A piece of Wisdom a day is a vitamin for Your heart and brain�
Operating as usual
And today….this way!❤️
Summer still 🤗🫶
“It’s so much more friendly with two.”
—Piglet (Winnie the Pooh)
Wıld strawberrıes 🥰
She saıd ıts ok to post 👌
One school is over and hopefully I could continue with a new school in autumn. Thanks god there is always so much to learn 🙏🏻😇🎉🎉🥳.
Finished my 100 km and got even more, For all the month i made more than 130 km and I m proud🤗 😇 of course its not a lot, but when you live such a fast paced life, every training you do becomes a great achievement.
Started to cut, but then decided to take a photo 👌😃 made by my student ‘s wife - cheesecake, absolutely delicious🫶 ty!❤️
Almost a hundred☝️ one more day 😄👌
A bit closer, but still not a 100 km 🧐 there is still time till June …
Dog-walk 🫶
Fast walk, - 27 km for today 👌🥳
Box-box 👌day!
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Contact the school
Opening Hours
Monday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Tuesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Wednesday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 17:00 |
Tallinn, 76403
Teadlik muutus viib tõhusamale tulemusele. See, kas see on rahulolutunne, mõni ambitsioonikas eesmärk, armastus, vabadus, jne, on sinu enda otsustada.
Olen Sinu isiklike rahaasjade teejuht. Annan individuaalset ja praktilist nõu, kuidas enda rahaasju korraldada nii, et Sinul oleks kontroll oma rahaasjade üle.
J. Köleri Tn 4-2a
Tallinn, 10150
Helping my clients achieve balance and fulfilment through self-validation and the pursuit of a healt
⚽ Tehnika- ja positsiooni spetsiifilised trennid ⚽ 📥 Tahad trenni teha? Kirjuta mulle 📥
Aitan Sul asuda teekonnale, tugeva keha ja tervisliku eluviisini.
Tallinn, 13522
Avasta telefonimüügi vägi! Aktiivne müük Sinu toodetele/teenustele läbi ülivõimsa “cold calls”.
Kõikidele muredele on lahendus! Energiaterapeut, alateadvuseterapeut, Life Coach, koduenergiaseadja.
Tallinn, 11214
I dig deep into how every body reacts to certain vibrations, how different shadows react to different sounds. And I will replace the shadow waves with power and light waves.
Ärkamise ruum on avatud kohalolu praktikutele, kes on enesearengu teel kõrges teadlikkuses.