Less than half an hour to our debate with PolSoc! Come along to the Oculus to hear the amazing speakers discuss the future of our planet!
Warwick Debating Union
The Official page for the Warwick Debating Union, bringing you speakers from across the country! http://warwickdebatingunion.org/
The Warwick Debating Union is the Public Debates branch of the Warwick Debating Society. Throughout the last academic year, the Union established itself as the host of some of the most engaging, animated and thought provoking events at Warwick. 3 public debates a year, like our page to keep updated with news about our latest events!
Operating as usual
This Wednesday we will be joined by Vince Cable, former leader of the Lib Dems in the Oculus to talk about his recent book 'The Chinese Conundrum', check out the event page to stay up to date!
Deadline to apply has been extended to 20th November! Apply now to be part of the WDU 🤩
***WDU Recruitment***
Want to be part of the team? Apply to be a Freshers Rep or part of the Speakers Team!
Freshers are encouraged to apply to both roles, although the Speakers Team is open to all years
Link for the application form and role description -
Don’t hesitate us a DM with any questions!
Warwick Debating Union 2021/22 Committee Application Form Warwick Debating Union is recruiting its 2021/22 Committee to help organise public forum debates and events on a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of speakers. We're looking for outgoing and creative people to get involved and contribute to our growing presence within Warwick. There are rol...
The event page is officially up! Head over now for more details
Want to be part of the team? Apply to be a Freshers Rep or part of the Speakers Team!
Freshers are encouraged to apply to both roles, although the Speakers Team is open to all years
Link for the application form and role description - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdu17i_NqlClkH3aPAL8tb7MlsK9Rex4RC5j-V5NodtbW1V8A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Don’t hesitate us a DM with any questions!
Here are our speakers for our debate today!
Cerys Way vs Andrew Hammond on whether it is unethical to become a billionaire!
Definitely going to be a fascinating exchange of ideas surrounding equality, with Cerys Way arguing that being a billionaire is indeed unethical, and economic freedom, with Andrew Hammond arguing that it is not unethical to become a billionaire.
We hope to see you all soon at MS.02 on campus at 6pm!
Are you just as excited as we for our first debate on campus today at 6pm?! Join us at MS.02 to see our brilliant speakers battle it out on whether being a billionaire is ethical or not!
Our first opposition speaker is Andrew Hammond!
Director of the initiative for African Trade and Prosperity
Andrew Hammond is also the Free Trade Fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs and a Senior Fellow at African Liberty. He previously worked as a Research Associate at the Cato Institute in Washington D.C. Alexander often writes abut African economies, economic freedom and and human progress. His works have been translated into multiple languages and have been featured in dozens of prominent media outlets both in the United Kingdom and overseas.
We hope to see you all soon!
Are you just as excited as we for our first debate on campus today at 6pm?! Join us at MS.02 to see our brilliant speakers battle it out on whether being a billionaire is ethical or not!
Our first proposition speaker is Cerys Way!
Regional Political and Equality Officer, GMB West Midlands
Cerys started working for GMB West Midlands as the Regional Political Officer in October 2017, and in 2018 took on the added role of Regional Equality Officer.
Prior to this, she studied Politics, Policy and Economics at the University of Birmingham, where she was heavily involved in organising around women's and LGBT+ student issues.
Her main goals in her role are to encourage more young workers and women to get involved in both trade unions and political activism.
We hope to see you all soon!
It's official!!
Warwick Debating Union is kicking off freshers week with: THB that it is unethical to become a billionaire
Whether you're a student with firm beliefs, or a fresher simply looking to meet more people - everybody is welcome!
Don't miss out on our first freshers debate on the 5th October, 6pm, at MS.02 :)
T - 30 mins!
Here is the link to the event, we hope to see you all soon! You can find the same link on our event page and IG bio too 🤩
T-90 mins!!!
We hope you are just as excited as we are to be joined by Jacob Rees - Mogg tonight!!
To submit your questions that you would like to see be addressed on our live Q&A session today (link shall be posted soon!), go to the link below!:
Our first speaker event starting today at 7:30 PM! You do not want to miss our address and Q&A with Jacob Rees - Mogg, A.K.A the Leader of the House of Commons!
Keep an eye out on our page and Instagram for the link to the event!
For those of you watching, the results are out soon! Don't forget to vote your winner 🤩
As we come to the end of our nail biting debate, with both sides firing concrete arguments for and against the union, who do we think will emerge the winner? 🤩 - Link to our poll below:
Hey guys! Unfortunately due to technical difficulties, we are now moving the event from facebook to MS Teams! The debate is still one to very much look forward to and you can join the debate by clicking right here on this link below:
[email protected]/1624887060660?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%2209bacfbd-47ef-4465-9265-3546f2eaf6bc%22,%22Oid%22:%22ebd69d09-3f6d-48d2-9807-cea02591b3c9%22%7D" rel="ugc" target="_blank">https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:[email protected]/1624887060660?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%2209bacfbd-47ef-4465-9265-3546f2eaf6bc%22,%22Oid%22:%22ebd69d09-3f6d-48d2-9807-cea02591b3c9%22%7D
Hey guys! Sorry about the tech mishap - keep an eye out on our page and we should be up and running very soon!
Join us for The Union Debate: 'TBH that the United Kingdom will not last'
Look out for the links about questions and polls in the comments!
T - 10 mins!! We are going live with our first debate shortly. Thank you to everyone in advance for tuning in! Below is the link for any questions you guys may want to ask our incredible speakers! - The link to this form will also be posted during the actual debate :)
Don't forget to tune in to our first debate of the year at 5pm, right here on Facebook!
We are pleased to announce our first speaker for the Opposition: Noah Keate
Noah Keate is a second year Politics student at the University of Warwick. He has written for an extensive number of student publications including 'The Boar', 'Perspectives', 'Backbench', and the 'Meridian' magazine. He is a unionist who believes that, while the union's survival faces many challenges, its ultimate demise is not certain or inevitable.
His defence against our Proposition speakers will be something to definitely look out for!
We are excited to announce our second speaker for the Proposition: Francie Molloy
One of Sinn Féin’s longest serving elected representatives, Francie was first elected onto Dungannon District Council in 1985 for the Torrent area. In 1998, he joined Martin McGuinness as an Assembly Member for Mid Ulster, going on to hold the position of Deputy Speaker in the Assembly.
A Republican activist since the Civil Rights campaign of the late 1960s, Francie’s experience in politics and local community organisation is recognised across all sections of the electorate.
First elected to Westminster in 2013 in the by-election replacing the late Martin McGuinness, Francie has brought the campaign for Irish Unity to the platforms across Ireland and Britain and further afield.
As a strong voice for the electorate of Mid Ulster, Francie has always retained his hands on approach to representing his constituents whether at social security appeals, education reviews, planning meetings or pressing government ministers for services.
Francie has always held the view that interests of all citizens would be best served through a new, united Ireland with the services and structures that can deliver for everyone.
Francie believes that the case for a new Ireland is clearer, stronger, and closer than it has ever been before in his lifetime.
We are pleased to announce our first speaker for the Proposition:
Professor Allan I. Macinnes started his academic career as a lecturer in Glasgow University in 1973 and went on to hold chairs of History in Aberdeen and Strathclyde Universities and a visiting chair in British History at Chicago University. Since his retiral in 2014, he has been Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Strathclyde.
He has published extensively on British state formation, Scottish Jacobitism and Highland clans and clearances. His current research focuses mainly on Jacobitism, Enlightenment and global awareness, with an ongoing interest in the history of slate quarrying in Scotland.
During the first independence campaign in 2014 he was an itinerant activist speaking in favour of a ‘Yes’ vote in town and village halls in the Highlands and Islands. He currently acts as an informal adviser to planning groups and politicians on issues ranging from sovereignty and the constitution to developing international contacts, particularly in Scandinavia.
Our first debate of the year! A debate more relevant and uncertain now than ever - in light of the nations' disagreement surrounding Brexit and talk of a second Scottish referendum, the Union presents: 'This House Believes that the United Kingdom will not last'. You don't want to miss this 🤩
Link to our event on our page
Introducing the 2021/22 WDU Committee!!
Applications for the WDU 2021/22 Committee close at midnight tomorrow!
We have 5 roles open to apply for and you can apply for as many as you like no matter your degree or year.
Use this link to apply:
Warwick Debating Union 2021/22 Committee Application Form Warwick Debating Union is recruiting its 2021/22 Committee to help organise public forum debates and events on a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of speakers. We're looking for outgoing and creative people to get involved and contribute to our growing presence within Warwick. There are rol...
Applications for the 2021/22 Committee close this Sunday!
We have five positions open and you can apply to multiple roles if you wish. Contact the Chair Niall Hawkins.
Use this link to apply:
Recruitment for the 2021/22 Committee is now open!!
Please use the form below to apply for a role in the fantastic WDU Committee. In the coming year we are planning lots of exciting debates and other events and will require a hardworking and dedicated team to help organise them!
There are a range of roles that are open to apply for:
Speaker Team Member
Publicity Officer(s)
Events Manager(s)
Sponsorship Officer
If you have any questions please contact the Chair Niall Hawkins via social media or email at [Email address hidden], or message the WDU Fb page.
The Deadline for applications is Sunday 11th April at midnight.
Good luck!
Warwick Debating Union 2021/22 Committee Application Form Warwick Debating Union is recruiting its 2021/22 Committee to help organise public forum debates and events on a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of speakers. We're looking for outgoing and creative people to get involved and contribute to our growing presence within Warwick. There are rol...
Applications for our 2021/22 Committee are still open and don't close until 11th April at midnight!
Use the form below to apply to one or multiple positions and contact Niall Hawkins if you have any questions :)
Warwick Debating Union 2021/22 Committee Application Form Warwick Debating Union is recruiting its 2021/22 Committee to help organise public forum debates and events on a wide variety of topics with a wide variety of speakers. We're looking for outgoing and creative people to get involved and contribute to our growing presence within Warwick. There are rol...
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Warwick Student Union, Gibbet Hill Road
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Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University Of Warwick
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Official page for the Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick.
A group of like-minded individuals who like rock music (of all genres and eras) and a drink. We also offer jam/rehearsal sessions for people looking to play.
Between Old And New Rootes
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The world of work is difficult to understand and even harder to get involved. This group will be a front for all career based information for Economics. There will be updates about key events and advice along the way.
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Media and Communication is a BA Hons degree course at Coventry University. Find us on Twitter @MediaComCov, or google MediaComCov to find more of us.