This is my ultimate favourite parenting hack for little ones. A divider plate, they come in all shapes and sizes (trust me when I say we have tried and now have a number of them) but this is my favourite for lunches. Three sections so I can choose what goes where. The little ones can see exactly what is where and there is no upset from different foods touching. If you have a child who struggles with foods touching, mixing together or they don’t enjoy some items it is definitely worth giving these a try. It’s been a game changer in our house!
Littlest Star
Welcome to Littlest Star.
⭐️ Pregnancy Workshops
⭐️ Breastfeeding support
⭐️ Parenting Workshops
Operating as usual
An amazingly informative post from
How often did your baby feed over a 24 hour period when they were 1-6 months old? Comment below ⬇️
Parenting is HARD!
Helping your little ones is wonderful but can be STRESSFUL!
Knowing, planning and providing can be DIFFICULT!
But you are doing an amazing job, remember why you started!
Taking time for yourself is a NECESSITY not a luxury.
To be able to do all the things that you do, your cup can’t be empty!
This is me at a spa looking after myself. No I don’t do it weekly or monthly but I do it. It helps me to refill my cup as does going for a walk, meeting friends for lunch and many other things!
It is ok to look after yourself and put yourself first!!!!
Affirmation of the day.
Being a parent is amazing but at times it can be incredibly difficult.
Please know that I hear you and my inbox is always open for a chat if you ever want or need to!
Let’s all support eachother through our parenting journey!
Happy parents to be.
Here is child’s pose. This yoga pose is great for pure relaxation and calm. It can be performed at anytime (ideally from 14 weeks if you have not practiced yoga before).
N.b. Always checked with your midwife or consultant before undertaking any yoga. If you experience any pain or discomfort stop immediately and contact your medical professional to discuss before continuing.
What do you do to relax or power down as a parent?
We all know that ‘me time’ is essential to enable us to charge our batteries. It can be really hard to do it sometimes whether that’s because of other things that need to happen or because we feel bad about taking time out but how do we function with little/no charge left?
This year, I decided to read more. At the moment I am reading this book which I am thoroughly enjoying.
I would love to know what you do to relax or any good read recommendations ⬇️
ran a poll asking if babies woke and fed during the night and what ages the babies were.
These results just go to show that many babies wake during the night for both comfort and nutrition. It is an amazing representation to show that you are not alone!
Remember, different babies have different needs at different times throughout a 24 hour period but it is perfectly normal for a baby to wake during the night to have these needs met.
Before you start potty training your little one, find some fun books that are potty training or body related.
We love these I need a new bum books. There are funny and lots of fun to read. They are beautifully illustrated too.
Preparing little one for potty training using fun books is a great way to support them with their earlier understanding of what is to come.
How did you prepare/ are preparing your little one for potty training? Comment your top tips below ⬇️
Today we are celebrating a very special birthday in our house so may be a little quieter than usual. But please remember, our inbox is always open if you need advice, help or support 🥰
Sometimes you just need a (hot) drink and a reset. It is ok to feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed. All of your feelings are valid. Remember to be you! But if you do need some help or are feeling low remember there is lots of support out there!
My inbox here is always open for a chat 🥰
Happy everyone
Here is the incredible half lord of the fishes pose. It is fantastic for those experiencing side or back pain. Keep it in your toolkit for as and when you need it.
As always, check with your midwife or consultant that it is suitable for you to practice yoga while pregnant. If you experience any pain or discomfort during pregnancy, always consult with your medical team.
Happy Valentine’s Day
Remember, today is to feel loved and to love. There is no need for big extravagance, special craft for littles or treats. Do what makes you and your family happy. Celebrate if you choose to or not if you choose to.
Just know you are more than enough, you are loved and you are needed!
I saw this and couldn’t believe quite how true it is.
Which stage are you at? Comment below ⬇️
I’m number 2 with my smalls 🥰
Are you pregnant and struggling with PGP or SPD?
Why not try Goddess Pose, it is fantastic for the hips and back. Hold the pose for short periods of time throughout the day and you might well find that you quickly see a difference.
If you are concerned about PGP, SPD or other pregnancy related pain please contact your midwife or hospital maternity unit. Please check that your health professional is happy for you to practice yoga before trying any poses.
Funday Friday
What would yours be? Comment ⬇️
I’m really looking forward to coming to Buckingham Babes and Tots playgroup on Friday morning to chat all things potty training.
Why not come along?!
Poorly season is upon us. Those who have children in childcare and school here is an amazing visual to help assess whether or not to send them in.
📸NHS graphic
A bit of fun for a cold Friday morning.
This is my family pattern, what’s yours?
My top tip today is related. It can be used for both traditional weaning and .
Colour changing spoons, like these ones (that I personally love).
The colour of the spoon changes from bright to white if the food is too hot for your little one. The amount of time these helped me out was amazing. I thoroughly recommend them! Not an just a personal recommendation 🥰
⭐️ Parents of baby’s 4-6 months old ⭐️
Are you thinking about weaning your little one soon?
Feel like you don’t know where to start or if they are ready?
Want to know more about natural weaning?
I offer individual and group Natural Weaning sessions online on a day and at a time convenient to you.
During the workshop will find out all about:
- Natural Weaning
- Why weaning post 6 months of age is important
- Ages and stages of weaning
- Child led weaning
- Food being fun before a baby turns one
- Foods that are and aren’t suitable for different ages
1:1 workshops cost £50
Group workshops available (minimum number’s apply).
However, this workshop is discounted to £20 for 1:1 workshops if booked and scheduled before end of January 2024
Dm me to find out more or to book a workshop today.
This is an amazing image from showing a deep and a shallow latch.
What is your experience of deep and shallow latch?
If your baby had a shallow latch, were you able to correct it with support or was there an underlying reason such as a tongue tie?
I’d love to hear your stories below ⬇️
Breastfeeding a newborn is a very rewarding but also very tiring, I vividly remember the early days. Support from your ‘village’ is very important.
If you have already breastfed a newborn - what was the most helpful thing someone did to help you? Or a top tip you would give to someone who is breastfeeding a newborn / preparing to breastfeed?
My top tip - have a small bag to put everything in so you have only one thing (other than baby) to move from room to room. My bag had everything I needed - a bottle of water, a lip balm, my eczema cream etc.
Happy New Year 🥳
Did you track breastfeeding at any point during your breastfeeding journey?
Was this because you were a first time parent? (This was the reason I tracked it)
Were there concerns about baby’s weight?
Or was it something completely different?
How did you track? Did you have an app or like me a piece of paper?
I’d love to hear your comments / stories about tracking breastfeeding below ⬇️
Baby massage and reflexology have some many benefits for both little ones & you!
Here are some:
⭐️ help to relieve colic, wind, reflux and constipation.
⭐️ helps with sleep.
⭐️ teaches loving touch.
⭐️ promotes bonding between baby and parent.
Toilet training day 4 - day 9.
A lot has happened in the last 5 days. The first couple of days was Christmas Eve eve and Christmas Eve when we were preparing for Christmas Day.
Mr 3 did really well during this time. He seemed to be starting to recognise when he was needing the toilet a far time in advance at times, if he was wet and if he has started to do a poo. This meant there were a number of accidents but massive progress from the days before.
After this, we had two very busy days (Christmas and Boxing Day) with lots of visitors so while he was distracted he needed more prompting but accidents had continued to reduce.
The last few days have been brilliant, we have had very few accidents and when it happens he is able to tell us 99% of the time.
We have another week until he returns to preschool so I am hopeful that we will get down to accidents being few and far between before then.
Overall, I am pleased that we chose to toilet training Mr 3 during this break.
Over the weekend, I will do a list of my personal top tips for toilet training days 1-10.
I’m so sorry to anyone whos been following my youngest son’s toilet training progress. I know I haven’t posted for a number of days but tomorrow I will do an update as to how everything has been going particularly with the distractions around Christmas & crimbo limbo.
Day three toilet training.
Mr 3 got up this morning and put pants under his pjs once his nappy was taken off (yes we are still using nappies at night as it usually takes 6-12 months after being dry during the day for a child to be dry at night).
He had a number of accidents during the day but started to realise and either wanted to go to the toilet or when prompted (due to recognised cues) he would go.
He played with his toilet toys and we added a wind powered bubble machine which he loved to play with. This really helped.
When getting ready for bed this evening, he really wanted to go to the toilet and did a big wee and poo. He was very proud of himself as are we.
Tomorrow is day 4, let’s see how it goes!
Day two of toilet training.
Today has been a bit of a day, all honestly here 🥰.
Mr 3’s eczema has been playing up so his skin around his buttocks and the tops of his legs is pretty sore so he hasn’t wanted to go to the toilet and sit but also doesn’t want to have accidents.
He can become very upset when he has an accident (wee). He had three wees on the toilet and a couple of mini accidents that he finished on the toilet.
He also had a poo accident this morning where he hid as he forgot about going to the toilet 🙈. We went for a drive as I needed to collect something for Christmas eve and he went to the toilet before we went so there were no accidents on the drive and he also fell asleep with no accidents during his nap.
Overall, day two was as expected. He is starting to recognise earlier when he needs a wee on the toilet more but is still distracted so leaves it until the last minute and doesn’t always make it. On average he needs a wee every 1-2 hours depending on what he has eaten/drunk.
Tomorrow is day three and I’ll keep you updated.
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Buckingham, MK187RR
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