fernanda Paiva
Giulio Pellegrini
Izabela Podlaska-Konkel
Robyn Ray
Christina Rodenbeck
Gali Sat Puran Livneh
Anne C. Schneider
Henry Seltzer
Dr. Jan Seward
Richard Smoot
Dr. Tom Stedall
Cathy Stronach
Aswin Balaji Subramanyan
Richard Swatton
Dr. Mark Urban-Lurain
Lara van Zuydam
Leigh Westin


Two days after moves into , is the New Moon at 4°12' , exact at 9.28am GMT (UT) tomorrow morning (24th March) here in the UK.


Important announcement from Correlation Journal

Pat Harris PhD, MSc, D.F.Astrol.S, who, as Editor, has conscientiously cared for Correlation, the Astrological Association’s Journal of Research in Astrology, for the past twenty-one years, is to retire on 24 March 2020. The Association and astrological community are extremely grateful for her efforts. We appreciate the benefits that have come from the rigour of her academic integrity. Working with the consulting editors, she has overseen the publication of thirty high quality Journals. We are pleased that Pat is in the midst of completing her present edition 33 [1], and has agreed to continue to help and advise in her new role as Emeritus Editor.

At the same time, Robert Currey BSc.[Hons], D. F.Astrol. S., Cert. A*C*G Int. , as Guest Editor, has completed an excellent edition Correlation 32 [2], which will be with subscribers very soon. He is also taking over the full Editor’s role going forward. The high quality of Robert articles in earlier editions of Correlation speak for themselves. We know he is keen to develop and publish some exciting future issues.

Roy Gillett - The Astrological Association.


Spring Equinox, Ingress chart. (Set for London, UK)

Sun moved into Aries in the very early hours just before 4am.

Hoping you and yours all stay safe and well in the coming months.


The Full Moon is exact at 19 degrees 37' this afternoon at 5.48pm GMT (UT) here in the UK.


How did you experience the New Moon yesterday? Where did it fall in your chart?



(17°45 ) sextile (17°45 ) today at 4pm GMT/UT.


The moves into in the early hours tomorrow, at 4.58am GMT/UT


It's here!
stations in the very early hours after midnight tonight (00.55am GMT/UT Monday 17th February 2020) at 12°53' .


moves into this morning at 11.34am GMT/UT, joining , and there! 😲


Mar-Apr issue cover of the Astrological Journal.

Mar-Apr issue cover of Journal.

Timeline photos 03/02/2020

moves into late this morning (11.39am GMT/UT) here in the UK.

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AA Conference 2018 - fast-moving at Wokefield!
The AA's 50th Conference and 60th Birthday Celebrations




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