Back in business 🤓
New term at Aino Elina Music starts August 27th online and in Gorgie. Link for details 💋
I'm also teaching at DCMusicLessons and Edinburgh School Of Music - book via the schools xx
New term at Aino Elina Music 🥳 Starting August 27th. Link for details 💋
I'm also teaching at DCMusicLessons and Edinburgh School Of Music - book via the schools xx
*Terms schedule and Conditions: Book your slot by pre payment only. Regular times can be arranged. Payments can be made in advance via bank transfer preferably, but also by card or PayPal if needed....
Holidays are here!
My (blue! 🧐😅) hydrangea has been tickled pink too by the anticipation of all the summer fun to be had 💚🩷💜💚
Today we had the Edinburgh School Of Music end of term concert in this lovely auditorium. I was so proud of my students and anyone else taking the stage, sharing their passion for music and the fruit of their hard work. It's a big concert with great attendance, and a perfect opportunity to practice performance skills.
I'm fully back to business again August 23rd onwards, but I will keep vocal coaching a couple of days a week through July, both in Gorgie and at DCMusicLessons so let me know if you'd like to book summer lessons xx
Next term details ✨ Available online and face-to-face in Edinburgh, UK. Link to my website in comments
A lovely concert this Sunday featuring Finnish choral music - any fans around York? I will be joining Enkelit, and I'm super excited about singing Finnish choir pieces again, it's been a while. Come join us or spread the word ❣️
Come and join us this Sunday at the Unitarian Church in St Saviourgate, York to listen to this joint concert. It's on a "Pay As You Feel" basis (card payments taken)
There will be homemade cake!
Thank you Enkelit for yesterday! Enkelit is a choir in England that sings in Finnish (mostly) which is mad and I LOVE it of course ❣️
But I forgot to take pictures! Next time. Details to follow 🎶🎶🎶
Anyway, here's my face on the way back home, all tired but happy from all the new people, places and music. The views weren't that bad, huh 🌞
Singing to babies benefits them greatly 💞 They'll have better reading skills later in life according to this research.
Tutkimus: Jos vauvalle laulaa, lukivaikeudet voivat helpottua myöhemmin
Helsingin yliopiston seurantatutkimuksessa vauvoille soitettiin puolen vuoden ajan lastenlauluja ja yksinkertaisia kansanlauluja.
Next online & Gorgie term details below 👩🎤🎼🎶
*Terms and Conditions: Book your slot by pre payment only. Regular times can be arranged. Payments can be made via bank transfer, card or PayPal in advance. Term: Lessons reschedulable, but only to...
My set up at Gorgie home studio @ Aino Elina Music 🎵🎶
Back in business next week 🎉
Thanks for the video interview DCMusicLessons 💋
Book your lesson in:
Leith, Edinburgh (UK) https://www.dcmusiclessons.co.uk/singing-lessons/
Gorgie, Edinburgh (UK) or online (worldwide 😎)
Meet Mari - Vocal Coach
Hello from summer holidays vol 1 ☀️ I'm back in business again for July, so book your summer singing lessons now 👏 🎶🎶🎶
Then I'll be off for a few more weeks, on summer holiday vol 2 until the autumn terms start end of August 👌
Next term starting May 2nd!
Contact me for availability in Gorgie, Edinburgh, UK
More info: https://www.ccmvocalcoach.com/prices.html
Aino Elina Music on Google
New 6-week term starting May 2nd - contact me for availability,
New website! ✨ https://www.ccmvocalcoach.com/
I have some free slots Saturdays @ DCMusicLessons 😎
My set up in Leith at the moment 🎶 https://www.dcmusiclessons.co.uk/
I now teach at 3 locations - Gorgie, Leith and Meadowbank 👏
Mielenkiintoinen juttu musikaalisuudesta! - Sorry in Finnish only 🎶
Musiikki | Toimittaja Elisa Rimailan esi-isät olivat Sibeliuksen tuntemia huippumuusikoita, m***a voiko musikaalisuus periytyä? Näin kävi, kun asiaa alettiin testata
Ikävät muistot lapsuuden musiikkitunneilta saivat toimittaja Elisa Rimailan uskomaan, ettei musiikki ole hänen juttunsa. Musikaalisten esi-isien jälkeläinen halusi kuitenkin testata oman musikaalisuutensa.
That's me on holidays now ✨ I will be back in business Jan 6th 2022, teaching face-to-face both in Gorgie and Leith, plus online as usual. Happy Yule & see you 2022!
Hello all! I've opened my bookings at DC Music lessons now, where I'll be coaching all my in person students for this autumn term - Wednesday and Thursday afternoons/evenings. The school is in Leith, and you can book the lessons here: https://www.dcmusiclessons.co.uk/singing-lessons/
For online lessons please contact me directly and I will get back to you next week 🙂
Singing Lessons - DC Music Lessons
Singing lessons in Edinburgh with DC Music Lessons. Learn in our fully equipped city centre studios complete with coffee shop and comfortable waiting areas.
A wee heads up - I will be getting back to teaching mid September 🌞
More info to follow in a couple of weeks' time
Musiikki yhdistää ❣️
Music = communication = connection! (Sorry, article in Finnish only)
Musiikin avulla saat hetkessä luotua yhteyden tunteen vaikka ventovieraan kanssa – syy on yllättävän primitiivinen
Kolme syytä, miksi musiikilla on meihin niin suuri valta.
I'm taking a break from vocal coaching, both in person and online, for the summer to concentrate on songwriting and getting gig fit for future Aino Elina gigs - thank you Taiteen edistämiskeskus - Taike (Arts promotion center Finland) 💗🙏
Have a lovely summer, and keep singing! I might be posting a few videos on singing technique over the summer, so watch this space, or follow my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAsGb4hGxin0oFBjeQ0mHw
I'll be back in business in September 2021 - contact me then to arrange your lessons for 2021-2022.
Photo by Vicki Watson Photography
MUA Caroline Stewart Makeup artistry and Hair Stylist
Little summer term starting next week: Have 4h of singing lessons between June 14th & July 16th for £100 only 🎉
All face to face students are now welcome to my spacious and ventilated Gorgie studio 🎶
Online lessons also available if that's what you prefer.
And we're in Level 2!
As long as we stay in levels 0-3 I will resume face 2 face vocal coaching in mid June in Gorgie with:
- ventilation + air purifier
- social distancing
- disinfection of surfaces and hands
- mask wearing as much as possible
- regular testing (I test myself twice a week)
Until then online lessons continue as normal. You can still continue online lessons past June of course, if you prefer them.
If you have any cold symptoms you can't come to your lesson, but can have an online lesson instead if you're well enough to sing. Normal terms and conditions apply.
If you have been vaccinated contact me for face 2 face lessons in Gorgie now
Aino Elina Music Vocal Coach Prices
And we're in level 3 🤩👏 Hurraah!
I'm finally back to face to face vocal coaching this week (after a 13 month break!) in my lovely, spacious, well ventilated home studio in Gorgie.
I'm starting with vaccinated students only. All safety measures will be in place, but I have not been vaccinated yet, and don't want to risk spreading the virus on, that's why.
For everyone else, online lessons continue as normal. 😷✌️