RGC Fitness

RGC Fitness


Personal trainer that is passionate about his job. Love meeting people and helping people achieve their fitness goals.

Operating as usual


Absent Mindedness in a Lift

What exactly does this mean?

By absent-mindedness I mean not being focused or present mentally for every rep. Being absent can lead to poor form/technique, failing a rep, or worse... injury!

You should be thinking about your setup, technique, positions, and breathing for every rep not just the first.

What are your goals for the lift, what are you focusing on? This is something you should ask yourself before each set.

If you’re unsure of how to answer, then get in contact today and let me help you.


Improve your bench stability 💪

Photos from RGC Fitness's post 18/07/2022

Tempo reps are a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

A programmed tempo exercise consists of 4 numbers, each referring to the 4 stages of a lift and how long each stage should last.

Example: Squat 3 x 8 @ a tempo of 3-2-0-1

So, the breakdown of this is:

3 seconds lowering of the weight (eccentric phase)

2 second pause at the bottom (1st isometric phase)

0 seconds means exploding out of the lift (concentric phase)

1 second reset at the top (2nd isometric phase)


The slowed down movement helps teach the lifter control, allowing them to feel each position and gain a better understanding of the full movement.

Being a slowed down version of a lift, the muscles have increased time under tension, which helps stimulate muscle growth.

Tempo reps are usually performed with much lighter weights than your 1RM. This means they would typically be performed with more rep/volume, which would help increase the lifter's overall work capacity.

They can also help you overcome sticking points in lifts by pausing at the sticking point. E.g. Squats, pausing at the bottom or Deadlifts, pausing at the knee, etc.

And finally, simply adding variety to a workout helps keep the lifter interested and engaged.


Ask anyone to point to their core muscles and most of the time they’ll point to their abdominal muscles (6-pack) and some might even point to their obliques (Sides) as well, which is correct however, it is only 2/3 of the answer.

A lot of people don’t realise that their core is actually a belt that goes around their abdomen not just the abdominals and obliques but the lower back muscles (Erector Spine) and even your Glutes are equally as important.

A strong core combined with proper breathing technique allows us to achieve a stable brace in our core that lets us safely perform exercise such as Squats, Deadlifts, Bench, Clean & Jerks, Snatches, RDLs, Overhead Presses, etc.

Here are 3 simple core exercises that target the lower back:
• GHD Back Extensions
• Reverse Hyper Extensions
• Db Hip Bridges

If you’re interest in learning more get in contact to book a free consultation.


When training in the gym, too often we see people (typically young men) sacrificing form, technique or reducing range of motion in order to lift heavier weights or bang out more reps.

Performing reps in their full range of motion is the most efficient and safest way you can train your body. It should be the number one focus of a set before increasing weight or reps. Ask yourself, did you perform the set with full range of motion?

Poor quality reps or form is simply inefficient and can eventually lead to injuries that can knock you back months of training or worst-case scenario end your lifting career.

If you want to learn more or improve your own form & technique, get in contact and book a free consultation.


This post is going to address the popular myth - Lifting weights will make a woman look bulky or manly.

Women are terrified that by weight training they will turn into hulking beasts, if only it was that simple.

One of the biggest reasons you won't become "bulky/manly" is testosterone.

Testosterone is a key component for muscle growth. Women don’t have the same levels of testosterone in their bodies as men. This makes developing muscle that much harder for women.

This is why when going through puberty boys typically start to rapidly develop muscle. Girls going through puberty do also develop muscle but at a much slower rate and typically not on the same level as boys. This is due to the lower levels of testosterone in their bodies.

Simply put for a woman to gain the amount of muscle it would take for them to look ‘manly’ or ‘bulky’ they would have to go to the extreme side of weight training. Women in physique shows for example work on strict grueling programs, train 2-3 times a day, and diet for months before a show.

If you’d like to start your weight training journey today, get in contact, book a free consultation and let’s start together.


How does weight training help with weight loss?

It’s true that in an hour of cardio you would typically burn more calories than in an hour of a weight training session. However, the biggest different is the fact that weight training builds more muscle which in turn increases your resting metabolism.

This simply means your body will burn more calories resting and doing everyday task because there is more living tissue (muscle) for your body to support.

Another added benefit of weight training is that it boosts your resting metabolism for up to 24-48 hours after training, sometimes referred to as an afterburn affect. This means your body continues to burn calories at a higher rate than usual after a session. Cardio sessions typically don’t activate this affect.

So how do you go about achieving weight loss via weight training?

Get in contact today, book a free consultation and we’ll achieve your goals together.



Bracing your core is a crucial technique that every gym user should learn to train safely and prevent injuries.

Bracing is a combination of a strong core and correct breathing technique.

How to Brace:

• Pull your shoulders and shoulder blades back and down to activate your lateral muscles

• Squeeze your glutes which will tilt your pelvis into a slight posterior position

• While standing in this position imagine you are about to get punched in the stomach. You would automatically engage your core bracing for the hit by crunching forward slightly pulling your ribcage downward

The last part of the brace is the breathing:

• Take a deep breath but instead of breathing into your chest push the breath down into your stomach.

You should now have achieved a solid brace. Your core should feel like a tight cylinder from the bottom of your ribcage down to your pelvis.

Photos from RGC Fitness's post 03/05/2022

Should you be sore after a session - DOMS

DOMS = Delay Onset Muscle Sore

DOMS is sometime interpreted as a sign of a good workout but this isn’t always the case. It could be sign of an inadequate warm up or not warming up at all. You could be over exerting yourself by poor rep, set and load design (E.g. 5 x 8 @ 92% of 1RM)

New programs tend to lead to DOMS as they sometime contain new exercise or ones that haven’t been performed in a number of weeks.


• Muscle pain
• Stiffness
• Muscles Tenderness
• Reduced range of motion
• Reduced Strength
• Fatigue

DOMS typically occurs within 24-72 hours after a workout and gradually fades over the following days.


Although we can’t totally prevent DOMS we can reduce the effects and likely hood of getting it by:

• Preforming dynamic stretches at the start of a session
• Foam rolling before & after a session
• Performing warm up sets
• Performing a cool down with static stretches after a session
• Make sure you’re a well hydrated


There are several ways to help treat the symptoms of DOMS and recover quicker.

• Massages
• Ice baths help reduce inflammation
• Warm baths dilates blood vessels which promotes blood flow to the muscles helping with recovery

If you’d like to learn more get in contact and we can arrange your free consultation today.


Tracking our diets has never been easier.

When it comes to training, we tend to put all our focus into the gym session and sometimes overlook the dietary requirements.

Diet can be one of the hardest aspects of training. Gym session are roughly between 3-6 hours a week but diet is 24/7.

Tracking your diet with apps like MyFitnessPal are a great way to make sure you are hitting your dietary requirements.

It gives you a simple breakdown of Carbs, Protein, Fat, Sugar, etc, in each meal. It also gives you a target daily allowance, subtracting each meal and calculating what you have left to hit.

But the number one benefit in my opinion is Awareness.

It brings awareness to the everyday food we eat, realising just how much fat, sugars, and carbs are in our favourite foods. Foods you thought were healthy can turn out to be loaded with sugars/sweeteners, or high in fats and carbs.

Why not use the James Smith Macro Calculator in the following link to calculate your daily Calorie & Protein target of your own fitness goals.


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Improve your bench stability 💪
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10pm - 11pm
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Thursday 6am - 12pm
6pm - 9pm
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6pm - 9pm
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