Scottish Catholic Education Service

SCES is the Catholic Church's agency for Education in Scotland.

Operating as usual


📢 Calling all retired teachers!

We are looking for school volunteers to help us speak to children and young people about the causes and effects of poverty, encouraging them to put their faith into action.

Interested? Find out more and apply on our website:


Scottish Catholic Education Service we were delighted to share in the celebration of this year's Caritas Award recipients


This Laudato Si’ Week and Pentecost, we are invited to gather in community to contemplate and nurture seeds of hope for our “suffering planet” (LD 2). In our broken and divided world where ecocide flourishes seeds of hope are desperately needed. Such seeds are found within Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler’s new book, So We and Our Children May Live: Following Jesus in Confronting the Climate Crisis.
On Thursday 23rd May, Sarah Augustine will share her thoughts on Imagining a Christian Response to the Climate Crisis. After sharing her insights there will be a Q&A session. The session is online 7.00-8.30pm and is organised by Laudato Si´Animators Scotland and co-badged with Eco-Congregation Scotland, Justice and Peace Scotland, Open House, Pax Christi Scotland, SCIAF and the Scottish Laity Network.


Link to article:

Thanks to the Care Of Creation for sharing 🙏

Team Mhartino 16/05/2024

Team Mhartino Help Joanna McGahon raise money to support The Martin Chambers Ecuador Trust

Photos from SCIAF's post 13/05/2024

Thank you to all of the schools who were able to attend. Content from the day will be circulated soon 🙏

Special thanks to team SCIAF Ben, Mark, Elaine, and James, Justice and Peace Scotlands Anne-Marie Clements, Bishops' Conference of Scotland June Clunie, Care Of Creation Eileen Mcquade, St Ninian & St Cuthbert Parish, Sandra Murray and Jim Reilly, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh Primary RE Adviser Melissa Gavan and ofcourse Scotlands newest Catholic secondary Sinclair Academy 🙏

Photos from Bishops' Conference of Scotland's post 08/05/2024

This year's ' Learning Festival is on 10th May. Reserve your space now @

email [email protected] to be added to the Laudato Si' mailing list for coordinators.

Justice and Peace Scotland SCIAF Care Of Creation


Register now for this year's Living Lent, led by the community of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome.


We are delighted to be celebrating World Interfaith Harmony Week with two wonderful events ✨

This afternoon we will be opening the Faces of Faith exhibition at Edinburgh Napier University 📸🖼️ 4-5pm at Merchiston Campus.

Next Tuesday we will be exploring 'Pilgrimage' together in an exciting online Interfaith Interactions event (7-8.15pm). There's still time to book your place ➡️


Well done and good luck St Roch's Ceili Band

Good luck to our St. Roch's Big Band who are playing to thousands of school children in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall today! 👏

Celtic Connections The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall


S5 RE classes have been collecting money to support children associated to our local Prison. They have been learning about the local Prison and working in conjunction with St Teresas parish to donate toys for children who’s parents are in prison this is to emphasise the UNCRC Article 12 and 15 14 gifts have been donated with the majority of the organisation from these smiling pupils! It has allowed the class to take their learning out of the classroom and support their local community. Fr Uchenna Parish Priest of St Teresas inspired us with the words of Christ in Matthew 25:36 and described the pupils as ‘lighting the candle so that others could see and walk’. Scottish Catholic Education Service Galloway Diocese we have enjoyed sharing our school Marist Value - Family Spirit in this project.


Another successful Catholic Education Week in Scotland for 2023 'Pilgrims of Faith'. We've collated some of the celebrations shared online from across Scotland's eight diocese in this short video 🎬 Please share in your communities 🙏

We look forward to continuing our journey together with you this Advent ✝

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Archdiocese of Glasgow
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Diocese of Argyll & the Isles
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 RC Diocese of Aberdeen
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Diocese of Paisley
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 RE Department Diocese of Motherwell
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Diocese Of Dunkeld
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Galloway Diocese

The Blessing of the Crib in Glasgow’s George Square | St Mungo Music 04/12/2023

Well done to the children of St Monica's primary for leading the singing at the annual Blessing of the Crib @ George Square, Glasgow. Thank you to Father Gerry Fitzpatrick at for sharing 🙏

The Blessing of the Crib in Glasgow’s George Square | St Mungo Music The Blessing of the Crib in Glasgow’s George Square Posted by Webmaster | Nov 30, 2023 | Advent and Christmas, Ecumenical, Glasgow Churches Togther, Latest News | 0 | The freezing temperatures did not prevent a good crowd joining the Lord Provost Cllr. Jacqueline McLaren and Glasgow Churches Toget...


Laudato Si' December newletter has been circulated to all registered schools >

🎄COP 28 and Laudato Deum
🎄Advent reflections
🎄Links to online resources
🎄Social Media posts


Well done John Paul Academy 👏

S5 pupils

have made such an impact in the local community with no less than six teams delivering their

presentations at the 23/24 final. It was a close call but the winning team for the Charity was.

Advent Calendar of Care 29/11/2023

Thank you for sharing SSVP Scotland!

Pope Francis Faith Award Caritas Award

Advent Calendar of Care SSVP Vinnies of all ages reach out & think of others ! Advent Calendar of Care - whatever your age! Sorry, no chocolates included! Why not print an Advent Calendar of Care & place it somewhere at home where everyone is reminded to think of others this Advent. Suggested

Photos from St Patrick's Primary School, East Ayrshire's post 28/11/2023

Well done to the 'Pilgrims of Faith' at St Patrick's Primary School, East Ayrshire 🙏 Thank you for sharing!


***New for 2023 Prayer Supper. All schools encouraged to join in the closing celebration!

Pope Francis Faith Award Caritas Award
🙏 Archdiocese of Glasgow
🙏 Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh
🙏 Motherwell Diocese
🙏 Galloway Diocese
🙏 Diocese of Paisley
🙏 Diocese Of Dunkeld
🙏 RC Diocese of Aberdeen
🙏 Diocese of Argyll & the Isles


The celebrations continue for Catholic Education Week 2023! Thank you Saint Patrick's Anderston for sharing on behalf of St Patrick's Primary, and Notre Dame High School 🙏

Thanks to everyone from Notre Dame High School and St Patrick's Primary who came along yesterday for Catholic Education Sunday. May God bless the work of our local schools.

Photos from Scottish Catholic Education Service's post 27/11/2023

Thanks to Mrs. Swanston and the community of St. Mary's Primary, Polbeth, Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh for sharing some wonderful examples of their learning!

Photos from St Sophia's Church Galston's post 27/11/2023

Amazing artwork to celebrate Thank you for sharing St Sophia's Church Galston St Sophia's Parent Council 🤩

Photos from St Anthony's and St Mark's Rutherglen's post 27/11/2023

Well done Miss Barrett, Fr Stephen, and the 'Pilgrims of Faith'! Thank you for sharing St Anthony's and St Mark's.


Thank you for sharing St Patricks Church Coatbridge - well done to the families, school, and parish community for participating. ✝ 💒

A fantastic turnout to mark the end of Catholic Education Week. The children of St Patrick's primary school read beautifully & participated by handing out leaflets, offertory procession, collecting the money, singing hymns, etc.
Fr Kevin, Deacon Tom, Mrs Hagerty & Miss McManus are very proud of you! 😊


Well done to the community of St John the Baptist Primary. Thank you for sharing Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh

Well done to all at St John The Baptist Primary School and Fauldhouse Nursery in West Lothian on receiving an exceptional report from Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate! 👏


As we celebrate Catholic Education Week a letter from one headteacher to his pupils, parents and parishes......

James McParland MSc, BEd (Hons)
Head Teacher
St Ambrose High School
65 Townhead Road

Reverend Fathers, young people, parents/carers, and friends of St Ambrose HS,
Over the next fortnight, we celebrate Catholic Education Week, and with Catholic schools across Scotland
continuing to make great progress in attainment, achievement, and in contributing greatly to communities,
there is much to celebrate. Catholic Education Week now takes place between the feast days of St Margaret
of Scotland (November 16th) and St Andrew of Scotland (November 30th), and it is a time for us to celebrate
the great work that takes place within our Catholic schools across the country.
The very existence of Catholic schools is still a contentious issue for many within society, despite the
celebration of the centenary of the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act taking place a few years ago. Our schools are often identified as the cause of division and discrimination; however, this couldn't be further from the truth. Our schools are founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, underpinned by the Gospel values of faith,
hope, and love, which reflects our own school values in the FAITH acronym and mission statement of our school - Learning together in Faith, Hope, and Love. If our schools were divisive and discriminatory, I would find it hard to understand why so many people of different faiths, and none, choose to send their children to a Catholic school. Indeed, we continue to be inundated with placing requests and this session, were delighted
to welcome young people from 26 primary schools, both denominational and non-denominational. It is
evident that our school is a Catholic school, welcoming, and accepting of others, and not simply a school for
However, as stated above, our schools continue to be at risk, from sources within the media, politics, and
wider society. It is evident that there is a desire in some quarters, to diminish the identity of faith life and
groups across the country, with a clear push on secular society and popular opinion and culture. This is particularly evident in the current Scottish Government consultation on Relationships, Sexual Health, and Parenthood, which is of great concern to Church leaders, to school leaders, as well as many parents/carers,
and parishioners. Our Parent Council have responded to the consultation, as have many colleagues in the
school, as have I, as Head Teacher of St Ambrose.
Therefore, it is imperative that we continue to celebrate the great work that takes place in our schools, and
the great contributions made to local, national, and international communities, by our young people and staff.
The secular groups highlight the diminishing congregations within our Churches as the reason to eradicate Catholic schools, and in time, it will be difficult to continue to defend this. The unique aspect of Catholic schools is that we work in partnership with the family, school, and Church (parish). However, at present, it is evident that many families are not actively engaged with their Church and parish, resulting in attendance at
Mass being greatly reduced. In time, this will be the catalyst for a significant challenge in sustaining our schools. If unsuccessful in defending this, the secular movement will also state that the demise of Catholic education, and the subsequent impact on the Church, will have come from within, therefore, not resulting
from the actions and implications of external forces and factors.
So, as we approach Advent, a time of preparation for the coming of Christ, I ask you to support our schools, and indeed our Churches, by inviting others, including our young people who may be disengaged with their faith, to make a return to their parishes and faith life. Pope Francis continues to undertake the synodal
process, and we hope that the voices of congregations, including our young people, will bear fruit with the outcomes.
Pope Francis has stated his intentions:
'I want to see the church get closer to the people. I want to get rid of clericalism, the mundane, this closing ourselves off within ourselves, in our parishes, schools or structures. Because these need to get out!'
If we can see growth within our parish congregations, coupled with the strengths that exist within our schools, we will stand a much greater chance of being able to ensure that our faith flourishes for many years to come.
Please pray for the continued growth of our Catholic schools, support for our parishes, the ongoing work that
is undertaken in supporting the vulnerable and marginalised, and that we can successfully negotiate the troubled waters that lie ahead. Within St Ambrose, we are fully aware of the privilege that our vocation brings, and therefore, we take this opportunity to recognise the contributions to the life and work of our
school from parents/carers, young people, and in celebrating Catholic Education Week, all who work within their vocation, in Catholic education.
Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.' (Pope Francis)
Yours sincerely
James McParland
Head Teacher


Thank you AGAP ... bringing our faith alive through expressive arts 🙌

Today, around 360 pupils at Taylor High School, in Motherwell Diocese attended across two performances of "Oggie! Oggie! Oggie!" Huge thanks to the RE Department for inviting us and to S3 and S5 who were very attentive during the shows. Next stop, St Columba's, Gourock in Diocese of Paisley. RE Department Archdiocese of Glasgow Scottish Catholic Education Service Archdiocese of Glasgow

Photos from Caritas Award's post 20/11/2023
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Videos (show all)

Register now for this year's Living Lent, led by the community of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome.
The new for 2023 Catholic Education Week page includes: 👨‍🎓Learning and teaching resources, differentiated for Early and...
Scotland Celebrates #CatholicEducationWeek annually from 16th - 30 November 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Check back later for more info.
Amazing to see our online faith community celebrating #CatholicEducationWeek #CEWPrayerBreakfast >100 schools/parishes s...
Happy Feast Day! Today we celebrate the Feast of St Margaret of Scotland. Remember to share your celebrations with the o...
📅'Festival follow-ups' have been circulated to all Laudato Si' School Coordinators, please check your inbox 🌿🌏SCIAF Just...
Did you know that Catholic schools in Scotland are invited to participate in the first ever National Prayer Breakfast to...
Scotland celebrates Catholic Education Week 16th - 30th November each year. Would you like to share a snapshot of your s...
Laudato Si' Schools Scotland!



75 Craigpark

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 11:30am
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