For current, prospective and former MSc e-Business Management students at WMG, University of Warwick
Operating as usual

And this is why we love Autumn on Campus


Our very own welcoming the new students.

Warwick campus.

Kenilworth Food Festival

on tour

Spring is coming

Join Dr. Michael Mortenson and Liping Zheng to find out more about the Digital and Data Science Specialism. 14.00 UK time Teams Live Event - no sign up required. https://bit.ly/eBM-DataScience

The second MSc e-Business Management Specialism Selection session is now available on the following (revised) link https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjMyN2Y3YjUtMjg3MC00MzFhLWExZWUtM2EzNzQ3ZGIzNWRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2209bacfbd-47ef-4465-9265-3546f2eaf6bc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f00aefc7-a23a-4869-8030-4debb464af65%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d
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FT MSc e-Business Management
Our MSc in e-Business Management is designed for people looking to operate effectively in the e-business environment and to manage or lead either the transformation of existing business processes or the creation of new e-business activity.
This degree will equip you with the techniques to manage the strategic development of e-business based organisations and appropriate e-business technologies. You’ll develop the skills and knowledge to evaluate, manage, and improve the operational functions of an organisation and to apply the concepts of systems integration to the design and development of products and services through market analysis.
With the exponential growth in e-Business activity worldwide, there is great demand for e-Business professionals who bring particular specialised knowledge and skills. This MSc, therefore, allows you to select from one of four specialisms (eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Digital and Data Science, and Digital Consultancy and Entrepreneurship) providing you with a deeper understanding of one of the key areas of e-Business deployments and tailoring your modules in line with your future career path.