Top Tip for when you get bored or just don’t want to drink water! 🍹🍓
This helps massively with my ADHD and staying hydrated. As I always forget to drink water because it’s not Fizzy and Full of sugar!
This alternative helps keep drinking water exciting as it can, the frozen fruit not only gives it taste but it asks as ice cubes making it even more refreshing!
Let me know what you think and what flavors you can’t wait to try?!
Mirror Mirroir
Welcome to "MirrorMirroir"
Bringing Awareness, Educate & Create Conversation to gain support for
Operating as usual
I was nervous about posting this but I feel it is so important, to bring awareness! so many people especially younger people hold a lot of shame for needing carers but we shouldn’t feel Ashamed for just trying to live our lives like everyone else.
We need to talk about this, so it does become the norm and people who are entitled to support, get the right support out there.
Please Like, Share, Comment your Support 💕
Top Tip For Family & Friends of Hidden Disabilities Part 1
Don’t try to fix us, we are not broken. We just need support 😁💕
Throwback to Thursday, where I shared on MirrorMirroirs tiktok page, to which I will be posting every “Thursday Thoughts”: A New Sensory idea!
This week is: Scrunchies 💇🏼♀️
Watch the video to find out how “Scrunchies”can help with triggers, when out and about.
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And spread the love! 💕
ADHD & Autistic Episodes Explaned with added examples, plus my own experience.
Adhd & Autism, my experience with to-do lists! 📋
To-do lists is one of the best structures to keep my Adhd Brain in check🧠
Autism on the other hand:
•If I go over time limits ⏰
• Don’t complete a task it
• or Get tunnel vision on one & forget about the rest
It can cause a melt down 🫠and overwhelm my brain. This can put me off doing anything, making me feel like a failure.😥
If you have ever felt like this, I hope this post can help you not feel alone! Keep going and focus on one thing a day, till you feel you can do more!
I will be uploading a video about my hints and tips on how SMASH the to-do list. 🔥
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Part 1 of stressful food shop with ADHD & Autism…..Anyone else go through this?
Adhd & Autisim Vs New hobby/ tasks
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Share - if you relate or know someone like this.
Comment - let me know your thoughts, tag people if this is them.👄
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Needing some decision making Help!
I need a name for my puppy! ADHD-makes me impulsive & inpatient to choose. Autism - I need a plan and have a reason for the name. My Brain is contradicting itself and is ready to explode 🤯
Decision making can stress anyone out and cause frustration but with the nerodiverse it can cause;
•Heightened anxiety.
•Difficulty engaging in the process.
•Can go mute.
•A regular tendency to avoid decision even making with the simplest of decisions
•Deciding to do nothing and cancel plans.
•Taking tantrum
• Rapid mood change
And that’s just by asking what everyone would think is a simple question.
Look out for a video on how to help, in these situations!
Any suggestions for names?

Adhd & Autism shows differently in Woman.
The latest diagnostic criteria for autism were set in the 2013. Psychological testing done to diagnose autism was developed using the experiences and symptoms of cisgender white males.
2013!! Woman don’t stand a chance when getting tested. A lot of woman get told they have bad mental health and left feeling frustrated, medicated & crazy.
Even now getting diagnosed is very hard due to Gp’s lack of knowledge. 68% out of 150 Gp’s questioned in Scotland had received NO Training on Adhd & Autism. This is because Neurological Conditions are currently not part of a GPS training. Recent study was completed by PhD Student, Blandine French
This has to change and this is what my page is about creating conversation and promoting Change, education and the chance to exercise our rights as woman & for better support, equality and the right for a fair diagnostic.
Follow & Like my page, more information and videos coming soon!
Hints and tips for this summer! Make sure to listen to your body and try out some of my unusual tips ☀️🌴

Ohhh you just gotta have a favourite quirk!
Scroll down the page for more videos 😎
It’s the little things that make the big difference! 😎
Insta: mirrormirroir
Welcome to my page!
The hope for my page is to bring awareness to Hidden Disabilities and Advocate for support, equality rights and changes that need to be made in order for the Nerodiverse to function in everyday life. I will also be sharing any creative projects I’ve been working on.
I have started a group for the Nerodiverse to meet once a month.
I will be aiming to set up a bi-weekly “lunch club” around Edinburgh.
The group is called “The Lunch Club” and it is a private group. A few questions are asked, the admin will decide if you meet the requirements to be added. Where you can
share any feelings, tips, hints or experiences.
The Group:
Insta: mirrormirroir
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