Froggo and I hopped on a plane on Friday to New York to help my gorgeous pal set up and sell at this week!
We have finished our first full day in the Big Apple. We started our day at 6.30am with a walk to get pancakes, then we set up Silvina's booth, went to Target, got bagels, walked round Central Park (where Froggo insisted on doing Yoga in -2°C), wandereddown 5th Avenue, and joined the New York Public Library!
We racked up over 21k steps today!
Tomorrow is our first selling day, and I cannot WAIT to have a good mooch around and see all the other stands!
Replies and emails will be a bit slow this week - but I'll be with you ASAP. All orders placed this week will be shipped on Saturday. Thanks for hanging out with me in stories this week.
Big hugs!
January has Januaried SUPER HARD this month... and February doesn't look like it's going to ease up either....
Come watch me slowly melt into a neurodivergent puddle and be assured that I STILL have no idea what I'm doing after 12 years in business....
I can promise dog cameos 🐶 , real life mother struggle juggle 👦👦, and 'unaesthetic authenticity'. In other words...my life is a mess and I haven't tidied before you come over.
☕️ Grab a brew and watch now!
YouTube is linked in my bio (and today's stories!)
❤️ The 'In My Feels' collection is coming on Monday 10th of February! ❤️
New stickers, mugs, pouches, notebooks, AND apparel are coming for this launch, so set your reminders.
I've been super organised this time (after the carnage of the Halloween launch last year 😂😂😂) so I already have the stickers and notebooks here!
Which is your favourite sticker?
Let me know in the comments!
crafty stickers for crocheters, knitters and crafters
✨️Most recent Studio Vlog alert ✨️
Mr Pigeon was watching this on 1/4 speed yesterday to get my watch time up (yes... he is a walking green flag) and my Stepmum messaged me to say she had subscribed and had watched every video ❤️💀❤️
And it reminded me I hadn't shared that it was up here on the grid! I'm trying to get myself in a vlogging routine there, so hopefully, there should be a video going up every other week. If you enjoy non-aesthetic authentic (ie: hot mess) behind the scenes of running a small business... it might be your vibe.
As I watch people talk about all they achieved in 2024.... here's what I failed to finish. This isn't a negative, but just a reminder that you can carry on as you are and a clock turning midnight doesn't have to be a deadline for goals.
1: This Yes You Cardi-Can in Woodsmoke Snug as a Bug Yarn from - I really want to show the versatility of my Yes You Cardi-Can pattern...that it can be made in ANY yarn, with ANY size hook, and ANY kind of square.
2: My Crop Top Pattern. Based on my Yes You Cardi-Can fits, I designed myself a crop last year. This year, I'm getting the pattern finalised and tested so I can get this out to you for spring/summer.
3: I designed this square for my Patreon in the summer with the mind of creating a little waistcoat pattern. Since having my colours done this year... this palette isn't the best for me.... so I'm going to do something inspired by traditional canal boat painting. Will it get done by summer? Who knows.... we love the anticipation.
4: Will this become a cropped vest? Probably not in this colourway.... Stay tuned.
5: Has a scarf shrug design using these squares been in my mind for two years now? Yes.
6: My Christmas Green one colour Stay Puffed Square Yes Cardi-Can...made for same reasons as 1... will it be done this year? I hope so!
7: This cardigan, I am finishing for my No Crochet Left Behind project represents a bag stuffed full of crochet I have to repair yet.... there are at least 10 items in there...probably more.
8: The Star Hexed Blanket. I started designing this in 2023.... do I still love it. Yes. Will it be done this year? YES.
9: Scrappy blue snood will probably be frogged as a DNF.
10: This huge wrap scarf... this is a mindless project I go back to every now and then for the last 3 years.... will I frog it this year?
Not pictured: PILES and PILES of random granny squares with no project in mind...I'm at least at 30... what do I do with them? Make them into a blanket? Make a random Yes You Cardi-Can?
Suggestions in the comments, please!
What WIPs are you taking into 2025?
🎥 New VLOG is up 🎥
I thought I'd give you a little gallery carousel trailer!
1: Thumbnail so you can find it on my YouTube Channel ThePigeonsNestCrochet
2: Watch me make one of my smol crochet Penguins for it's glass Bauble!
4: My face every time I get to pack orders in the unit
5: Compared to my face when other companies bu**er me about by getting things WRONG.
6: I can see the difference... can you? They couldn't.
7: Rage crochet whilst I wait....
Let me know what you think about my latest vlog. This is my 9th one! I'm still learning so much so thanks for watching as I slowly improve.
Holidays are most definitely coming.
Here are my 2024 last order dates!
✨️New Vlog on Youtube✨️
The editing time on these KILL me, so please watch and enjoy my mini meltdown as I have the most chaotic product launch of 2024...
Link in my bio
Sometimes, the crocheting isn't the hardest bit of the gift giving.... it's the ideas of WHAT to make!
Here are 10 of my favourite gifts to make.
If you haven't started yet...don't worry... some of these are one evenings work!
All the patterns are on my website...or hop into my Shop Here highlights for the links!
Thank me later!
Sorry....but I gotta launch it...
As a crochet designer.... I HAVE to give my customers enough time to MAKE the Christmas crochet...so Christmas is ready on my website for when you are!
You all loved the Halloween Yarn Cutie Stickers....so I just had to do Christmas ones too!
Head over to my stories or my Shop highlight to grab a set!
And so it begins.
I hate putting Halloween to bed before my birthday, but Christmas prep has to start early here.
So whilst I'm still revelling in Scorpio Season and enjoying every autumnal moment I can squeeze out of my birthday month, I have begun making tiny robins and penguins, ready for my Christmas drop on Monday 4th November.
I will have new apparel, new stickers, planners, new hooks, new patterns and kits... and of course, a VERY limited run of my crochet critter glass baubles.
Christmas will be ready for you at 8pm Monday 4th November... for whenever you are ready for it.
I know we aren't meant to have favourites... but here are mine!
👇🏻 I'd love to know what your favourite thing has been in my autumn launch...🍂🍂🍂 it helps me work out what products to create in the future! ❄️🎅🎁
Thanks Troops!
(I can't tag apparel here, but I will in my stories!)
👉🏻 Scroll to see the original design! 🍄
I designed a hanging toadstool in 2014 to sell at Christmas shows, and they were a best seller for years till I retired them.
10 years later, I decided to give the design a glow up and make it a pattern and a kit for you lovely lot!
I am so pleased with the glow up, but it is always such a sucker punch seeing the harsh reality of your lack of skill in the early days!
🍄 design dropping Mon 9th Sept 🍄
Spindly Jack is my version of the Halloween cryptid that has lived in my head since I was a kid.
Part Headless Horseman, Part Jack O Lantern, Part Cutie Patootie.
I was a creepy kid...Why was the headless horseman my favourite? No idea. Maybe it was the horse? Maybe it was the pumpkin....
It probably WAS the pumpkin.... so here is my cutie version of a pumpkin headed long legged beastie.... ready for Halloweenie hugs.
The pattern (printed and pdf) and the full kit, drop on the 5th of September!
Swipe to see how much these shelves have changed! ➡️
We moved into this house just over 6 years ago, and these shelves have ALWAYS been where I store my yarn and, up till recently, where I ran my entire business from.
Since moving into my little 50sqft storage unit studio, I've been able to move ALL the yarn to this one shelving unit. Leaving the other one for actual house things!
Taking a picture of these shelves every single year, reminds me how much my business has grown. So even when it feels like I'm wading through treacle, I can look back and see how far I have come.
(And yes.... that is a new Yes You Cardi-Can being made in Snug as a Bug from )
Right troops...
I am signing off and signing out for a few weeks.
I usually have a few weeks off socials in the school summer holidays, and it feels right to hop off now!
(I have to let you know because I ALWAYS get DMs checking I'm alive if I have a few days off stories 🤣🤣🤣)
Patreon Troops - You can get me via Discord. I'll still be there hanging out.
Everybody else - You can reach me by email for order enquiries and business stuff.
See you in a bit - hopefully with lots of new fresh fun content and maybe even new Halloween designs! 🎃
This dream team, though....
I cannot express how much I enjoy this show and being with this fella.
Also, massive biggest love to our MVPs (who I haven't managed to selfie with today) who has kept us hydrated, fed and happy, and to Mr Pigeon, who has been doing solo parenting on his birthday no less.
Huge hugs to Justine and her team for putting on another amazing event. Cannot wait for it all again tomorrow.
A while ago, I realised that I really wanted to see more women like me on YouTube... honest, non aesthetic, and generally just trying to survive juggling parenthood whilst running a small business.
Kids in the mix add a completely different slant onto running a business... and whilst I love seeing studio blogs from other businesses....they seem to have their s**z together a lot more than I do....and I'm 13 years in!
In this vlog, I am running on 3 hours of sleep after both kids were sick throughout the night, and I wanted to meet a release deadline set by another business. It's reality.
It's actually like a long hop into my stories really!
Find my YouTube in my bio!