Wolfson Research Exchange

Wolfson Research Exchange


Follow us on Twitter @ResearchEx The Wolfson Research Exchange is home of the University of Warwick research community and home of the #PhDLife blog.

Available to use for study and group work, and also as a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration - book one of our three flexible seminar rooms for symposiums, conferences, networking and other research-focused events.

Operating as usual


We’re moving! Head over to University Of Warwick Library where we’re combining this account, our Library account, and the Warwick PG Hub - open now in Junction account, so you can keep up to date with all library related news in one place! Make sure you’re following the University Of Warwick Library page, because we’re going to stop posting on this one.

We’ll be using hashtags across the University Of Warwick Library so you can still find Research Exchange specific posts, just search for

You can also follow the Research Exchange Twitter: https://twitter.com/ResearchEx


Still time to sign up for next Wednesday's PGR Masterclass!

Learn from Wellbeing Support Services how to stay motivated, deal with procrastination and manage you worries...



From the importance of student name pronunciation to sending motivational holiday cards, there were some great examples of developing the student relationship shared at today's PGR Teaching Forum.

Join us on Wednesday 29th June for the next one!


TOMORROW - join us at the PGR Teaching Forum as we discuss "celebrating the whole student", diversity, the student-teacher relationship and more!

3pm-3:45pm on Teams

PGR Teaching Forum Join our PGR teaching discussion group on Microsoft Teams, where PGRs can share their teaching experiences and discuss best practice.


At this month's PGR Teaching Forum we'll be focusing on diversity, the student-teacher relationship and "celebrating the whole student" with one of the shortlisted nominees for the WATE 2022 awards.

Join our discussion on Teams on Wednesday, 3pm-3:45pm!



How do I get my footnote numbers to restart with each chapter? How do I get my page numbers to start on page 8 of a Word document?

Get the answers to these and more in our On Track session on Wednesday on using Word for long documents!

Sign up now via SkillsForge (make sure you are logged in):
https://skillsforge.warwick.ac.uk/warwick/ /dev/eventDetails,;em,providerCode=LIB,providerOrgAlias=warwick,number=4,;

On the Thesis Path: February Funk 13/04/2022

We've been following blogger on her road to submission. Read her latest post, February Funk, here.

On the Thesis Path: February Funk In this series, blogger Lucia keeps a record of her progress and experience in the months leading up to submission. To take a look at her previous post, January Blues, click here.


The best reason of all saved until last - the lovely PGR students in the REx!

Don't study in isolation - come and surround yourself with a friendly PGR community.


Today's reason to study in the REx - Research Refresh!

Take a break with a coffee, a doughnut and a game of Exploding Kittens on Thursday mornings!


It might not be the right weather right now but, trust me - this reason to study in the Research Exchange will become very important on those rare summer days the temperature goes above 25-30°C... ☀🥵


Free tea and coffee, anyone?

Today's reason to study in the REx is its hot water boiler and its jars of complimentary tea, instant coffee and sugar, to give you the caffeine you need to keep your postgrad study going! ☕


Each day this week, we'll be focusing on different features in the Research Exchange that you can utilise as a Warwick PGR.

Today - lockers! Store your books and notes in one of our lockers that are allocated on a random basis each term to those who have applied.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Imposter Syndrome in Academia
Fed up of running around to conferences?
Rex Tour
Tired of lonely, monastic research?
Feel pulled in a million directions?



University Of Warwick Library

Opening Hours

10:30am - 12pm