Are you truly a professional?
We call ourselves professionals in our fields, but what does that really mean?
Is it about having the right qualifications? Years of experience?
Or is it something deeper?
Can professionalism exist without integrity, adaptability, or passion for one’s work?
Is it that, in the end, being a professional is less about what you have on your résumé and more about who you are when you show up every day? 🌟👤
Martina Põldvere / PCC, CPCC on LinkedIn: #skills #purpose #adaptility #growth #empathy #leadership
Are you truly a professional? We call ourselves professionals in our fields, but what does that really mean? Is it about having the right qualifications?…
Just got my hands on Terence Mauri's latest book, The Upside of Disruption: The Path to Leading and Thriving in the Unknown—a real game-changer for leaders! 📚✨
Martina Põldvere / PCC, CPCC on LinkedIn: #leadership #innovation #disruption #futureofwork #businessstrategy…
Just got my hands on Terence Mauri's latest book, The Upside of Disruption: The Path to Leading and Thriving in the Unknown—a real game-changer for leaders!…
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