Happy New Year to you all!
Huge congratulations to our fabulous PTFA Treasurer, Lisa Haythorne, for being awarded an MBE in this years King’s New Years Honours list!! How amazing is that? What an achievement and well deserved too.
Well done Lisa! We are all super proud of you!
'It’s amazing to be recognised for a job I love helping the community where I live' says Chesterfield solicitor
*Christmas Raffle & Santa in School*
Thank you to those who donated prizes to the school Christmas Raffle and those of you who bought and sold tickets.
We raised an incredible £1,883 (not sure where the odd amount came from! 😆)
All winners have been contacted, which was a great job to do.
We hope the children enjoyed Santa in school and had a fabulous time. We certainly did and it was a great success, we raised a whopping £4,875.48 (costs do need to be deducted)
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It couldn’t be done without your help and support.
Merry Christmas to you all.
The children weren’t the only ones to get a gift today! Santa was very touched to receive this beautifully coloured in picture from Nora. 🥰 It made his day.
How very kind, sweet and thoughtful! 🥰🥰
A few photos of some of our volunteers and stalls at the very start of the day!
We’re all set up for Santa in school
We’re so excited!!! It’s Santa in School tomorrow!! 🎅🏼🎅🏼🎄🎄
“Just a reminder that the Santa in school donation and order form need to be in Friday 13th December. ‘
Don’t forget!! Last chance to purchase your child’s Christmas design on cards, wrapping paper etc.
Just a reminder, this is your last weekend to order any products with your child’s Christmas design on.
The shop will close Monday 25th November at 12 noon.
This weekend, why not sit down with a cuppa and have a look at what personalised Christmas presents you can buy? ☕️🫖
Would hate for anyone to miss out and be disappointed!
This is one of our favourite events!
We are so looking forward it.
Please find information below and you should be getting order forms via your child’s book bag soon.
Another Rag Bag collection made and £36 to go to the PTFA School funds. Since having the textile recycling bin installed earlier this year, you have helped raise £117 so far, just by donating your old textiles. Thank you!
Just another way of helping to raise money without having to spend any.
The Asda Rewards Cashpot for St Mary’s is getting bigger!
Thank you to those of you who have signed up. We’ve got 67 days left to increase the amount- so ask your family and friends to sign up, it won’t cost them anything to do so. We get £1 for everyone who signs up, so it’s a win win! 🙌🏼