Finally recieved my certificate. I have several autistic students (and friends) and its nice to have a better understanding which helps me to provide lessons for those with neurodiversities...
Driving lessons (manual) available with ADI Jennie in Camberley, Surrey and surrounding areas.
Operating as usual
Finally recieved my certificate. I have several autistic students (and friends) and its nice to have a better understanding which helps me to provide lessons for those with neurodiversities...
This morning, the lovely Willow passed her driving test at Farnborough Driving Test Centre. A fantastic drive with only 2 minor driving faults. Your hard work and practise paid off!! Stay safe on the roads, see you out there!!
Sadly, I'm seeing a lot of posts about learner drivers tolerating poor behaviour from their instructors. Here's my advice.....
You are paying my wages. You deserve to be respected during lessons and spoken to appropriately. Your instructor is there to teach you, guide you and help you through your learning journey. If you are made to feel uncomfortable, say something. If not face to face at the time, then put it in writing..... this is a better option anyway.
It is illegal for a supervising driver (including friends or family) to be on their mobile phone or handheld device during any lesson or any private practise and if caught, they will face a fine and points on their license.
Do not be afraid to report an instructor if you have any concerns over an abusive or questionable instructor.
Congratulations to the lovely Erin who passed her driving test this morning at Farnborough Driving Test Centre. A lovely drive and a first time pass with only 3 driving faults! Well done Erin, stay safe on the roads!! 🥳👍🏻
Tip of the day: avoid splashing pedestrians, it could get you 3 points on your license and upto £5000 fine!
So this week... this happened!!! The lovely Josie passed her driving test at Farnborough Driving Test Centre with a clean sheet!!!! Not a single fault. Well done, you worked so hard for this one. Congrats and stay safe on the roads... see you out there!!
Know your traffic light signals... see below for what the combinations mean.
Remember: at pedestrian crossings if the flashing Amber light is on, you must wait for the road to be clear of pedestrians before proceeding through, they must be fully off of the road to drive through even if they are on the other side of the road you must wait until both feet are on the path.
**LIMITED OFFER** 4-6 Hour intensive driving session only available until the end of May 2024. Suitable for: pre-test assessment/mock test followed by instruction, manoevres session, motorway lesson, confidence building, FLH refresher course.
👉🏻 Reduced rates
👉🏻 Flexible start and finish time
👉🏻 Calm and patient female instructor
👉🏻 Mondays and Thursdays only
When waiting at temporary traffic lights you need to pull up to the sign that says wait here. These lights usually have sensors that detect the traffic so that if one way has no traffic, the other way will stay green to keep the flow of traffic moving. Recently I sat in a queue of cars on Fernhill Road in Farnborough for approximately 10 minutes. We saw traffic come through the light, followed by nothing, still we waited and then more cars came from the other way. After pulling into a drive way and taking a little walk, I discovered the leas car had left approximately 4 car lengths to wait rather than pull up to the sign. After a quick chat educating the lead carn who was most grateful, he moved up and the traffic lights finally went green!! Remember, at lights, pull up to the white line or the wait here sign!!
Yesterday morning it was another first time past for the lovely Louisa. A fantastic drive and great constructive comments from the examiner. Congratulation on graduating Class of 2024. Look forward to seeing you on the roads! Stay safe out there!
Joining class of 2024 is the lovely Victoria who passed her driving test this morning at Farnborough Driving Test Centre with only 3 minors. Some great constructive feedback from the examiner!! Congratulations Tori, I look forward to having coffee with you next week!! X
I’ve been told a few times my job is easy….
All I do is sit and tell ppl where to turn blah blah blah…..
Ok let me enlighten you a little.
I had to take 3 tests before I was recognised as a driving instructor.
I have to deal with pupils who….
Cry, laugh when they’ve nearly killed us, don’t bother coming our for their lesson, cancel as I’m pulling up outside their house or go AWOL for weeks then expect their space to still be there when there ready to start back up !
But still I smile and carry on.
I have to deal with parents asking why it’s taking so long, booking tests without asking if their child is any where near ready and then expecting me to just let them “have a go”
But still I smile and carry on.
I have to deal with other drivers putting my pupils under pressure, doing dangerous manoeuvres around my pupils, while I’ve got to keep the pupil calm.
But still I smile and carry on.
I have to adapt each lesson to suit each pupil.
Some get stressed when they can’t grasp something, others just give up, some just don’t understand…. I have to think and find another way to get it across so they understand
But still I smile and carry on.
I have pupils with anxiety, ADHD, physical disabilities, mental disability’s and a whole other range of conditions…. But I do everything I can to help them and adapt.
But still I smile and carry on.
That is just a snippet of what a driving instructor has to do to do their job!
Could you explain how and why you do EVERYTHING you do when you’re driving? Right down to the smallest detail? Miss that tiny little thing out that’s the difference between them understanding and not!
So before you tell me job is easy ask yourself could you do it? Could you stay calm when an over bearing parent is giving it you large?
Could you stay calm when the pupil doesn’t stop the car and you have to have the reactions of Jackie Chan to keep you and everyone else around you safe ?
When you've pulled up to pick a pupil up after getting up extra early to accommodate them for that lesson then they cancel last minute and you could’ve stayed in bed an extra hour.
All these things are a thing in our world and plenty of other things too.
But still I smile and carry on because when that 1 pupil passes and you see that smile, tears of joy, you get that text saying they got a new job because they needed to drive to be able to take that job…. I know I make a difference to ppls lives…. So I smile and carry on….
My job is no where near easy.
This morning at Farnborough Driving Test Centre the lovely Erin gained her Full Drivers Licence. Worth the early start and a well deserved pass with only 2 minors!!! I will miss our lessons and look forward to seeing you on the roads! Stay safe on those roads! Congratulations Erin 🎊 👏🏻 🚗
This afternoon young Jamie gained his full drivers licence at Guildford Driving Test Centre. Not only his first attempt but only 2 minors was a fantastic result! Keep up those good skills. Well done!! A great drive!!
Welcome to class of 2024 Emily!! A fantastic drive at Farnborough Driving Test Centre this morning and a first time pass with only 2 minor driving faults!! You did yourself proud this morning. Congratulations 🎊 👏🏻
After such an early start Cassius did himself proud today! A first time pass following an excellent drive. Congratulations mate. Stay safe on the roads 🥳👏🏻
It's been a hectic week... so much so that I forgot to share the lovely Amelia's fantastic Friday driving test with a pass and only 3 minors. She has worked so hard at her driving and been such good company in the car!
Congratulations Amelia and I'm so sorry its late!!! Welcome to the Class of 2024!! Stay safe on the roads! 😊
Excellent advice!!!
Before anyone makes the decision to learn to drive, please consider the following points that I’m about to make.
1; You are learning to operate a machine that if used or operated incorrectly, or irresponsibly, can result in serious injury or, even worse, fatality.
2; Your learning process will not be simple, quick or cheap. The co-ordination and spatial awareness takes time to develop - particularly to a point where it becomes second nature.
3; As the driver you are legally responsible for the vehicle, yourself and equally responsible for the safety of others. Being a learner driver doesn’t excuse you of these responsibilities - nor does it make you immune from prosecution if laws are broken.
4; The importance of knowing your subject matter should not be underestimated or taken lightly.The theory test isn’t just an obstacle on the way to your practical test.Revise thoroughly and aim to pass with the highest score possible.The more knowledge that you learn and retain can potentially make a massive difference to all round safety.
5: We are all individuals who learn at different rates. Friends or family may have reached the standard more quickly, but don’t treat the learning process as a competition. Equally, guard against becoming demoralised if you’re taking longer to learn than you thought. Don’t let pride get in the way of safety.
6; Always listen to your Instructor and take on board their advice. An Instructor’s advice is more likely to be correct and up to date than that of friends or family - no matter how well meaning. Your Instructor is also the best person to advise you when you’re ready to take a test.
7; When you have passed your test please remember that a test pass means that you’re safe enough to continue learning on your own. It takes years of experience to become a truly good driver, so never assume that you’re the finished article.
We never stop learning, nor should you.
It's finally here!!! I'm delighted to say its back to studying with Lincoln College... I have a couple of autistic students learning with me.... as they are both doing so well with their own learning and the determination I see each week from them, I thought what better way to compliment them with a better understanding myself of their needs. In turn, I hope this helps me to improve upon my own skills to become a better teacher to these wonderful people.
Headlights are not just there to help you see when it gets dark. They are there so that you can be seen when the light starts to fade. Watch other cars and if most have their lights on, you should probably turn yours on too!
And so Class of 2024 kicks off with a lovely drive this afternoon from the lovely Nerys. Not only a first time pass, but at Basingstoke Driving Test Centre so all new roads. Well done Nerys 👏🏻
Last test of 2023 at Farnborough Driving Test Centre yesterday and a fantastic pass for young Becca!! After arriving with a brakelight out and being told we couldn't do the test we have to give a bit shout out to Kwik Fit for bending over backwards to replace it within 5 minutes and also to the test centre for still allowing us to go ahead despite being a little late, we were delighted with the pass!! Well done!! Stay safe on the roads. Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄
Another first time pass!! Huge congratulations to Boston on a super drive at Chertsey Driving Test Centre
Well done, safe driving 🚗
Are you test ready?
As driving instructors we can only advise people about their readiness to take a test!
You may think you are driving well when the instructor is:
Telling you when to change gear!
Asking you what the speed limit is!
Talking you through every manoeuvre!
Telling you which lane to be in!
Reminding you which exit to come off of on a roundabout because you forget!
Helping you when you can’t workout if there is enough space for you to get your car through!
If all or any of the above apply to you, then you are not test ready!
When the door shuts and it’s just you and the examiner, the car is the loneliest place to be, when you make a mistake and your brain goes to mush it’s the worst feeling ever!
Remember those family and friends who urge you to just have a go for the experience, aren’t the ones having to go through it, people have very selective memory’s when it comes to driving and tests!
Ask anyone who has failed a test if it was a nice experience!
Remember it’s YOU doing the test, no one else, no phone to google answers, no help from anyone else just YOU!
If you are up to standard, you will still be nervous, but you won’t be doubtful of your ability!
Go look in the mirror and have a straight talk with yourself!
This is a skill for life.
It saves YOUR life and other road users life.
The big question is.......
Would you take an A level if you hadn’t studied enough and then expect to pass it?
Thanks for reading. Have a serious think .....
Welcome to the first time pass club Sophie. A fantastic drive at Farnborough Driving Test Centre with some lovely comments from the examiner! Happy driving, stay safe. Our lessons were always fun, I will miss you! Congratulations 🎊 👏🏻
This afternoon, the lovely Kacey gained her driving licence with a fantastic Driving Test at Farnborough Driving Test Centre. Lovely comments from the Examiner who praised us both for the work we put in.
With the help of diligent home practise (credit to Mum and Dad here) Kacey managed to pass with ZERO driving faults on her first attempt with only 24 hours of tuition over 3 months. Just goes to show how helpful it can be to practise as much as you can outside of lessons!
Congratulations on passing your test today!! See you on the roads, stay safe and carry on being the awesome person that you are!!
Rule 125 of The Highway Code is about speed limits ⚠️
It states:
👉 The speed limit is the absolute maximum and does not mean it is safe to drive at that speed irrespective of conditions.
👉 Unsafe speed increases the chances of causing a collision (or being unable to avoid one) and its severity.
👉 Inappropriate speeds are also intimidating, deterring people from walking, cycling or riding horses.
👉 Driving at speeds too fast for the road and traffic conditions is dangerous.
You should always reduce your speed when:
🛣️ The road layout or condition presents hazards, such as bends
🚶♂️ Sharing the road with pedestrians, particularly children, older adults or disabled people, cyclists and horse riders, horse drawn vehicles and motorcyclists
🌧️ Weather conditions make it safer to do so
🌙 Driving at night as it is more difficult to see other road users
Read all The Highway Code rules online, for free: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code
Errrrr... anyone else? 🙈🤣
Monday | 9am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 6pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 6pm |
Thursday | 9am - 6pm |
Friday | 10am - 4pm |
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