One week to go to our part-time Law webinar. This inspiring event will help you decide if studying with us one evening a week could be right for you. Gaining LLB Law can help you in your current career or help you start something better. Our staff and students will share their experiences and answer all your questions. Register now
Part-time Law Degree (LLB) Showcase Evening | University of Buckingham
The Law School is holding a virtual showcase evening for the Part-time Law Degree Programme (LLB). You can hear from current academic and students, as well as learning how a law degree can be achieved in four years with our part-time degree.
Helen used the Part-time Law degree to kickstart her career. Watch this clip https://youtu.be/jGiYTJYxDNs and book a place on our showcase webinar to see what it can do for you https://bit.ly/3DqhcqT
Helen Gardener 3
Join us at this annual Part-time Law webinar to find out whether studying with us for an LLB Law degree one evening a week would suit you. During our online showcase you will hear from current students and Alumni as well as our academic staff. We will cover how to combine study with your existing work/home responsibilities, how to gain work experience along the way and complete this part-time degree over 4 years. Sign up now https://bit.ly/3DqhcqT
Atiba explains how The University of Buckingham offers all the support you need while studying Part-time https://youtu.be/st7oIWj7kmI. The Part-time LLB law programme is offered one evening a week for 4 years, so you can continue to keep up with working full-time and other commitments. This programme starts in September and is a great way to study and enhance your career prospects. Learn more at our 16th May online showcase https://bit.ly/3DqhcqT
Atiba Millington
Save the date and join us for our informative UG Law showcase webinar event on Tuesday 16th May. During the webinar, you will have the chance to hear from lecturers who teach on the programme, as well as current students and graduates. The graduates will describe the impact gaining a law degree by part-time study with Buckingham Law School has had on their careers and lives, and there will be a chance to ask questions to the panel. To register
Part-time Law Degree (LLB) Showcase Evening | University of Buckingham
The Law School is holding a virtual showcase evening for the Part-time Law Degree Programme (LLB). You can hear from current academic and students, as well as learning how a law degree can be achieved in four years with our part-time degree.
Lauren's journey to employment in a FTSE 100 company started with studying part-time Law at The University of Buckingham https://buff.ly/3ypq5jZ. She explains how the LLB law degree can set you on a path to a wealth of careers other than solicitor or barrister. Why not consider joining the part-time Law programme this September. Learn more to see how this degree could kickstart your career by joining our showcase on 16th May. Book now https://bit.ly/3DqhcqT
Lauren House
Join our evening Part-time Law showcase on 16th May at 7pm. This is an opportunity for prospective students to see how by studying one evening a week, they can gain a law degree in just four years. Meet staff, students and alumni as they share their experiences to see if studying part-time could be right for you. Register now
Part-time Law Degree (LLB) Showcase Evening | University of Buckingham
The Law School is holding a virtual showcase evening for the Part-time Law Degree Programme (LLB). You can hear from current academic and students, as well as learning how a law degree can be achieved in four years with our part-time degree.
The Law School at The University of Buckingham was delighted to host the Honourable Justice Muhammad Imman Ali yesterday. Ahead of his evening Fireside talk, Professor Harin Sellahewa showcased recent developments to the Verney Park campus including the Franciscan Library and work of robotics at the School of Computing. Later the Hon. Justice Ali shared his thoughts on "The Role of Judges Ensuring the Rights of Women & Children" with the Vice Chancellor, Professor James Tooley at the public event, free for all students, staff and members of the local community in Buckingham. https://www.buckingham.ac.uk/student-life/things-to-do/fireside-chats/
It's not too late to book. Join us on Wednesday 26th October to experience a mini-lecture and tutorial for yourself. It's a great way to see if studying law is right for you. You will have the opportunity to meet our teaching staff and current students and find out firsthand more about studying law as well as the wide variety of employment roles open to those with LLB Law. Book now https://bit.ly/3wWIXFS
With September start dates in 2023/24, join us to experience our close-knit university. It's a great way to see if studying in small groups is right for you. Meet our dedicated teaching staff and current students and find out more. Book now https://bit.ly/3cYHXK8
Join our Open day and find out more about studying in small groups with dedicated lecturers who really get to know our students. Our students will be able to share their experience of supportive teaching while studying . Book now https://buff.ly/3KY2lYk
One week to go, so don't miss out. Join our Law Taster at 1.30pm on 26th October and find out more about studying in small groups with dedicated lecturers who really get to know our students. Our students will be able to share their experience and the support they receive while studying LLB Law in at The University of Buckingham Book now https://bit.ly/3wWIXFS
With September start dates in 2023/24 for part-time Law, join us to experience our close-knit university. It's a great way to see if studying in small groups is right for you. Meet our dedicated teaching staff and current students and find out more. Book now https://buff.ly/3KY2lYk
Join our Open day and find out more about studying in small groups with dedicated lecturers who really get to know our students. Our students will be able to share their experience of supportive teaching while studying . Book now https://buff.ly/3KY2lYk
It's not too late to book. Join us to experience a mini-lecture and tutorial for yourself. It's a great way to see if studying law is right for you. You will have the opportunity to meet our teaching staff and current students and find out firsthand more about studying law as well as the wide variety of employment roles open to those with LLB Law. Book now https://bit.ly/3wWIXFS
Join us to experience all that a small, close-knit university has to offer. You will have the opportunity to meet our dedicated teaching staff and current students and find out more about studying for law degrees full or part-time. Book now https://bit.ly/3cYHXK8
Join us to experience all that a small, close-knit university has to offer. You will have the opportunity to meet our dedicated teaching staff and current students and find out more about studying for law degrees full or part-time. Book now https://buff.ly/3KY2lYk
A must for anyone considering studying in 2023/24. Join us to experience our close-knit university. It's a great way to see if studying in small groups is right for you. Meet our teaching staff and current students and find out more. Book now https://bit.ly/3cYHXK8
Join our Law Taster at 1.30pm on 26th October and find out more about studying in small groups with dedicated lecturers who really get to know our students. Our students will be able to share their experience and the support they receive while studying LLB Law at The University of Buckingham.
LLB is offered both full-time and part-time. Book now https://bit.ly/3wWIXFS
A must for anyone considering studying LLB Law. Join us to experience a mini-lecture and tutorial for yourself. It's a great way to see if studying law is right for you. You will have the opportunity to meet our teaching staff and current students and find out firsthand more about studying law as well as the wide variety of employment roles open to those holding a LLB Law degree. Book now https://bit.ly/3wWIXFS
A must for anyone considering studying in 2023/24. Join us to experience our close-knit university. It's a great way to see if studying in small groups is right for you. Meet our teaching staff and current students and find out more. Book now https://buff.ly/3KY2lYk