The Enchanted Tree Nursery

The Enchanted Tree Nursery


Welcome to The Enchanted Tree Nursery - a place for children to grow, learn and play. We are a priva

Operating as usual


Good luck to all of our boys and girls who are starting school tomorrow πŸ“šβœοΈπŸŽ

We’re looking forward to seeing photos of you looking super smart in your uniforms!

Never forget how special you all are ✨

β€œYou’re off to great places, today is your day,
Your mountain is waiting so…get on your way!”

With lots of love from all of your teachers and friends at ETN πŸ’«πŸŒ³πŸ’š


We're delighted to share with you all the news that we are now a fully accredited Sun Safe Nursery!

The Sun Safe Nurseries accreditation programme has been developed by national skin cancer and melanoma UK charity, SKCIN.

SKCIN firmly believe that by planting the seeds of sun safety in primary and pre-school education, we can change behaviours and attitudes towards the risks associated with UV exposure and create a positive, sun safe, skin cancer free future - for our future generations and those to come.



Our staff team and children here at The Enchanted Tree Nursery have been fundraising over the past year for the purchase and installation of a community accessible defibrillator at Broomhouse Hall, and we are delighted to finally unveil this life-saving equipment!

The idea for our fundraiser arose following an annual first aid course attended by nursery staff, where we noticed that the closest defibrillator to the Hall was located at Dogs Trust and was only accessible during their opening hours. We thought it would be amazing if we could acquire a defibrillator at the Hall with 24/7 access for the local community, to give people the best chance of survival in case of emergency.

The defibrillator has been installed on the external wall of the Hall and is clearly visible from the Park entrance. It is suitable for use on adults and children without the need to change pads and a training video from the manufacturer is available at the following link: The cabinet is password-protected and anyone requiring use of the defibrillator should call the ambulance service on 999 in the event of an emergency to obtain the access code.

You can watch a video on how to use a defibrillator here –

Please also see the following link to RevivR which teaches you how to do CPR in 15 minutes via an interactive guide:

This training covers what CPR is, when to perform CPR, how to perform CPR and how to use a defibrillator. There is a quiz, an interactive training section which gives real-time feedback on your chest compressions, a simulation 999 call and a defibrillator information animation and practice section to teach you all you need to know as a bystander to perform CPR and use a defibrillator. There are also plans to run a training session on CPR and use of a defibrillator at the Hall, so please keep an eye open for this!

We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to this important cause, including all of the families who use our service, members of the local community who donated to our crowdfunding campaign, Councillor Kevin Lalley who supported our coffee afternoon, and CM Photography who kindly donated all proceeds from the sale of photographs of the nursery children with Santa at Christmas time.

A special thank you has to go to Colin Cairns of Cairns Event Hire (photographed at the unveiling of our defibrillator with some of our nursery staff team and children), who supported our recent coffee afternoon which helped us smash our target, and without whom the event wouldn't have been such a massive success.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this fantastic cause - you are all amazing!


Wishing you all a very Happy Easter! 🐣🌸🐣🌸

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2 Baillieston Road, Uddingston

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm