We have a new page!
Find us by searching ‘Canterbury Nursery School’ ❤️
Same wonderful school, just a new page 😊
Maintained Nursery School in Bradford, UK
Operating as usual
We have a new page!
Find us by searching ‘Canterbury Nursery School’ ❤️
Same wonderful school, just a new page 😊
Story and rhyme time is on every Monday at Canterbury Nursery School. To book please call 01274 730415
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you need to apply for their primary school place by 15 January 2024.
Apply online at https://www.bradford.gov.uk/education-and-skills/school-admissions/apply-for-a-place-at-one-of-bradford-districts-schools/
We look forward to welcoming you back tomorrow, Tuesday 2nd January.
For our new families your child’s key person will make contact on Tues or Weds to begin the settling process.
Today we say goodbye to Rachel! After years of hard work and dedication to all the children and families at Canterbury Nursery School.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the future and we look forward to hearing about your new journey.
From all the Staff, Parents and Children…we will truly miss you, good luck!
Yesterday we had our final session of Early words together, which is a programme to build parents confidence, support a positive home learning environment and develop supportive relationships .
The parents and children enjoyed a fun filled sessions with games, rhymes and stories to support their child further in literacy development .
The next programme is starting in January.
If your child is three and attends Canterbury nursery and you would be interested in attending the next programme, please speak to Shamaela
She’s back 🎄🎄🎄
Thank you to Kahla for the festive welcome this morning 🤶🏻
Today we said goodbye to Charlotte who has left to go and study to be a social worker, she will be greatly missed by all colleagues, children and families. We wish her the best of luck for the future.
Yesterday we held a stay and play to meet some of our new starters for January and we had a lovely time getting to know the children and their families.
It’s not too late to secure a place for January- please give us a call if you think your child is eligible for a place ☺️
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Facebook keeps hiding us 🥺 We don’t want anyone to miss out. We have nursery places for children age 2,3 & 4.
It was a delight to catch up with Naomi and the newest addition to her family, Demi! 👶🏼
SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT 📣 please share with your networks 🥰
Did you know we are now district-wide? YES that’s right we can offer our peer support and recovery work across Bradford 🙌🏼
How fantastic is that?
Early words together - Session four - Mark - Marking.
Aims - To understand how physical development is important for writing development
Babyevent 20.11.23 Better Start Bradford
We had a really fun morning at Early Words together this morning.
The focus of the group was on ‘naming & describing items’, recalling items from the book ‘Dear Zoo’ 🐪 & developing sound talk.
Please click on the link below to access any of the Early Words together resources.
Calling SEND parents. Please take five minutes to complete the - Annual SEND Parent/Carer Survey 2023.
Thank you!
Link in the comments
Today we began our first course of Early Words Together.
This morning we used our imagination to design boxes, played teddy says & read the story of Whatever Next.
Families were able to take home a range of different resources to continue learning at home.
“The home learning environment can have a positive impact on a child’s intellectual, social and emotional development”
Sylvia et al, (2004)
Our team of friendly Language and Speech Development workers are in the Bradford East area this afternoon at Nursery School and Centre for Children and Families .
If you are worried about your child’s speech development (aged 18 months to 4 years) and want to talk to someone about your concerns please drop in to our BHT Wise Owl language development advice drop in today to have a chat with us.
Find out more about support for speech and language and links to 'what your child should be doing now' by age on the FYI Bradford District website here:
Bradford East Family Hub
We would like to take this opportunity to say a massive well done to Claire, Antonia & Shamaela for successfully completing an Early Years Foundation Degree ✨
We are super proud of you all & we know that your studying will have a positive impact on the children & families you work with ♥️
✨Places available for January 2024 start
✨DM or ring 01274 574539 for further information
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Facebook keeps hiding us 🥺 We don’t want anyone to miss out. We have nursery places for children age 2,3 & 4.
If you are worried about your child’s speech, please drop in to the ‘ Benko ‘ building tomorrow between 1-2pm.
See the details below ⬇️
If you are concerned that your toddler may not be saying enough words, please come along to see us at one of our Wise Owl language development advice drop ins - the timetable for next week is in the image below.
Monday - Delph Hill Community Centre 1-2pm
Tuesday - Canterbury Nursery School and Centre for Children and Families 1-2pm
Friday - The Rainbow Children's Centre 9-10am
Delivered in Family Hub and community venues, our friendly team of dedicated Language Development Workers will be on hand to listen to your concerns, provide advice and support and signpost to relevant support services.
To find out more visit: BHT or contact us on 01274 730415.
We are delivering this project thanks to funding from Bradford's Start For Life and Family Hub programme.
Find out more about support for speech and language and links to 'what your child should be doing now' by age on the FYI Bradford District website here: https://loom.ly/iFI1THg
Something families might be interested in
⭐️At “Alike Minds” SEN Support Group this morning families made communication cards to be able to use with their children.
We also had special visit from the Toy library Bradford Inclusive Disability Service BIDS
We’ve been donated some specialist junior nappies.
If you’d like these please comment below and we will put them to one side.
Thank you ⭐️
See below ⬇️
There’s now extra financial support available with Universal Credit for childcare: https://ow.ly/rMyK50POoHx
⭐️Please can we ask all our local to BD5 followers to hit the share button below please ⬇️
please pop an emoji below if you can see this post.
Facebook keeps hiding us 🥺 We don’t want anyone to miss out. We have nursery places for children age 2,3 & 4.
If your child has begun nursery at the start of the September term,
we’d like you to complete a short “starting nursery ”questionnaire.
❓Your feedback is important to us!
These will be available this week in your child’s classroom with Charlotte 😊
Early years childcare from Birth - 5years
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Learn through play and nature at our exclusive nursery where possibilities are endless. OUTSTANDING
We are a charity supporting the social, intellectual and physical development of children.
We are thriving Primary School and Nursery on the edge of Bradford. Welcome to our Facebook Newsfeed
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