Therapy Foundations For Education

Therapy Foundations For Education


We are an independent service combining occupational therapy and education for children with special educational needs.

We specialise in sensory integration and work with children on the autistic spectrum, children with dyspraxia and DCD. About Us

Therapy Foundations is a service that provides occupational therapy and educational support to enable children to become more confident and and successful with skills they need to help them play better, perform better at home and at school and to communicate

Operating as usual


We see a significant number of children with APD and can formally test and identify this condition using standardised testing

"Auditory Processing Disorder is a neurological condition that impacts the way the brain is able to process what is heard. Somewhere between the sounds that are heard and how the brain remembers or understands those sounds, the information is jumbled or even lost.

What makes this condition so challenging to diagnose and so frustrating for many parents whose children struggle with this condition is that functional hearing is usually not affected in people with APD – it is the processing of sounds that is affected..."

More auditory processing tools:


Please be aware of this

Toddlers' screen time concerns revealed by experts 📱




"What an eye opener!" - Shannon M 25/09/2024

we have been working on children’s growth mind set for years
This article shows how EF is learned and flexibility and problem solving skills are key to academic progress
Resilience and a can do attitude
It’s so much harder for children who have struggled with neurodevelopment delay but we specialise in overcoming the Dys’s and focus on developing thinking and doing, thinking whilst doing and thinking post doing…. This is the connection between perceptual motor skills and cognitive skills
You always need to start at the root NOT the fruit
We work on a bottom up approach and our assessment looks at causes
Womb or Birth trauma (small or big)
Early retained reflexes due to retained survival responses or a lack of tummy time and crawling
We also explore coordination, motor planning, ideation and movement sequencing and then we look at regulation and emotional intelligence, resilience and executive functioning
Regardless of a child’s diagnosis this hierarchal brain development MUST be complete in order for a child to regulate, coordinate and achieve full potential academically
Contact us at www.therapyfoundationsfor
If you wish to have your child assessed and remedy from the bottom up

"What an eye opener!" - Shannon M Achieve the peaceful home life you deserve!


Just think how our classrooms confine learning styles…some kids need to move to regulate
We are increasingly seeing a new dynamic of miss understood and over diagnosed children …
As sensory integrative and early reflex qualified occupational therapists we CAN help your child regulate and understand themselves
Supporting emotional, motor, academic and social intelligence
Call us if you have concerns as we now also offer children’s counselling


Looking at this it can be seen that stimming is a sensory calming or alerting strategy…..All children stim in the sensory stage of development allowing them mastery over their sensory development and to move on to environmental exploration and construction skills …toys and play
This is why children remain safe and avoiding in sensory behaviour as it is focused on self and sensory reward…non social.
We at Therapy Foundations are all Son Rise trained and focus on social development through the sensory system.
Imitation, joining, connection and lots of movement. As we are all sensory integrative therapists we profile the child’s sensory systems and use their seeking and sensory needs to increase exploration and social development .

This is a nice (no -exhaustive) image of different types of stimming. What could we add to this picture?

Source: Unknown


And again...


Let's get moving!


Children who have Selective Mutism will usually only speak to people they know very well and are comfortable with such as their parents, people at school or family members. These children get very anxious and don't speak so to most people they just appear to be shy, so often times they go undiagnosed.

Selective Mutism
- socially awkward and shy
- withdrawn
- getting angry when asked questions
- uncomfortable with expectations to speak
- tantrums after school
- stiff and tense around unfamiliar people
- fidgeting
- inability to speak in certain settings
- shuts down around strangers
- won't speak as they feel embarrassed around others
- difficulty processing sensory input
- fearful of birthday parties or family gatherings
- stubborn or aggressive
- fear of being around other people
- nonverbal communication to express needs
- avoids eye contact
- disinterested in events or school
- nervous and uneasy


Emotional intelligence starts here NOT with emojis !!!!

Interoception refers to the body’s ability to identify and process internal actions of the organs and systems inside the body. This lesser-known sensory system helps you understand and feel what’s going on inside your body. You can then make essential decisions about eating when you are hungry, drinking when you are thirsty, going into the restroom when you need to toilet, and other physical actions.

Does this sound like a familiar challenge for some of the kids we work with? These challenges can impact attention, focus, posture in writing, executive functioning skills, motor planning skills, and so many areas.

For information, tools, and strategies:

Limbic System: Your Child’s On/Off Switch for Emotional Grounding, Fight or Flight and Meltdowns - Integrated Learning Strategies 18/12/2023

To develop self regulation, the ability to think before doing and to feel safe in our bodies it is essential to be posturally secure through grounding and early survival reflex integration .
When children don’t have to focus on organising their bodies and feel safe interoceptively (from the inside out) they are free to cognitively plan and think
This relieves anxiety and enables a calm alert state necessary for learning

Limbic System: Your Child’s On/Off Switch for Emotional Grounding, Fight or Flight and Meltdowns - Integrated Learning Strategies Why your child's limbic system is tied to emotional grounding and learning in the classroom.


This recent study investigated the association between school-age children’s self-reported , emotional regulation, and academic self-regulation. It was found that there was a significant correlation between IA and children who participated in the study’s autonomous motivation linked with their engagement in learning activities.

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