Learn with Confidence are pleased to announce that we are helping to sustain our childrens' futures by joining Just One Tree.
For every student that comes to LwC we have committed to planting a tree, because we know that together, we can make a difference.
To find our more about this initiative, visit https://www.justonetree.life/
Wishing all who are expecting exam results this week the best of luck.
Regardless of what you get, you've already been successful simply by your personal journey taken to get to exam stage.
The team at LwC are proud of you all.
Further to my plea for help to get LwC moved, I have also signed up to easy fundraising. This website is linked to many retailers nationwide and for every purchase you make through the link below, will make a small donation to our cause. It will cost the purchaser nothing and is a really easy way to help us out indirectly. Every little counts!
You shop. Learn with Confidence gets money. For free.
Help us when you shop with 6,000+ shops & sites. Join now.
Learn with Confidence was established in September 2020 as a not-for-profit education organisation to support and provide education for those student that don't fit societies construct of 'normal education'.
We have seen circa 50 young people and their families come through our doors and have 35 who currently attend. These are young people who are unable to access education in mainstream and specialist settings as their sensory and mental health needs are not met in the big (and sometimes not so big) schools, but still want to be successful in their education.
We have the most amazing team of teachers working with our young people and we support the whole family; Learn with Confidence is a full collaborative approach to enabling these young people to have access to quality provision.
Our current centre is being put up for sale and we face being homeless.
A new premises has been found, and LwC can afford the cost of maintaining this. What we don't have is the ability to pay for deposit and upfront rent requirements, or solicitor fees, or any way to furnish a new property.
I hate money and really hate having to ask for help financially, but we really need your help in a small period of time. As a not-for-profit, 80% of our revenue goes directly to paying out teachers, the rest towards current rent, expenses, tax and managing the families and teachers who are a part of our provision.
Please share our Just Giving link below far and wide, and if you can donate, every penny really well help us move to a new premises.
Thanks in advance
Help raise ยฃ8000 to help Learn with Confidence, a not-for-profit education organisation, move premises
Weสผre raising money to help Learn with Confidence, a not-for-profit education organisation, move premises. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.
And that's a wrap...
Academic year 21-22 is officially completed and our summer break begins. And what a year it's been!
We have welcomed 30+ new families into our centre whose children have been amazing and successful, growing in their confidence and love of learning.
We have welcomed lots of new and amazing teachers who have engaged, encouraged and excited those young people who access education through us.
We have won the battle to become an official alternative provision for WSCC and have begun working with some really vulnerable young people.
We have supported our exam students through a very challenging season of national exams, many who never even thought taking exams was something they could do.
We have offered hugs, tissues, advice and friendship for anyone who has needed it (and I'm not just talking about the kids!).
And we get to see some students off on their next adventure at colleges and new school placements... It won't be the same without you guys, but you'll ace it in your next phase of life.
It's been an awesome year, and I am forever grateful for everyone who has been a part of it.
Lots of exciting times ahead too....
Have a fabulous summer everyone... Congratulations on your journey this year.
Onwards and upwards.
As owner of an alternative provision designed to provide for those that our government don't appear able to provide for, I've found myself being the voice for many different people.
Last week a small group of LwC teachers and parents met with our local MP (Jeremy Quin) to voice various concerns we have, despite a SEND review being published. JQ genuinely left our meeting with a different understanding of the needs of some of our young people, and with a request to create a report for him to send to the education ministers directly. I intend for us to rock the boat of education and for the government to see LwC as an example of a truly child-led education provider.
This week, I've had confirmation that WSCC have finally accepted us as an alternative provision with them. This is after about 6 months of providing paperwork to prove that what we offer our young people is invaluable (and often much better than done of the other alternative provisions available), and so finally we can take on students with ehcp funding.
I've also had news of some proposals I've made that will see LwC move to new premises and, if successful, get Horsham it's own exam centre. I can't say more right now but it's looking positive at the moment.
In the coming weeks I've got acres of business plans to write to access some grants and funding that will help LwC move forward and provide for more children who are invisible in education (to add I'm simply a teacher and before LwC have never written a business plan!)
We also enter the final half term before exams stay for those of our students who are entered this year (not all year 11, some year 10, some year 12 equivalent). They have it really hard this year as the first cohort who are taking exams after 2 years of them being cancelled. But they will be great because we, as teachers, all champion every student who joins us.
Coming up are a wide variety of individual workshops that are being designed specifically for young people with SEN to be delivered in small groups. Watch this space for more info.
Our posts on Facebook are few and far between, but there is a lot going on in the background by a lot of people who are passionate about teaching and providing the best education to everyone, specifically those who deserve better from the government.
As for me, I'm a mum of a 12 and 9 year old (who for transparency are in mainstream education at the moment) who has worked as a teacher for 20 years. It's just me, and so far, I've irritated many big organisations in my mission to get everyone a voice. I'm a total rebel and really like being a thorn on the side of those organisations that fail those in need.
But this wouldn't have been possible without all the wonderful teachers and people I've met on the way and specifically those who work with our students at LwC. They are simply amazing and are a great loss to mainstream education (but a great addition to ours!).
LwC is a not-for-profit organisation. This means there is no-one making pots of money from your children's education needs (unlike some private alternative provisions and independent special schools) and as director I take a meager salary (currently equating to about ยฃ35 per day, term time only). But the point of LwC isn't to make money but to ensure that there is access to education for all, and in particular those who can't access what the government provides.
Our doors are always open to anyone who needs advice (we're not 'experts' but have a lot of experience between us) or who simply want to let off steam (even if you don't have children that attend our setting). I consider everyone at LwC to be part of my family and this is what makes us unique; together we are strong and as a community we can push for change.
Happy New Year!
And welcome to the spring term of 2020.
We are really looking forward to welcoming our families back into the centre tomorrow and our teachers are excited to catch up with everyone after our Christmas break.
We still have about 5 boxes of chocolates still too get through so I hope none of you are on diets...!
The centre has also had a small refurbishment and is looking lovely.... let's see who can spot it!
See you all over the week....๐
We've made it to the finish of our really long autumn term, and LwC are all really proud of the achievements of all our students. You are all ๐๐๐
From the LwC team, we wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas ๐๐๐and look forward to seeing you in 2022...
I'm really pleased to announce that for our first year of GCSE exams, our students all achieved between grades 5 and 9. They all worked so hard, in really challenging circumstances, and with added challenges that brought them to us in the first place.
I am really proud of all of their achievements. It is an amazing set of results, and all our teachers are so pleased to have been able to help our students to believe they could and reach their potential.
Hi all.
I am really excited to announce some great summer workshops that we are running this summer.
Firstly is our exciting FOSSILS workshops, run by one of our teachers (who is also a Dr of Micropalaeontology!) and gives young people the opportunity to explore everything to do with fossils as well as handle real specimens and learn about fossilisation processes.
We also have a number of English and Maths workshops designed to help those who are leaving year 6 and going into year 7 AND those who are going into year 11. The aim is to help bolster our children's confidence in those two main subjects so they are less anxious about starting or returning to school.
The sessions aim to be relaxed, fun, and a gentle reintroduction to learning, and are run by qualified and experienced teachers.
English will be in-centre, Maths will be online.
If you are interested in more information or general information about who we are, please feel free to message me, or via the contact details on the information attached.
Please share and send to friends and families.
Many thanks