Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb o Bl 7 a 8 am gymryd rhan yn y Junior Maths Challenge.
Congratulations to everyone who competed from Yr 7 & 8 in the Junior Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ
Canlyniadau gwych i:
Excellent results for:
Arian/Silver: ๐ฅ
Mabli Davies
Mali Davies
Efydd/Bronze: ๐ฅ
Lily Jones
Ioan Coyne
Tomos Rhisiart
Fflur Roberts
Cara Edwards
Aaron Stephen
Mathemateg a Rhifedd YGLL
Yr Adran Fathemateg. Maes Dysgu a Phrofiad Mathemaetg a Rhifedd. Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni
Operating as usual
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i bawb o Bl 9, 10 a 11 am gymryd rhan yn yr Intermediate Maths Challenge.
Congratulations to everyone who competed from Yr 9, 10 and 11 in the Intermediate Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ
Canlyniadau gwych i:
Excellent results for:
Arian/Silver: ๐ฅ
Maiya Harvey
Elan Owen
Noa Williams
Efydd/Bronze: ๐ฅ
Gruff Parry
Gethin Pritchard
Isabella Coates
Ashley Gill
Arwyn Elis Hughes
Becca Williams
Mali Evans
Noah Jones
Mari Jones
Llongyfarchiadau mawr iโn myfyrwraig disglair Megan Jones o Flwyddyn 12 syโn astudio Lefel-A Mathemateg a Mathemateg Bellach. Mae hi wedi ei derbyn ar raglen Christ's-Trinity Women in Maths ym Mhrifysgol Caergrawnt. Pob hwyl i ti dros y tridiau nesaf ๐๐ผ ๐ช๐ผ ๐งฎ
Congratulations to our brilliant student Megan Jones from Year 12 who is studying A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. She has been accepted into Christ's-Trinity Women in Maths Programme at Cambridge University. Good luck to you over the next three days ๐๐ผ ๐ช๐ผ ๐งฎ
Christ's-Trinity Women in Maths Programme | Christs College Cambridge If you are currently in Year 11 England/Wales, Year 12 in Northern Ireland or S4 in Scotland, you could be eligible for this programme next year when you start A-Levels/Highers/IB! Click here to register your interest and we'll email you when applications open for 2025. Make sure it's an email you w...
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Braan Owens a Ffinan ap Dyfrig o Bl.8, falch iawn oโr 2 ymysg 20 drwy Gymru am ennill Cystadleuaeth Fathemategol yr Urdd. Bydd seremoni ar y Maes heddiw ma ๐๐ผ ๐ฅ
Gareth Ffowc Roberts on Twitter โLlongyfarchiadau/Congratulations: Braan Owens a Ffinan ap Dyfrig Ymysg enillwyr Cystadleuaeth Fathemategol Bl 8 Among the winners of the Y8 Maths Competition โ
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb sydd wedi ennill tystysgrifau yn y Junior Maths Challenge, gwych! ๐๐ผ
Congratulations to the following for achieving certificates in the Junior Maths Challenge, excellent! ๐
Arian/Silver ๐ฅ
Sophia Hughes Bl 8 (Gorau yn yr Ysgol/Best in School)
Ffinan ap Dyfrig Bl 8
Alfie Carter Bl 8
Eluned Evanns Bl 8
Maiya Harvey Bl 8
Braan Owens Bl 8
Rhodri Pritchard Bl 8
Gethin Williams Bl 8
Sion Williams Bl 8
Akhyar Nazim Bl 7
Mabli Davies Bl 7
Efydd/Bronze ๐ฅ
Hari Jones Bl 8
Giorgio Roberts Bl 8
Alfie Evans Bl 8
Catrin Long Bl 8
Angharad Owens Bl 8
Ifan Parry Bl 8
Harri Roberts Bl 8
Eilian Sleigh Bl 8
Fflur Roberts Bl 7
Rhannwch os gwelwch yn dda.
Cyfle gwych i ymuno efoโr adran ๐๐ป
https://www.eteach.com/job/athro-mathemateg-teacher-of-mathematics-1332644?src=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0vRjOI9aL-1O-chxzuKy-qw2feypvWZT7V-do6wQeWXLdALY7ei3S1uCo&lang=en-GB #.ZFvZ0mNSTiA.facebook
Athro Mathemateg / Teacher of Mathematics - Eteach Find out more about this Athro Mathemateg / Teacher of Mathematics job from Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni. Search thousands of teaching jobs from schools around the world
Disgyblion Bl.9 set 1 wedi bod yn ymchwilio mewn i Blaise Pascal aโr defnydd o driongl Pascal./
Year 9 set 1 pupils have been researching Blaise Pascal and the use of Pascals Triangle.
Dyma enghreifftiau isod/ Here are examples below
Disgyblion Bl 9 wedi mwynhau yn y gynhadledd Mathemateg yw eich Dyfodol ym Mhrifysgol Bangor heddiw gan yr FMSPW
Llongyfarchiadau i ddisgyblion Bl 9 gymerodd rhan yng nghystadleueth Her Mathemateg gan GwE ym Mangor heddiw, da iawn chi!
Congratulations to the Yr 9 pupils that took part in the Maths Competition by GwE in Bangor today, well done!
Diwrnod ๐ Hapus!
Disgyblion Bl 7 yn dathlu diwrnod ๐ 3.14 gyda gwaith ymchwil a chyflwyniad
Llongyfarchiadau i'r canlynol ar ennill tystysgrifau yn yr Intermediate Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ
Congratulations to the following for achieving certificates in the Intermediate Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ
Idris ap Dyfrig Bl.11 (Arian/Silver) ๐ฅ
Daniel Stephen Bl.10 (Efydd/Bronze) ๐ฅ
Iestyn Pilkington Bl.10 (Efydd/Bronze) ๐ฅ
Kian Owen Bl.10 (Efydd/Bronze) ๐ฅ
Ashley Gill Bl.10 (Efydd/Bronze) ๐ฅ
Macsen Stevens Bl.9 (Efydd/Bronze) ๐ฅ
Da iawn chi!!
Cystadleuaeth Cwpan y Byd, cyfle i ennill pel-droed Cwpan y Byd. Gwybodaeth ar Google Classrooms pawb.
World Cup competition, a chance to win a world cup ball. Information on Google Classroom.
โฝ๏ธ ๐ ๐ ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ ๐ช๐ผ
Llongyfarchiadau i'r myfyrwyr yma o Bl 12 a 13 ar ganlyniadau gwych yn y Senior Maths Challenge. Da iawn chi!
Many Congratulations to the Year 12&13 students on their fantastic results in the Senior Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ ๐
m ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i safle we y Cyngor:
Dylir cyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau pellach, a ffurflenni cais, at yr Ysgol perthnasol.
For further information, visit the Council website:
Please refer any further enquiries, and application forms, to the relevant School.
Cofrestrwch ar gyfer ein bwletin i dderbyn ein cyfleoedd gwaith diweddaraf:
Sign-up to our bulletin to receive our latest job opportunities:
Cyngor Sir Ynys Mรดn
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Disgyblion Bl 10 wedi mwynhau eu diwrnod ym mhrifysgol Bangor yn y gynhadledd โMathemateg yw eich Dyfodolโ gan yr FMSPW
Llongyfarchiadau i'r disgyblion yma o Bl 7 a 8 ar ganlyniadau gwych yn y Junior Maths Challenge. Da iawn chi!
Many Congratulations to the Year 7&8 pupils on their fantastic results in the Junior Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ ๐
Llongyfarchiadau i'r canlynol ar ganlyniadau gwych yn yr Intermediate Maths Challenge. Da iawn chi!
Many Congratulations to the following on their fantastic results in the Intermediate Maths Challenge ๐๐ผ ๐
Dyddiad diddorol heddiw ๐๐ป
Llawer mwy o 2โs am 10:22pm! ๐คฏ
Pos Santes Dwynwen ar gyfer yfory โค๏ธ
Llongyfarchiadau iโr disgyblion canlynol ar ganlyniadau gwych yn y Senior Maths Challenge. Da iawn chi!
Many congratulations to the following on their fantastic results in the Senior Maths Challenge.
๐๐ผ ๐
Cyfrifianellau ar gynnig mewn archfarchnafoedd. Angenrheidiol ar gyfer unrhywun sy'n dilyn cwrs Mathemateg TGAU neu Lefel A ym mis Medi.
Good offers on calculators in supermarkets. Essential for anyone following GCSE Maths or A-Level in September.
Casio fx991EX - Lefel-A/A-Level
Casio fx83GTX - Bl/Yr 7-11
Digwyddiad gyrfaoedd digidol ar gyfer Bl8 ac uwch a'u rhieni/gwarcheidwaid o Ogledd Cymru sydd รข diddordeb mewn dilyn gyrfa yn y maes STEM (Gwyddoniaeth, Technoleg, Peirianneg a Mathemateg).
Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i
Free digital careers event is aimed at pupils in years 8 upwards and their parents/guardians from North Wales who have an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers.
Click here for more information
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb yn 8 Set 1 am eu hymdrech a llwyddiant yn nghystadleueth Fathemategol yr Urdd. Yn enwedig Isabella am fod yn un oโr goreuon trwy Gymru
Congratulations everyone in 8 Set 1 on their effort and achievements in the Urdd Mathematics competition, especially Isabella for being one of the best throughout Wales
Urdd Gobaith Cymru
โญ๏ธLlongyfarchiadau mawr i'r disgyblion Bl. 8 canlynol ar eu llwyddiant yn y Junior Maths Challenge
โญ๏ธCongratulations to the following Year 8 students for their success in the Junior Maths Challenge:
Tystysgrif Efydd/Bronze Certificate:
Ashley Gill
Arwyn Hughes
Daniel Stephen
Efa Jones
Elan Owen
Gethin Hughes
Ynyr Jones
Gwenllian Owen
Tystysgrif Arian/Silver Certificate:
Rebecca Williams
Anest Thomas
Katie Winnard-Owen (Gorau yr Ysgol/Best in School) ๐
Arbennig o dda Isabella! Da iawn ti
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Isabella Coates oedd
Ymysg enillwyr Cystadleuaeth Fathemategol Bl 8 yn Eisteddfod T. Da iawn wir๐
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