Today we searched for the bears in the long wavy grass. This activity enables children to use new tools to work on their small muscles in their hands. This develops strong muscles ready for writing. The children were able to use languages such as full, empty, lots, more. They also used number language to count up how many bears they had.
Magic Angels Nursery Ltd
Here at Magic Angels Nursery, we strive to make a happy environment, where everyone learns and enjoys
Operating as usual
The children recreated the story sequence using the figures and creating scene with the playdough...
The children used Corks to dab in paint and create their bear. This was a fantastic opportunity for children to recall and retell the story. This activity also got children using their small muscles in their hands to make marks. This develops early writing skills.
We love reading at our nursery. A book can open up a million doors for children to express and learn. This half term we are focusing on were going on abear hunt. One of our fav stories at nursery.

We have been celebrating graduation at nursery today for our school leavers... we will miss you lots but we know you will do amazing at your new school... we wish you lots of success and happiness.... well done for graduating!!!
Look how big our caterpillar are getting... the children are eager to see them change in to a butterfly
The children had lots fun exploring Slime. They used cutter to make shapes and lots of popping.
Sensory play is an important part of early learning and this activity enabled children to use touch, sound and smell to play and enjoy the Slime.

Have a look at some of the great art work!
Children have been busy creating ladybugs. They used red and black paint to colour the ladybug... The children discussed why the bugs have spots and what other colours ladybugs might come in.
We further talked about ladybugs being symmetrical and that if you count up the spots that tells us the age of the ladybug...
Today we used paint and pebbles to create our very own ladybugs... we even made up a new nursery rhyme.
I'm a little ladybug red and black... how many spots are on my back...2,4,6,8,10 (I'm a little teapot tune)
It's always fun to have a song with any activity we do.. enables children to learn new words, new rhymes and most of all have fun!
Reading is very important it provides children with knowledge to understand and talk about the world around them. Children learn new word, phrases and sentences.

We used pippets to squeeze small amounts of water for the cress.
Total focus and concentration

Today we have been busy planting cress at nursery...the children decorated the cups with a face.
We discussed what a seed is and what will the seed grow in to... we further talked about what we would use the cress for and we wondered what it would taste like....

The children have been busy exploring the great outdoors....
Lots mark making and lots of water play fun... now we hope we get the summer weather soon.
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Contact the school
Bradford, Victor Street
Opening Hours
Monday | 8:30am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 8:30am - 6pm |
Wednesday | 8:30am - 6pm |
Thursday | 8:30am - 6pm |
Friday | 8:30am - 6pm |