A reminder that next week will include our PSHE evening on Monday, productions will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. We also have the reception trip next week. Please lookout for communication regarding the rearranged parents evening. This will be during the final week of school. Thank you.
St Andrew's CofE VA Primary School
Benslow Lane, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 9RD
T: 01462 459160 •
E: [email protected]
Operating as usual
Thank you to all of the children who are working so hard on a challenging production. Please can you support the children over the weekend with this last push to ensure that they are confident, ready and as close to word perfect as possible for next week.
We would like to thank the St Andrew’s community for their support to staff during this week. This has not gone unrecognised and we are truly grateful for the support that we have received.
Year 1 have been to Southwold today and had a wonderful day. Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered, after a long day we are looking forward to hearing all about the trip tomorrow.
Active 15 will run as normal tomorrow and Friday. We look forward to seeing you all for a bright start to the day!
We have a credit card that was found on the field. We know who this belongs to and will contact the parent. The parent is of a child in reception, please pass this message on to parents of reception to stop any worry.
The Summer fair was a huge success. A massive thank you to the SASA team for organising this, the colour run was also a massive hit. Photos will follow in due course.
Thank you to the Year 6 children for organising the football events this week. The feedback from children and parents was really positive. Thank you to the parents that helped to support this!
A huge well done to our Year 5 and 6 boys and girls who won both the boys and girls Small School Athletics competitions today. They came back into school full of confidence and beaming with pride!
Today we had a visit from the head boy at Hitchin Boys' School and the head girl at Hitchin Girls' School to talk to our year 6 pupils about their experience of the two respective schools. Both were pupils at St Andrew’s and it was great to see the path that our children can follow. Thank you to our governor Mr Thompson for organising this!
Active 15 will run as normal this week, hopefully at a slightly slower pace as the heat increases. Plenty of water is encouraged. There will be activities out that get people active without the exertion of running around the field!
A reminder that this week is the SASA Colour Run.
Friday 28th June 3:30-5:30pm.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Year 6 Bikeability began today. It was great to see the children out in the sun enjoying themselves.
Today Year 6 and some Year 5 children attended legacy day at Knights Templar. The children enjoyed and thrived in their activities for the majority of the day. We would like to extend our pride in how the children of St Andrew’s represented the school, handled themselves, cared for one another and participated brilliantly in an event with so many schools and events that got very competitive at times. They were a credit to the school.
Today our Year 6 children took part in a heart dissection as part of their science topic. Thank you to any parent volunteers that helped with this.
This week we have/have had visitors to classes from parents who work in STEM based jobs. The feedback from children and staff has been brilliant. Thank you to all involved.
As it is Thursday tomorrow, we have another Active 15 at 8:15am tomorrow morning. We look forward to seeing you there.
We hope the children enjoyed the first day of swimming today. It was great to see them all enjoying themselves and learning valuable skills.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the first Active 15!

June Newsletter
June 2024 Newsletter Dear families,
A reminder that the first ‘St Andrew’s Active 15’ will start tomorrow. Any parents wanting to join in and help please arrive on the playground for 8:10am. Any children joining in are to be in the Silver Birches walkway for 8:15am. Thank you!

Ready for the first week of swimming. A huge thank you to Mrs Williams for the hard work she has put in to making sure this is in perfect condition and ready to go!
Well done to our Year 5/6 cricket team who beat Samuel Lucas by 30 runs. A really good game that managed to miss the downpours.
A huge thank you to the parents who attended the Nursery sports days today. The children were amazing and remembered so many things to make sure they all participated perfectly!
Thank you to all that attended Sports Day today. It was a great morning and a huge well done to all of our children taking part!
Yesterday our Year 4 children attended Hitchin Girls' School for a sports festival. This was brilliantly ran and the children came back full of positivity about their morning. Well done to everyone involved!
A reminder of Sports Day today. Children will need to be in their PE kits. Sports day begins at 9:15am and ends at 11:45am. There will be staff on the gate for you to come in. As most staff have a specific role during the morning, should anyone need to leave early, please locate Mr Varnam on the field and he will unlock the gate for you. We look forward to seeing you all there.
A reminder that our Christian Aid gallery will be in the dining room tomorrow after school. Thank you.
Our second group of Nursery children went to Shepreth Wildlife park today. The staff are so incredibly proud of how they managed the day and engaged with the activities. Thank you to the volunteers for this trip.
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Opening Hours
Monday | 8:30am - 4:15pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 4:15pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 4:15pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 4:15pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 4:15pm |
Hitchin, SG47PB
Founded in 1847, our aim is to provide the best possible education for each child, as a unique indiv
William Ransom Primary School lost property page. PM me if you recognise anything in the photos.
Hitchin, SG47UJ
We are an active group of parents who organise fundraising,social and community activities to support our school. All are welcome to attend a PSA meeting.
Buttercup Road
Hitchin, SG54PF
Together creating a better future for our children.