Summer holiday clubs
communication for the Friends of St John's - keeping parents and carers updated
This page is the new format for Friends of st johns - it replaces the original group which has been updated
Operating as usual
Summer holiday clubs
Morning - last day to buy raffle tickets is today and draw is tomorrow 💰 🎁
Fantastic prizes to be won!
Summer Raffle Prizes:
1st Prize - Silent Pool Distellery Tour for 2
2nd Prize - Headmasters (Cut & Blow dry)
3rd Prize - DEJA!
4th Prize = Sun Kissed tans by Natasha (Spray tan)
5th Prize - Trial Academy (£35 voucher)
6th Prize - Nails by Stacey (£25 voucher)
7th Prize - Places Leisure (6 week premium membership)
8th Prize - More Than Beauty (£20 off 1 hour
massage or facial)
9th Prize – Bottle of Pimms
10th Prize – Bottle of Prosecco
11th Prize - HD Coaching FC (2 day football & fun workshop)
12th Prize - Kicks Dance (£20 off term fees, a Kicks part of holiday workshop) & box of Bounty Chocolates
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled due to bad weather ☔️
We hope to see many of you at the picnic event we have organised.
This is a free event that we thought the children and parents can enjoy together as we reach the end of the school year. We will have some refreshments and snacks/sweets that you can purchase for a donation. If you could bring some change please.
We will also have a small raffle with prizes not won at the fair! The raffle will be drawn at 5.15pm. Tickets will be £1 each.
We hope to see many of you at the picnic event we have organised.
This is a free event that we thought the children and parents can enjoy together as we reach the end of the school year. We will have some refreshments and snacks/sweets that you can purchase for a donation. If you could bring some change please.
We will also have a small raffle with prizes not won at the fair! The raffle will be drawn at 5.15pm. Tickets will be £1 each.
Don’t miss our picnic tomorrow
Don’t miss our family summer picnic
Sports day tomorrow - we will be selling refreshments, snacks and ice pops at sports day so bring some cash. We do have QR code but minimum £1
Mark your calendars 🗓️ Horsham Children's Parade is back next Sunday 7th July 2024! Let's celebrate the creativity and imagination of our young gems across the Horsham District, with their handmade costumes and creations by community artists at work. 🎨🧵✨
Thank you to all the volunteers, stall holders, teachers, visitors, parents and children who made our summer fair a huge success today 🥰
Come on down to our summer fair today 12-3pm 😊
Come on down today for a great event tickets available on the gate 😊
A massive thank you to all the businesses that have made prize donations to our summer fair 😊🥰
Get tickets here 😊🥳 such a great event don’t miss out
Don’t miss our summer fair this Saturday 🥳
Don’t miss our summer fair 🥳
More fantastic prize donations from local businesses to our summer fair - thank you
Tangerines * Pips nails * Rush * Cook *
Knepp Wilding
We are looking for local businesses to have a stall our summer fair 22nd June 12-3pm
If any local businesses are interested or you know anyone to share this with please contact us
[email protected]
Thank you for your prize donation to our summer fair 😊
Huge thank you to No Drama Llama for donating a prize of 2 free passes to a crafting morning and a crafting hamper for our school fair 😊
Thank you to all the local businesses who have supported our summer fair this year, there will be some fantastic prizes to be won 😊
We are looking for stall holders for our summer fair if you are interested please contact the email on this flyer 😊
Crazy hair day tomorrow 😊
Half term restaurant offer
This Thursday 😊 crazy hair for donations
The Kumon Horsham Centre offers individualised maths and English study programmes which help children of all ages and abilities to realise their potential.
BOOSTfit Billingshurst - Tuesdays - Billingshurst Leisure Centre - 7.15pm
Angielski dla Rodaków. Jesteśmy dla Was od 7.30 do 21.30 siedem dni w tygodniu.
A democratic learning community for home educated children ages 5 - 11 years (Yrs 1 - 6) in Horsham
I offer face to face or online lessons for children. I am a qualified and experienced te
This page is for anyone with children at home in quarantine or lockdown. I wanted to do something to help everyone out there- so will be posting activities, games, ideas and whatever else I think might be fun, useful or educational for all ages.
Our Core Values are central in all that we do and are displayed all around our school on our Trafalg
I am an Independent Trader selling a Fantastic range of blank cards, Birthday Cards, party invites, thank yous, gift wrap, stationery & Christmas cards at well below high street prices. Would you like to run your own business?
24 years of combined Teaching experience within the upper primary & secondary sector All lessons planned and taught to the National Curriculum AQA, Edexcel & OCR exam boards catered for Maximum class size of 15 Exercise books and resources provided