Temporary Closure of Midland Ancestors Family History Centre in the BMI building from 20 July until 2 Sept 2024
Closure of the Family History Centre is for 6 Weeks
Owing to the commencement of work associated with the re-furb of the BMI building, the Midland Ancestors Family History Centre will be closed from 20th July until 2nd Sept.
Photographs are now available to view of the Midland Ancestors Heritage Event held on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls via the link in the first comment.
Thank you to all those stallholders and visitors who showed their support.
With Balsall Heath Local History Society – I just got recognised as one of their top fans! 🎉
Did your ancestors serve in the Police Force or were they the other side of the law?
Today’s spotlight is on the West Midland Police Museum in Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham.
Volunteers from the museum will be exhibiting at Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Rd, Birmingham, B15 2UB.
Book your tickets for the history fair in the first comment. Did your ancestors serve in the Police Force or were they the other side of the law?
Today’s spotlight is on the West Midland Police Museum in Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham.
Volunteers from the museum will be exhibiting at Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Rd, Birmingham, B15 2UB.
Book your tickets for the history fair in the first comment.
Were your ancestors in the Steel Pen Trade? (Birmingham taught the world to write with its vast pen production.)
Today’s Spotlight is on the Pen Museum who are exhibiting at Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Rd, Birmingham, B15 2UB.
Book your tickets for the Fair in the first comment below.
Today's Spotlight is on D & P Military History – R.W.R who are attending the Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Rd, Birmingham, B15 2UB.
Link to purchase tickets is in the first comment
Today's Spotlight is on the Co-op History Group that is attending the Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2UB
The Co-op History Group was established over 25 years ago, and are a small and friendly group of enthusiasts that meets on the first Tuesday of every month at The Friends of the Earth, 54-57 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH.
The group are interested in all aspects of the Co-operative movement including retail, architectural, social, and political history. The group has attended many local history fairs where their displays are always well received and their monthly meetings have featured illustrated talks by some of their members and guests. Over the years we have visited many places of local interest and plan to do more in the future.
For further information contact: Member & Community Relations, Central England Co-operative.
[email protected]
Book your tickets for Sat 13 July here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/birmingham-local-family-history-fair-tickets-912172441327?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&_gl=1*m5okar*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTgwNzY1Nzg3Mi4xNzIwMDQ2OTk0*_ga_TQVES5V6SH*MTcyMDA0Njk5My4xLjAuMTcyMDA0Njk5My4wLjAuMA..
Spotlight on Balsall Heath Local History Society who will be attending the Birmingham Local & Family History Fair, Sat 13 July.
Balsall Heath Local History Society (BHLHS) was established in 1980 and since then has gone from strength to strength, aiming to foster links across different cultural and age groups by promoting and exploring local, community and family heritage. We undertake exhibitions; publications; heritage trails; oral history; and specific projects. Our base at The Old Print Works, Moseley Road houses a large collection of photographs, books and maps. Monthly speaker meetings are held at The Venture, Malvern Street B12 8NN.
Our current project is “The Lost Children”. This is the story of The Children’s Emigration Homes which were founded in 1872 in Highgate and took about 6000 children chiefly to Canada in the years to 1948. A Blue Plaque has been placed in St Luke’s Rd, Highgate this year. The Lost Children Exhibition is running at the Back to Backs until the end of October.
Heath Local History Society
Further reading and purchase your tickets to the history fair here 👇
Book your tickets via the link for the Birmingham Local History & Family History Fair on Sat 13 July @ King Edward VI High School for Girls, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UB
Localities and their histories are shaped in part by new arrivals bringing change and ultimately continuity as a social force. This week we bring you Izzy Mohammed’s From Bangladesh to Smethwick. Reference L 21.85 MOH
20-22 SEPTEMBER 2024
Liddiard Gathering 2024 – Aldbourne Wiltshire
The Liddiard Family History Society would like to invite you to our
next Liddiard gathering which will be held from 20th to 22nd
September 2024. If you have any Liddiard’s (of any spelling) in
your family, we would love to see you.
Bring out your family photos and anything Liddiard/ Lidiard/
Lyddiard/ Lydiard / Lediard and join us as we follow the family’s
journey from North Wiltshire to the six continents of the world.
Berkshire & Wiltshire Family History Societies & the Guild of OneName Studies will also be joining us.
For more information, please see our website.
Facebook: https://fb.me/e/5fc5a8dZ3
Or email us & RSVP [email protected]
Just some of the
activities planned:
Over 300 feet of
family trees will
be on display.
Tour of Aldbourne
and the Aldbourne
Photos & special
items of interest
8th Battalion, D Company, Royal Warwickshire Regiment men all from Dunlop, 1909
This we want to shine a light on Irish-born Sir Charles Haughton Rafter.
Appointed as Chief Constable of Birmingham in 1899, he is renowned for expanding the police force and tackling the notorious gangs of Birmingham.
What's more, he was a great advocate for women joining the force - employing our own Lock-Up matron, Evelyn Miles as one of the first female officers in Birmingham in 1917. Evelyn would go on to become the first female Sergeant in the West Midlands.
As part of his expansion of the force, Rafter began by recruiting police matrons to look after female prisoners, and then expanding this to female volunteers as part of Birmingham Parks police – a dedicated force patrolling the cities parks with the intent of tackling cases of indecent exposure and assault. Rafter was praised by the Royal Commission on Police Powers and Procedure for pioneering the appointment of women police constables – for Rafter it made perfect sense, as the evidence showed the preventative work of the women police and the protection they provided their male counterparts from some false accusations made by women in custody.
Dear all,
Dr Anthony Joseph
It is with great sadness that we now write to inform you of Anthony’s death. Following yesterday’s announcement of his decline, we received tens of messages wishing him health and peace, many with fond memories and anecdotes of time spent with him over the years. He was not able to verbally acknowledge how much these meant, but his demeanour changed positively as we read them out, and we are all incredibly grateful for your thoughts.
Details of Anthony’s funeral are dependent on obtaining the relevant paperwork to permit burial, made more challenging by the weekend. The service will take place at Witton Cemetery, likely at 2pm, on either Monday 5 February or Tuesday 6 February. Attendees will then be warmly invited to attend Singers Hill Synagogue for tea and coffee with prayers (Mincha and Ma’ariv) and a shiva. (Location details below)
We hope to announce the exact timing formally tomorrow and appreciate you bearing with us at this difficult time.
With all our love,
Mark, Simon, Rebecca, Harry, and Robin
Lovely man. Will be sadly missed.
Witton Cemetery, Warren Road, B44 8QG
Best Free Genealogy and Family History Websites
On these genealogy and family history websites, you can search databases of ancestor names and digitized records—and it’s all free.
Create your RootsTech schedule now! You can now go to the link to browse classes and create your in-person or online schedule for the three-day RootsTech 2024 conference. Which class are you most excited to attend?
Discover your Aussie roots! 🌏🇦🇺 Dive into the vibrant tapestry of Australian ancestry. From 1700s settlers to the 1800s pioneers, explore the journey that shaped your family’s story.
Click the link to unveil your heritage! https://www.familysearch.org/en/blog/learning-about-your-australian-ancestry?cid=SO-00038220
What’s the most fascinating story or tradition that echoes through your Australian or other family roots? Share the heritage that makes your family unique!
Sometimes we think that these inventions are quite modern, but this shows that some date back a century or more.
Midland Fan Co, Ltd, Aston Road, 1915
Mini Walking Tour: Eastgate Street
Join us as we take a gentle stroll along Eastgate Street to explore some fascinating local history.
Our winter edition of the Ancestor Magazine is out now. Why not join and get your own copy, along with access to our >1.6million name database and many other member benefits.
Did you know that there were 19 crimes that could have you sent (transported) to Australia (or other countries) back in the 19th century. Here’s the list:-
- Grand Larceny, theft above the value of one shilling
- Petty Larceny, theft under one shilling
- Buying or receiving Stolen Goods, Jewels and Plate……
- Stealing Lead, Iron or Copper, or buying or receiving
- Impersonating an Egyptian
- Stealing from Furnished Lodgings
- Setting fire to Underwood
- Stealing Letters. Advancing the Postage, and secreting the money
- Assault with an intent to Rob
- Stealing Fish from a Pond or River
- Stealing Roots Trees or Plants, or destroying them
- Bigamy, in certain cases
- Assaulting, Cutting or Burning clothes
- Counterfeiting the Copper Coin
- Clandestine Marriage
- Stealing a Shroud out of a Grave
- Waterman carrying too many passengers on the Thames, if any
- Incorrigible rogues who broke out of prison and persons reprieved
from Capital Punishment
- Embeuling Naval Stores
Full story in our Doncaster Ancestor brilliantly produced by our editor Jenny.
Ludgate Street, Tutbury, about 1910. A postcard view of Ludgate Street, Tutbury. The right hand side is recognisable today but the glassworks buildings on the left were demolished in 2007 and have been replaced sympathetically. The glassworks were built in 1836 by Henry Jackson and covered 12 acres. The Webbs, glassmakers from Amblecote, acquired the factory in 1906. The glassworks were run by G.H. Corbett and the company was named Webb Corbett. The company was taken over by Royal Doulton in 1969 and the works were closed in 1980. At its height the works employed 200 people. From the Roy Lewis postcard collection.
Research picture of the day. Norman font at Pershore Abbey. Photo courtesy of Rosemary Watson.
Office move signals exciting new era for Chamber
Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce this week began a new chapter in its 210-year history by moving into new premises at 54 Hagley Road in Edgbaston.
Great picture
George Ellison, Warstone Lane, 1916
(They moved to Wellhead Lane in the 1920's)
Lovely place to visit.
This week’s postcard features Coughton Court, the family seat of the Throckmortons. The property has connections to the Gunpowder Plot, having been leased to Sir Everard Digby, one of the conspirators, during its planning in 1605. The plot’s mastermind Robert Catesby was related to the Throckmortons, though they were never directly implicated in the conspiracy.
📸 Warwickshire County Record Office, PH0352/64/7
75th anniversary of the Windrush
On the 22nd of June we celebrate Windrush Day. This marks the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush in Tilbury, Essex in 1948 and the beginning of a period of immigration to England from the Commonwealth …
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