St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary

The official St Robert Southwell page

Operating as usual

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 04/07/2024

Nazareth Class had a wonderful day at the Sealife centre. We took part in a workshop and had lunch on the beach.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 02/07/2024

Y3 had a great enrichment day today - they started the day with a visit to Pizza Express, followed by a walk through Chesworth Farm in search of colours, sounds and human and physical features within the environment.


We are ready to celebrate the Good Shepherd Mass today at Worth Abbey.


Holding our wonderful pupils in our thoughts and prayers as we attend our first Bosco Trust INSET day.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 20/06/2024

As part of the Language Festival this week we were very lucky that teachers and students from The Forest School came and gave us a German taster session for children in Year 5 and 6.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 18/06/2024

Today was our school Languages Festival. There were over 20 nationalities represented - sharing their language, culture and food with the rest of the school. A big thank you to all of the families and Year 5 and 6 children who ran stalls.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 17/06/2024

Donations for hampers can be sent in this week.
A reminder of the hamper theme for each class is attached, with some ideas. Thank you for your continued support!

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 06/06/2024

On Tuesday, we started our new Summer topic in Kids with Bricks, Castaway to Catastrophe. The children were challenged to build a parrot. They were so proud of their quick builds. Great work everyone!


Thank you for all of your support at the book fair, earlier in the year! 📚

It was a pleasure to come back and run a two day book fair to celebrate World Book Day back in March at . Following their successful event the school will receive £487.81 worth of books courtesy of Usborne. We are still waiting on a Complete Book of Human Book and 10 x Junior Thesaurus, these will be delivered to the school as soon as come back in stock.

If your nursery or school would like to host an event with me feel free to drop me a message as I would love to help you receive free books for your setting.


Thank you for the Smartie tubes returned, so far. Don't forget the final date for returning the tubes is Thursday, for your class to be in with a chance of being the crowned winners of the Smarties Challenge and receive a prize (decided between the class and the class teacher).

Well done to Nazareth who are currently in the lead BUT this could all change by Thursday! 👑

Thank you for your continued support.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 17/05/2024

Yesterday afternoon, in Y3, was spent testing each other on time followed by passing and receiving the ball with accuracy.


GOING LIVE TOMORROW - Summer Term Training

Wednesday 15th of May at 7pm

See flyer below for details of our training events up until the end of the Summer term. Please note - Eventbrite bookings will only be accessible from 7pm on Wednesday evening


Jericho Class started their new art topic of ‘collage’ today.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 30/04/2024

Extending the Bethlehem learning about new life this week the children created The very Hungry Caterpillar from loose parts in the garden. What creativity and team work!


Miss Clark is so proud of the Y4 basketball team. They worked hard and became stronger with each match. They finished the tournament with the same points as the winning team but came in second place, down to goal difference. Well done boys! 🏀


Nazareth Class have learnt about the 7 continents today. They chose to create posters or booklets about their chosen one. They did so well

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 19/04/2024

Emmaus class have been working on their Mars Rover DT project. They have been creating electrical circuits and using tools safety to make the chassis.

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 18/04/2024

Year 6 have been learning how to incorporate objects into their art as well as how Zentangles can be used to calm and focus the mind. They have had so much fun being creative!

Photos from St Robert Southwell Catholic Primary's post 18/04/2024

YEAR 6 FAMILIES - Growing Your Teenager.

Following on from the success of last year’s pilot scheme, we are pleased to be able to offer Growing Your Teenager this year to parents of Yr6 students transitioning to either Bohunt, The Forest, The Weald or Tanbridge House School this September 2024.

Will your child be starting in Year 7 in September 2024? If so we would like to invite you to our Growing Your Teenager course.

This is a free course which aims to help parents understand some of the challenges the teenage years present; and provide some useful tips and ideas to help you and your child navigate this difficult time of life.

Sessions will include understanding the teenage brain, self-esteem, online safety and much more.


Happy Easter everyone!


Thank you to Friends for organising a lovely Easter Egg hunt this afternoon and thanks to all the families who came to support the event. It’s beginning to feel a little bit like spring.
🍳 🐣 🐰


We are looking forward to welcoming Gemma from SENAT to our SEN breakfast forum meeting tomorrow for an informal Q&A session. 9:00 - 10:00. Familiar and new faces are all welcome .


How to Help Your Child Tackle Anxiety and Build Resilience - Session 2

Wednesday 13 March 11 - 12pm at St Robert Southwell School

Andrew from Action Your Potential will continue with the journey to support parents and carers to understand what anxiety is in the brain and how we can all help our children to build resilience.

Here is a video click where Andrew explains the content of the sessions.

St Robert Southwell Promo 13 March.mp4

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Videos (show all)

Year 1 have been learning about the Great Fire of London. We started the day with baking bread just like they did in pud...
Winners of the tournament!Here is the moment they found out they had won 🏆
We are family!
The children are singing beautifully! This is us singing with Heather Small. We have recorded a charity single with her ...
Eddie The Elf is coming on Friday. 🎉Thank you for all your orders.  Danielle is able to take orders for personalised cop...
Waterproof clothes and wellie boots at the ready in Bethlehem today ☔️
Gymnastics club loved the dance ribbons today!
Bethlehem had a go at using Chatter Pix to make their teddies talk and explain about e-safety.
Bethlehem have been learning how to stay safe on the internet with the help of Smartie the Penguin. We learnt if we’re u...




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