Butterflies symbolise transformation and growth. Every one unique. Different yet still beautiful and loved.
That is why these girls are so important to me.
We have supported each other through growth & healing and are always there at every step. They make me feel beautiful and loved, just as I am, and remind me that it's ok to be me.
We are all different in our own ways, but together, we have so much love 🦋
I am on the path.
It may not look how I expected,
I may not be where I thought I would by now,
But I am here.
And that is further than I was last year.
We don't always need to understand the why. Sometimes, we just need to feel the now.
***Photo taken at a Buddhist temple while on a walking meditation. A butterfly landed in front of me, where I found this white feather 🪶
"I feel like nothing I do is enough"
The words you tell yourself when you don't even realise you are struggling. When you're at your limit.
This is your call to give yourself a bloody break, and probably a cuddle, too!
You are doing enough. You are enough.
You are just overwhelmed.
But that's just mumlife, right?!
Keeping the house clean, making sure the laundry is done, tidying up all day long, catching up on work in the little time you've got, not even mentioning trying to actually spend some time with your kids and make their summer fun. Oh yeah, and having time to keep your own self together!
That's not even starting on the amount that goes on in our brains...bills, dinner, organising parties, school uniform, the cats vaccination, birthday planning, playdates, the endless mess inside the cupboards that need organising, posting wedding cards, replying to text messages.
.... I could go on!!
It's a lot. I know it seems like it's so easy for some women, but trust me when i say we are all dealing with things in our own way.
Even when you find yourself snapping every day, it's ok. You're doing your best simply by loving those little beasts.
You are working hard mama. You deserve a break. Even if it's just for 5 minutes...
As mum's, we put our babies first, always. But what if we didn't? What if you put yourself first, even for 5 minutes. Imagine how much that could alter your mind to help you cope with the day?!
Take yourself off for 5 minutes to just close your eyes and breathe. Not thinking about the kids or your to-do list, just simply switch off.
Put on an episode of Steve & Maggie, set your timer for 5 minutes, and breathe.
Take your time. One minute at a time, one task at a time.
Nobody is perfect. But we are perfect to our babies.
• Day 1 •
Not the first day 1, and certainly not the last. But right now it's day 1 of a new chapter...
A year ago I finally admitted I had depression. I have had many days since where I feel like I'm getting better, just to fall back down again.
When you're in it, for even a moment, it can feel like a lifetime. It's all consuming. Exhausting.
I'm so done with being that person.
This photo is the person I want to be, full of hope and gratitude. This was not taken today but rather on a weekend, surrounded by 2 of my favourite people, in one of my favourite places.
My heart was full, and my soul felt light.
It was the first time in way too long that I felt that, i felt like me.
I have fallen back too many times since then. I have wanted to give up , but i am so grateful for the people around me who have kept me going.
Finally, I'm feeling hopeful, I'm feeling motivated; and have done for more than just a day!
It's time to take action to heal my mind, to heal my body, to keep moving forward. I'm finally starting to feel myself, which normally means I let myself slip....not this time!!
It's taken me a long time, too long, to admit how low i let myself go...but life is not a straight road so why should I feel guilty?!
Ups and downs are expected, just as they are in our healing journey.
So this is it. Day 1 of me finally saying f**k it and holding myself accountable. To actually do the things that make me happy. More of what makes me, me.
Day 1 of letting go of doubt and guilt and creating space for happiness, compassion and peace.
I have spent the past year surviving. Now, it's time to move forward. To find me and learn to love every damn part.
Life will always be busy, but it will be more bareable if you make space for you.
Don't get it your own way.
I have been wanting to workout for weeks but we've been so busy, I just felt like I didn't have time. In reality, the thought of something else on my plate way just too much.
This morning I just thought f**k it, and I'm so glad I did!
Anyone that knows me knows I hate cardio. Today, I loved it!
I felt like I had finally shifting the stressed stagnant energy around me. Even though I was being climbed on, I felt calm for the first time in weeks!
It was so hard to get started. It was tough to do with 2 kids around. But I did it and it was SO worth it!!
Happy to all the amazing mamas out there!!
This year I don't want to talk about the tough is, because we know its f**king tough!
I want to use this day to remind you how much you are absolutely smashing it!!!
You created life. YOU.
Your body literally rearranged its organs to make space and nuture another person!!
You birthed them, you did the nap math, you sat up feeding for hours in the middle of the night, you nursed them when they were poorly, you encourage them at every step...
You changed your whole life to protect and provide for them. You do everything in your power to bring them a smile every damn day.
Above all else, you make them feel safe.
And look at them, they're damn cute!!
You did all this while recovering and healing yourself. Not to even mention everything else we carry through life...
YOU are the most important thing in their life. And you should be the most important thing in your own life too.
Looking after your mental health shouldn't be a luxury, it's a necessity!
Life is not what it used to be. Some days we grieve over our past selves, and others we are grateful for every moment...and that's ok!!
Take time to look after you too. You need it just as much as they do....and that just makes you even more of a ROCKSTAR!!! 🌟
Keeping it simple because everything doesn't have to be done all at once.
Easter holidays can be even more difficult when trying to fit time in for yourself. But just because you aren't keeping up with the same routine doesn't mean you can't still give yourself some love.
With working from home and being a mum of 2 it can feel a lot. Ive really been struggling with finding the balance and not letting everything take over (which it often does) But little things like this help me find calm even on the crazy.
With every stage of life we face new challenges. My focus is to simple be present and allow life to flow while we are still finding our own flow...
This journal from helps me be present by taking 5 minutes for me. I simply reflect on my intention for the day, note our plans for the day, finished with 1 thing I'm grateful for.
It isn't much but it brings me back down to reality, to focus. For me it's the reminder to be present, to stop and breathe instead of allowing overwhelm to take over.
I just need to remember to make it a habit!
I'm trying to , be a , heal my mind, reconnect with me, maintain friendships and my marriage. Its a lot, but it doesn't ALL need to be done ALL of the time.
Allow yourself time to adjust. You are an inspiration to your past self.
Reality of today -
Sometimes it feels like I'm doing all the things with no result. Constantly running through a giant to do list in my head that never ends. Forever in a state of trying to keep my head above water...
I really struggle with feeling overwhelmed so I try to stay as organised as I can, but as a mum that isn't always possible.
THIS is whatt keeps me motivated.
I don't want to be the stressed, angry mum every day; obv somedays, but not every day. I can see how much it affects them and I hate it!
When I make time for me I feel more in control. I'm calmer, I'm happier and just more grateful. Everything feels like it works well, even the bad falls into place.
When I skip me time, I very quickly feel like I'm drowning. Everything feels too much, then I start acting in ways I don't like which brings the inevitable spiral....
This was today.
We have had a lot to deal with lately. I know I'm doing my best to fit in but I also know it won't happen overnight.
Today was a day of everything going wrong, having too much to do, not enough time and cramming it all in anyway, then arguing with everyone about it because I'm stressed and letting every little thing tip me further and further.
In short, I felt like a failure.
I still have tons to do this evening. But instead of continuing to cram, I've decided to take 30mins for me. To eat my dinner in peace and breathe for 5 mins.
I know it doesn't sound like much, but just that short 20mins and I feel a little less shouty and a little more in control!
Mum life is f**king overwhelming whatever you have going on. Do what you need to do to find your happy in each day....no matter how small it might be some days.
Today, this is my self care.
Oh and I showered 🎊
What have you done for you today?
That's not to say I'm in a bad place at the minute, im simply busy and trying to be kind to myself.
I'm not pushing myself to do all the things every single day.
It's hard not to be all or nothing but that has lead me down the road of failure too many times.
My life is different now, our routine changes every day and I need to be patient with this.
I don't yet know how to fit everything id like into my day, and the pressure of having to do it all and get back to me becomes so much that I give up altogether.
Instead im doing what I can each day, one step at a time. No matter how small or simple, just one thing that's for me
Might be a day late but I can't let pass without mentioning my favourite 🌼
I am extremely lucky to have met some truly empowering women through my life, some of which I am so honoured to still hold so close. Women who loved me for me before I even knew who that was.
Women who inspire me to be brave every day.
It wasn't until Daisy that I finally started to take my friends advice and see what they had been seeing this whole time. Me.
I have experienced some of my lowest days since shes been in my life, but without her there is no way I would have survived.
Because of her, I am alive.
She has supported me in more ways than she will ever know and gives me the courage to be better every single day.
She reminds me that it wasn't all for nothing. The pain, the heartache, the doubt, all of it brought us to this exact moment right now.
I will never stop learning to be the best I can be. But not just for me, for her and Leo.
We are doing our best to teach our kids to be strong, kind, loving and confident in themselves, when really it's us that are learning the most
Give yourself some love this because....
♡ You have worked so hard to get to where you are right now. Be proud of yourself, celebrate every step!
♡ You bring happiness to those around you. Whether you know it or not, people around you have love for you and truly care.
One smile of yours has changed someone's day.
♡ You deserve to feel confident and happy from within. You work so hard to make sure everyone else is happy, you deserve to love yourself just as hard and give yourself the time you give to others.
♡ YOU ARE WORTHY - everyone is worthy of love, from ourselves and from others.
Love yourself first and everything will change 🖤
So desperate to move forward but stuck where he is.
Watching him today really made me think....
It's tough. It's frustrating. We know he will get there as he learns a little more and gets stronger each day.
But he doesn't know that. For him, he's been stuck his whole life. He knows he wants to change, but he doesnt know how yet. But does that stop him trying??
No. He simply keeps trying to figure it out along the way, trying something new each day. Sometimes it moves him a step forward, other times a step back...but he keeps going!!
I used to try a million things people would recommend to help me calm my mind, to feel happy in my own skin, to finally feel worthy of life; but very rarely did they work.
I would blame myself, telling myself I wasn't as good as them. When in reality, I just needed to find the right thing for me.
I became a life coach to help other women find what works for them and to guide them to a life of self belief and confidence from within....without the constant searching just to feel more lost.
Healing is a tough and lonely road, having guidance and support makes it feel a little safer and happier.
Don't do it alone. Message me today 🤍
The biggest result is feeling less like a sausage roll in my jeans!!
21 days...spread over 28 days because, well, but im so excited to feeling a little stronger every day!
I can definitely see subtle differences in my before and after images, particularly in my stomach. But the best thing I noticed is less pain in my back when rocking Leo and more energy to play with Daisy.
I've still got a long way to go before my strength is back, but I'm feeling better every day.
It feels good to be doing something for me.
I love the ease of fitting 30mins in around my kids, and not having to fuss with finding child care or leaving the house.
Can't wait to start all over again tomorrow!! But this time, I will actually start eating a more balanced diet along side
Also....I need a tan 😅😅
Something I never thought would be said about me:
'Taylor loves a work out'
I used to HATE working out. I was always the one that made excuses to skip PE, I only ever exercised to count how many calories I could burn in the hope parts of me would disappear.
Once I started working out for her. Everything changed.
She gave me the motivation to start looking after myself, and set a good example while doing so.
I workout as a form of my self care.
To give me head space, to be strong enough to carry my children, to have rhe energy to play with them, and to feel my best through and through.
This week has been a tough one, with cutting back on breastfeeding has come a whole new load of hormones and emotions. I've not had the strength, the time or the head space for as much me time as ive needed.
Working out is something I can do for me, with my children around. It's the last thing I wanted to do, but the easiest way to boost my mood and feel like I've achieved something.
Knowing my children are watching me, gives me the motivation to be the best version of me. If I can learn to love myself, I can show them how to love themselves too. 🤍
Can someone please tell my head that?
I'm just hormonal! And very, very, VERY tired!
My head is constantly making up synarios and catastrophising everything to give myself a reason to feel s**t.
I'm allowed to have a s**t day because I simply feel like s**t, ok?!
The more you cling onto something to more you bring it into reality.
Notice it, feel it, let it flow and move tf on!!
New year doesnt have to mean new you.
Well, everyone changes each year but it doesnt have to be in Jan! Don't feel like you have to make new year resolutions!
This time of year can feel intense enough with Christmas, then reflecting over the past year, plus the overwhelm of what's to come...
Why not ease that pressure by simply choosing to be more patient with yourself?
If you find this time of year motivating, that's great! But if you just find it a challenge, that's ok too!
Winter is a time of rest. It's crazy to think that the flip of the calender can trigger us to change everything while the rest of the world rests...
The only time limits are those you place on yourself.
It's great to be self aware of areas you would like to change in your life, but true growth cannot be rushed. Change will come in exactly the right time it's meant for you. Not just because you hit 1st Jan...
If you set anything, do it for the year and not just for jan; think about how you want to feel by the end of the year. You will soon start seeing signs and opportunities to get you there
Love yourself first and the rest will fall into place 🤍
-love #2023
Merry Christmas from mine to yours!
Only just accepting Christmas has passed as we creep through Christmas limbo, dipping my toe into reality... still living on cheese and baileys for the forseeable though
I might not know who that is yet but I'm getting there....
Every day we wake up a new version of ourselves, so why do we spend so long getting back to 'myself'?
We change a little every day so of course our world is turned upside down after having kids. It would be strange if you were the same person!
Now is not the time to 'bounce back', it's an opportunity to discover an upgraded version of you.
The more uncomfortable you feel, the more growth & happiness awaits you.
Stop listening to those little thoughts in your head and take control of your life. There is no rush, there is no deadline. There is just you, taking one teenie step every day to connect to you and the rest will follow...
I know it's a scary road, and it can feel impossible at times, but it's a little less scary when you're not alone.
My inbox is always open for anyone feeling lost and overwhelmed with life right now.