An interesting article that all of the students I teach would agree with. Let’s hope for some good changes
GCSE English 'not fit for purpose'
Students should be taught a more diverse range of global texts and study things such as journalism, film, TV and computer games, according to a new report
We support lots of families in this situation
We find a lot of our learners do not know how to read times on analog clocks. We use lots of fun and engaging activities to teach this skill.
We screen for Irlen Syndrome
Learn science, maths, and English while having fun making sweets you can take home.
The importance of punctuation.
(Commas save lives)
We teach in the ways that our students learn. Happy children who are having fun learn quickly and grow in confidence
Think about tuition for September? Bookings are now being taken. Our groups only have 4 places so early booking is advisable.
Check out our website and book onto a workshop. The soap workshop will be making soap from scratch and taking it home in a handmade gift box.
I had a student say to me this week that one of her teachers told her there was no such thing as Irlen Syndrome. Here is a great video that explains what it is like to have Irlen Syndrome
Irlen Syndrome Sample Print Distortions
This video allows the viewer to experience Irlen Syndrome firsthand. Animated distortions help recreate what the printed page looks like for many individuals...
Taking time for yourself is very important.
Children often arrive for tuition thinking that maths has to be solved using specific methods. They are so pleased when we banish this myth and teach them in a way they understand.