The Power of Play Dogs and cats play,even crocodiles play. Find out what animals are showing us about the benefits of goofing around.
Founder, Bryan Learning Centre
B.Ed (Science), Msc. (Psychology), PhD (Cognitive Psychology)
Operating as usual
The Power of Play Dogs and cats play,even crocodiles play. Find out what animals are showing us about the benefits of goofing around.
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex is a brain area strongly associated with emotions and cognition integration. ( Young & Koenigs, 2007).
Season's greetings from Liverpool John Moores University
12-year Yale study finds that people who read live longer than people who don’t The benefits of reading should not be understated, even when it comes to living a longer life. A new study finds that reading books in particular returns cognitive g*i...
Men may not ‘perceive’ domestic tasks as needing doing in the same way as women, philosophers argue By adding a gender dimension to the theory of “affordance perception” and applying it to the home, a new hypothesis may help answer questions of why women
Why telling kids to be grateful doesn't work—and what to try instead As hard as the pandemic has been for your children, it's probably been even harder for others. And yet, telling that to your kids won't help them feel grateful.
The Frustrated Researchers 👩🎓
How to Discipline Your Kids—Without Destroying Their Self Esteem You don't want to punish your kids—you just want them to start behaving better. As a clinical psychologist and mother of four, I'd like to share the magic of "soft criticism."
: Are you a high-achieving student looking to excel? Check out the Stamps Scholars Award at the University Of Missouri ()!
Stamps Scholars receive a four-year, full scholarship, plus an additional $16,000 USD academic and leadership development fund. Mizzou Stamps Scholars will also enroll in the Honors College for all four years.
Learn more about the application process ➡️ https://educationusa.state.gov/scholarships/stamps-scholars-award.
In the past winter semester 2021/2022, for the first time, more women studied at German higher education institutions than men: women accounted for 50.2 percent. 👩🏼🎓
Nevertheless, the so-called Gender Monitor, which examines the gender ratio at all career levels in the international university system, shows that there is still a "glass ceiling" for management positions. While the proportion of women among doctoral students and academic staff is still balanced, it has fallen to 29 and 20 percent in professorships and university management.
This means that there’s still a lot of potential for a more balanced ratio! Let’s see how the numbers will change in the coming years. ♀💪
We're currently hiring for a number of roles at the Embassy in Canberra and Consulate in Melbourne ➡️➡️➡️ au.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/jobs/
PhD student in the lab VS at a conference 😁
The psychology of your future self Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a phenomenon he calls the "end of history illusion," where we somehow imagine that the person we are right now is the person we'll be for the rest of time. Hint: that's not the case.
Are your kids stressed about family finances? Psychologists offer answers for addressing anxiety over tight budgets Financial strain can be hard on kids due to its effects on parents, but there are ways to help, backed up by decades of psychological research.
Jesse Ilhardt: How play helps a kid's brain grow A little bit of playtime can have big benefits for a child's developing brain, like a superfood -- but adult participation is a crucial ingredient for best results. Early-education leader Jesse Ilhardt makes the case for you to put down the phone, pick up the make-believe tea cup (or that blanket-su...