Nice night helping out with visuals for
Hope Church Outreach in Belfast’s Chapel Lane Street
* Amazing Worship Team
* Power Testimony of Freedom from Addiction
* Excellent Preach from Mitch of Crown Jesus Ministries, on 5 Lesson’s from the Life of David.
Lord help us all, help each other🙌🙏✝️
Wonderful day back in Lumen Christi College in Derry. Speaking on Relationship issues to Year-11 & Year-14
As part of there Relationships & Sexuality Education.
Thank You to Stephen Dogherty for yet again making me feel at home and welcome. It’s great to see teachers caring so well for their pupils development.
‘A’ Fr. Ed Wade Tribute
I first saw Fr. Ed Wade when I was around 18yrs old. It was 1988. It was in Northern Ireland. Ed was based in Belfast in my local catholic parish. St. Michael’s Church.
An ecumenical community called ‘Community of The King(CTK) invited him to be part of the team reaching out to people in the catholic communities in Belfast & wider afield. As one of the projects they ran a youth mission in our local catholic parish.
I had stop going to church and said there is no god, so I can do what I want.
However my friend wanted to go to this youth mission in St. Michael’s church. Which was based in Anderstown in west Belfast. For the international readers ‘The Troubles’ was a horrific period in our recent history, a sectarian conflict between two communities that grew up either in catholic or protestant churches. But whose members may have wanted a united Ireland and the other protestant persuasion wanted to remain part of the United Kingdom. (This is a very over simplified explanation, but for our purposes here. It will suffice)
I had lost all hope in god, Northern Ireland, politicians clergy, faith & churches.
Yet into this society in conflict, I went to this youth mission to keep my friend Jim Keenan company, as he wanted to check out the youth mission happening, but didn’t want to go alone.
Little did I know that this ecumenical community had been in all the schools inviting teenagers from all over West Belfast to this youth mission. With the cross community Team, there was this mad American priest❤️ Fr. Ed Wade.
I had never heard such a testimony of a man’s faith journey. God was so real to Fr. Ed.
He said if you list all the 10 commandments, I have broken them all. That’s some list, if you know it.
Fr. Ed shared his story of being a marine, seeing death up close and personal, seeing man’s inhumanity to man.
Fr. Ed had also gotten lost in a pit of his own despair, at life’s inhumanity.
The Holy Spirit met with him there & he was never the same again.
The place was packed with hundreds of teens. I walk in with my friend and there was hardly any seating room left.
So we set near the front to my embarrassment. I was a very insecure young man and quite lost in the troubles and madness of Northern Ireland. Full of self-destructive behaviours.
His story reach me with a light in my heart I had never known. This light, I later came to know was Christ’s love for me, my family & Northern Ireland, both Catholic & Protestant communities.
It took months for the revelation of this experience to unravel me and pull me out of a dark party scene I was in.
I had been Breaking some of the 10 commandments myself.
As the seeds of a life in Christ, started to germinate in me. Thanks in no small part to Fr. Ed’s preaching & testimony.
I got to know Fr. Ed and this community more overtime. Who they where, what they had in common, how they did life together in Northern Ireland, especially when coming from two communities in conflict.
I remember another church outreach mission, a mission in Poleglass this time. A men’s mission and Fr. Ed was sharing. I brought my dad this time, as I didn’t have the emotional or spiritual literacy to explain what I was experiencing, it was so profound and life changing. My dad could see it.
Fr. Ed had shared his story and had challenge all the men there. He was swamped by men, that night wanting to off load there sins & stories and come back to Christ a new.
My dad said to me “I need to talk to that man”. Even my dad an Irish Olympic boxing medalist. A hard man in his own right. Was being impacted by the light of Christ in this man. It was so contagious.
Fr. Ed was like a modern mystic, if you understand this term and gifting. He could see and reveal the kingdom of God, to people’s hearts & minds. Thanks to Ed’s intimate & close devotional relationship to the Holy Spirit he had.
Many people came to faith, in Christ through the wild abandonment of Fr. Ed Wade’s faith. Ex-Paramilitaries, those with real messed up backgrounds and just those lost souls with no real spiritual community.
What the Lord did through Fr. Ed’s Charism was profound.
They say a prophet isn’t welcome in his home town, well in my home town off Belfast, he was so welcome. He came with hope, he came to fight the works of the enemy that would rob people from the love & light of Christ. Revealing the light of Christ’s love, knowing it was able to lift you up far above your inner turmoils, to let you rise & see a way forward beyond your circumstances.
I am so thankful for your yes to Jesus Fr. Ed, I’m so thankful that you ran the race to the end with the same zeal & passion I have always admired in you. It was so very holy.
May you know the joyous peace in our Lords courts and I pray for the day we meet again.
Rest in heavenly Peace Fr. Ed, ‘You Good & Faithful Servant’
Many people on the island of Ireland can tell their story of how the conflict in Northern Ireland caused heartache and trouble.
Peter & Patricia discovered how vital their faith would be in the pain of a society in conflict. With families & communities at odds with each other, a real risk to life, their story is one of tenacity & surrender.
Together they found a way to remain married and raise a young family in turbulent times. Peter & Patricia chat about their reliance on a loving God in the midst of the mess
Thank you for holding the peace of God in your own hearts and for lavishing that across both communities.
‘A’ TRIBUTE To Tony Campolo:
(25/2/1935 - 19/11/2024)
1989 -
The Troubles of Northern Ireland seemed unchangeable. I was 19 an I had just re-discovered my faith and had a power encounter with Christ.
Thanks to the outreach of a Christian community made up of Catholics & Protestants.
An American Missionary from the International missionary organisation ‘Youth With A Mission(YWAM)Belfast, gave me a book that would flip my world up side down.
That Book was:
‘You Can Make A Difference’
By: Tony Campolo
I had never been so moved, one moment I was belly laughing and then the next I was shocked, horrified and moved to uncontrollable fits of tears as Tony spoke about justice for the poor & how God’s Heart breaks for the broken hearted.
Tony Campolo’s books stired in me a hunger to learn and know more about how I could help and make a difference.
I went on to read most of his books over the years and I loved them.
To Name Some of My Top Favourites:
* ‘You Can Make A Difference’
* ‘It’s Friday but Sunday’s Coming’
* ‘Who Switched the Price Tags’
* ‘The Power Delusion’
* ‘I met the Enemy and He’s Partly Right’
* ‘20 Hot Potatoes, Christian’s are afraid to Touch’
* ‘Seven Deadly Sins’
* ‘How to be a Penticostal and not speak in tongues,
* ‘How to love the earth without worshiping it’
* ‘A Reasonable Faith’
* ‘The Kingdom of God is a Party’
Tony’s heart and communication skills where just superior to many communicators. His life experience & story telling gift, His life’s message & mission, was calling individuals & churches to help minister to the poorest most needy on this planet.
His message reach my heart & head and was a wonderful surprise to me, and I have never gotten over it.
There has been no other in this field that moved me as much.
I wanted to be a missionary because of him, I wanted to be a better communicator, (though I didn’t know that at the time, only in retrospect).
The questions & purpose his content stirred in me was?
How could my life make a difference to others and how could I co-operate with Christ’s Body the Church to do this?
I ran Faith study groups with his VHS Video series of videos, based on his books. Way before there were such things as Alpha & Nua Course Videos.
His broad church appeal to many denominations filled me with hope, that Christian’s could unified around issues of caring for the poor.
I remember the band U2 asking him to speak and tech them on some of their travels, soon to hear U2’s lead singer & activist Bono’s communication about social justice, starting to reflect similar values. I started to hear Bono, even use one or two of Tony’s examples to stire others to action.
Tony along with Ex US President Jimmy Carter and other founding members of the organisation ‘Habitat for Humanity’. Created a global Organisation that, was about raising up volunteers to build homes for the poorest in the world, but not just homes, it was about creating ‘Habitats’ that could change & Transform the negative environments people grew up in.
You are Blessed to be a Blessing Tony would say(Paraphrase).
To be a blessing, To Transform Individuals, communities & Countries with the powerful transforming Love of Christ in action.
When president Bill Clinton’s, scandal with Monica Lewinsky happed, it was Tony Campolo, Bill Clinton saught for spiritual direction. Tony told him to tell the truth about what happen and repent of what he had done.
I remember suggesting to Summer Madness Festival that they should book him as their main speaker. He was great and inspired so many youth that year to give financially to build houses for the poor. He pushed them to be generous and they did more than they thought they could.
1990 -
I first met him in Stormont hotel at a Christian’s Business Men’s Breakfast Meeting in Belfast. We were still in the mist of the Troubles.
1992 -
The next time I met him, I had joined Youth With A Mission Ireland’s base in Dublin.
The CFC network of New churches had booked him for their ‘Kingdom Come’ event conference, being held In the then Buttlins Holiday Conference Center.
1998 -
The Awake Event
We booked him to speak at the our out door stage event in front of the Waterfront Hall. To around 2,000 people from across a post conflict society,
Just shortly after the historic ‘Good Friday Agreement’ Tony spoke on mission and heart for the poor. He brought Bart, his adult son with him.
Again he was wonderful, and this message reach beyond pains and hurts of our very current and recent conflict. It was unifying.
2011 -
I was at a Youth Ministry Gathering in Birmingham, this was one of the last times I seen him in person. Talking to Youth Ministry Leaders about challenging youth to do something amazing with their lives and how the love of Christ can help.
2012 -
Was the actual last time I met him in person in Belfast. He was touring with Shane Claiborne and the Christian Band ‘Rend Collective’
I was lucky enough to know many of the organisers after many years of crossing over the church & community devides, and I was in the Green Room with Tony & Shane, while he waited to speak to the audience. (See attached picture of me with him after the event)
Again calling people to live like Jesus, caring for the poorest & the least.
Now that his race has been run, May he be fully known and fully know, now the emense love of Christ he so beautifully describe to me and many others.
To quote one of his favourite Scripture verses he often quoted:
ROMAN’s 6: 1
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:
Rest in Glorious Peace Tony ✝️
Your family and friends are in my prayers.
Say a wee pray for us while you’re up there. Till we all meet again.
Tony Campolo:
(25th Feb 1935 - 19th Nov 2024)
Cast Loves to see these creative initiatives by churches & Diocese. May it be filled with faith & Life.
It was a day of enjoyable Belfast based meetings / Network Gatherings & connection with old friends and new.
Down and Connor hosting a promotion event of Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Institute programmes. To help people learn and grow in their faith. Lovely to see so many Ministry Lay Leaders, apostolates & Clergy. Connecting and learning from one another.
Lovely catch up with Fr. Frank Trais, a Passionist priest, now Parish Priest of Holy Cross church in North Belfast. Got to see their new Community Center & Coffee Dock area. Which is great.
Talk about life and technology to help with better communication in our churches.
The Premier Launch of the new Youth Alpha resource. Totally re-vamp for Generation Z / Alpha. Premier in the SSE area a VIO Cinema. Well done Alpha Team’s for your work in developing this resource.
A few years back, while CASTs director was on his annual personal retreat, in County Wicklow.
He was staying in his usual place. Glendalough’s Hermitage Center. It’s a place of silence & solitude. Good for the heart & soul of a person. Taking time out to be still, reflect and pray.
On one of his days, he decided to go for a small drive to see some of the local beauty in the area. He stumbled across this small church ‘St Patrick’s & St. Killian’s Church’. Beside it was a beautiful old stone bridge, with arches that the River Avonmore was flowing gently under.
It was all nestled in this beautiful picturess valley. The place was peaceful & silent. Good for solitude when you need it and it had a sense of history & spirituality to it.
He told himself, “I will come back here again and photography and film it”, as it's just such an idyllic setting.
Here are some pictures from his return to it today. ☘️
Niall, Cast Ministries director, is back in Glendalough for his personal annual retreat. Staying in one of the lovely Hermitage cottages.
Please pray for him while he is on retreat. That he would be replenish spiritually & find renewed energy & vision to move with clarity & peace into the next season of family life & ministry work.
14-16th October 2024
I’m down in Co. Cavan this week on a Youth Leaders Network Retreat run by Christ in Youth(CIY) Ireland/Europe.
Looking to see and hear what God’s Spirit is doing in and through the different strands of faith on the Island. Praying & listening to hear if God has anything for Cast Ministries to be engaged with for the sake of supporting & helping Youth Ministry on the island of Ireland.
Day 2 with John Eldridge’s Team’s at Wild at Heart on their ‘DEEPER’ retreat.
1st Session last night John invited us to center our minds and hearts, away from all distractions and lies about ourselves. The invitation to be still, Center our thoughts & hearts on Christ.
The challenge was to step away from all things in our lives that have demonised or emptied us from the love of Christ.
John Eldridge Quote:(Paraphrased)
“We as Christians have heard enough content to last us a lifetime, but the Lord wants to nurture our hearts, so let’s return to the lover of our souls, only in this place, can He replenish & recreate his loving presence in us’
We just setup the Audio & AV for the John Eldridge’s - ‘Deeper’ retreat in Dublin, which starts tonight for the next 4 days.
Please pray for all those attending plus John & the Team as they serve & minister to them. 😇☘️
At Youth Link tonight, gearing up to help supervise the next generation of Youth Workers. Helping them get their Levels 1, 2 & 3 OCNs. Should be fun.
I’ve been looking through Rónán Johnston & Emmaus’s Music over the last 35yrs
15 Albums / EPs Released & One Book on Praise & Workshop.
On this wee Island Rónán & Friends have create and inspired artists & musicians to use their musical talents and spiritual life to enrich and bless others.
If you haven’t check out Rónán Johnston & Emmaus Music, why not give them a listen. You can find them on Apple Music, YouTube, Spotify & TikTok etc… now.
Rónán & Friends have release a few new offerings over the last few years. Published by:
©️2024 Mother Bubba Ship Records
Apple Music Links
©️2024 Mother Bubba Ship Records
Share Artist: Emmaus
Share Artist: Rónán Johnston
Share Artist: Rónán Johnston & Emmaus
YouTube Channels:
Rónán Johnston & Emmaus
Ro Jo
Rónán Johnston & Emmaus
Well that’s it, 4th & final day of Youth Initiatives Summer Camp Themed:
So many, moments, of fun, prayer, & friendship. Teams & Crews making it all happen, supporting each other. Supporting the content & ministry in the main venue & throughout the facilities.
Cast Ministries is grateful for Youth Initiatives, for all they do that enriches young people lives & hearts.
It is such a delicate dance to articulate the faith well, and extended it, in a sensitive way. Extending an invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It’s very humbling to be aware of God’s great love for us all, in the mess off our own struggles in this world.
We pray the seeds planted will grow into a rich harvest of faith.
DAY-3 at Youth Initiatives ‘Level Up’ summer camp. The morning session, Session 5 ‘God Our Helper’ beautifully deliver by Karen Howie follow with Small Groups.
The Afternoon was Workshops & Activities.
The even session, Session-6, ‘The Course’ delivered by Natalie.
Wrapping up the evening with ‘The Talent Show’ & Night Prayers,
Sometimes your behind all the gear & other days you are at the front of it all.